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Messages - _Obi_Wan_

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Suggestions / Re: Pigchinko...ride u'r pig
« on: June 06, 2012, 05:26:11 pm »
oh man .....i was expecting like...1 reply on my post in a week,but this is awesome  :D and i'm glad more ppl are into this.
Wolfer210 my mind exact...another fun game and probably money earning by betting :-)
ANTIKOYKOY hold those saddles for now...we will see how this topic goes,if there will be enough good responses i will probably make arena no matter if saddles come to market or not (in that case it would be really great to have mod support with turnaments so that pigs dont get killed so we can reuse saddled ones :-) ).
Will be adding poll to this topic on what type of pigchinko people like more in few days when i see how many ppl are interested in pigchinko.The poll will be to choose what type of game u like more: normal scoring game or maybe one where u need to kill opponent untill just one player survive,perhaps even type where u collecting diamonds scattered across arena while ridding pig which u all know has random pathfinding AI :-)

Suggestions / Pigchinko...ride u'r pig
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:02:02 pm »
Well i searched suggestions and even tryed search option with word pigchinko and realized that noone proposed something like pigchinko....sure there is lot of arena,pvp,monster hunting ideas but noone wanted to make pigchinko arena (maybe i'm wrong cos i just browsed mostly through titles and arena titled topics so sorry if i missed someones idea)
I came to tought of making one such arena while i was breeding pigs for meat and since i got few of saddles from my underworld adventures in world i said to myself why not make pigchinko arena....now only problem is that there isnt lot of ppl who own a saddle for it,so my proposal would be to add saddles in market at some fair price (since noone would have interest in them except for pigchinko game) and by doing that allow us to make pigchinko arenas.
For start i could make such arena and provide pigs to players in there but only problem would be saddles which are preety hard to find (i found one in every 4-10 chests in abandoned mines....farmers,builders etc. in world cant find even one).
There would be entrance fee (mostly for final rewards) again at fair price for like maybe 50$ which would go to the winner of game (10players-50$ each=500$ final prize) now when making price for saddles one should have in mind that once saddled pig is killed saddle is gone but not if u get of pig without killing it :-).so can u add saddles in market for sake of fun game? ;D

P.S: Sorry for way too long text....i just wanted to put all i meaned in it  ;)

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis- For the new Member world
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:44:08 pm »
Just to say that while building underwater is much harder it will at the end be more epic city then one that's build with easyer way,cos there will always be someone who will come and say : OMG How did u do this....holly molly this is awesome....etc. And for normal one u could get reactions like: oh u build city and put water above..hm nice....so u didnt build underwater?
See what i mean  ;)
One of my favorite project in this category that i saw long time ago is http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/underwater-city-lumina-nocturnale-/ if u checking video just click your way to see good parts since it is kinda boring to watch full :P but it may give u some really cool ideas when u start building Atlantis,and i recomend maybe some drawings to be made before u start so all of ppl who will build know what to do.
P.S:Anyway that is just my thought ;)

Support / Re: login issues
« on: June 03, 2012, 04:37:38 am »
in my place weather just turn into sunny day after few days of raining,so i'l just grab my bike and off to hills :-)

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis- For the new Member world
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:26:52 pm »
i dont got much sand but if u need i'l craft glass starting from today so when u start building just msg me or post here and i'l be happy to give as much glass as u need so u can have mind occupied with building city......leave the resource problem to rest of us  ;)
There is fine amount of ppl who want to see Atlantis as big as can be and in it's full glory...besides i dont got much to do at my place but farming and occassional small renovation of my place........please make use of us who want to help arround the world and got nothing to loose with helping others  :)
P.S: i also digg lot of cobble so if u need stone,stonebricks i'l make from what i digg  ;)

"Crafting is what i do best since i got almoust unlimited supply of charcoal from my replanted forest" ;)

General Discussion / Re: Pumpkins and Melons
« on: June 02, 2012, 08:13:27 pm »
yea that is true it does get borring if u got like 2k of slices to craft into blocks but that is the time when i make myself a coffe put my chair into relaxing position and just clicking on bench window.......for me (maybe some of u also) its relaxing time ...no walking digging just one hand on mouse clicking while there is some series on tv........but i understand that for younger folks out there this can be frustraiting :-D.......and what to say boys and girls.....That is Minecraft way...just relax and enyoj the game  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Pumpkins and Melons
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:54:49 pm »
That reminds me about a minor annoyance that if fixed would be able to save lots of time when crafting melon blocks. Not being able to shift click slice stacks into a crafting area.  >:(
if by shift click u mean to turn 9x64 melon slices in single click to stack of melon blocks.....well did u try right click on first block that appears when u put 64 slices in craftbench...it gives u 64 melon blocks with that single right mouse click..  ;D
Sorry if that's not what u mean under shift click....my english understanding is good but not perfect  :-\

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:27:03 pm »
Sounds like he never did much with it, nor finished it.

This would be a much larger project than what he was talking about.
Yeap i  had bad luck with that one  :(....just make sure that noone build city over u'r Atlantis.As for breathing underwater...i made lot of air pocket underwater where i could stop for air (mostly just two blocks of dirt vertical and two pieces of ladders on blocks),it helps a lot but building underwater isnt easy,it takes lot of time and getting ppl to work on city would be fair start-considering size of it (alone would take century to build)
P.S: I really hope u make it happen and that noone ruin it with some above water build.Good Luck
(i wish to see atleast one huge underwater city with squid neighbours  ;D )
i'l try to donate or atleast gather resources when i'm online but since i got lot of work i cant spend much time in game  :(

General Discussion / Re: Unstackable Stacks
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:52:42 am »
if u got "far" or even "strad" i'l give up to 2000 (two thousand)  for one of those two :-)
but price is negotiable if necesary :-)

Projects and Creations / Re: JerichoRaze's Shop
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:48:46 am »
Hey Jericho i went to u'r shop several times and i couldnt find chest....did u put one where i can put free stuff,and btw i notice that in u'r shop spawn all signs with prices are gonne....are u closing shop or it's just temporary....if we dont see eachother in game reply here.
P.S: now i got 2 double chest full with hp potions and like 8 stacks of weat seed,few stacks of pumkin seeds and few of melon seeds.....also if needed i can make bread for giveaway....i've been sharing bread among ComputerGame and his friends last days :-)

General Discussion / Re: Pumpkins and Melons
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:33:40 am »
Basically playing Minecraft, which is why we're here anyway isn't it?
LOL yea we do play Mine-craft even my game way is more like Farm-craft and Build-craft  ;D
Selling iron or iron blocks does make a lot of money and my pumkin farm is just for constant money income.
recently i sold over 20 iron blocks witch i get just from digging resources for my place...so if u are building city,village or just a really huge private property and u mine stuff yourself u can found large ammounts of iron sometimes gold and even diamond ;) So i must agree with bantam also but farming isnt obsolete just and old fashion way to make money,like in RL where oil digging is more profitable then growing vegetables  ;D

P.S: Sorry for long reply....i like to write  :)

Projects and Creations / Re: JerichoRaze's Shop
« on: April 27, 2012, 08:19:31 am »
Well i got nice ammount of health potions and since they dont sale at all  :-\ i'l give u some and maybe u can give them away with purchases above 50 $ or something.....i still got pumkins so i'l stick to that old fashion slow money making :D ........and since my job dont allow me to play to much wheni i'm in game i'l just work on my place....so free seeds,potions and some other stuff u can give for free with purchases of something from your store.
Buissnes is slowing for u maybe cos of new traders i saw in last few days while playing.....try check prices at them and maybe lower yours on some items.
I notice that lot of players (when i'm online) are buying food..
Anyway if u gonna make event with free stuff i'l supply u with stuf i got a lot and have no use from them.I droped already potions and seeds at market so wth i can easily give those to u  ;)

P.S:Sorry for long reply i really like to write  ;D

Support / Re: Sphere manmade or natural
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:51:35 am »
Yea that was my first opinion until i saw posts from last year regarding those spheres...they had some issue with their appearance through world and they were fixing it so maybe it wasn fixed or this was just someone playing with world edit commands...anyway i aint touching it until mod or higher rank confirm what's this about,hope i'l catch one of them today in game to tell me if someone made it and can i remove it .....it doesnt bother me,just.......oh man it's really ugly ;D

Support / Sphere manmade or natural
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:52:41 am »
Hi boys and girl i saw that u had some sphere issue last year and i find out (i think) that u fixed that,but yesterday while digging and porting to digg place and back to home on one trip back home i saw sphere appeared next to my city...it's quite small one but u can see in screenshot i made that it has iron ore (which only game or mod can create),some coal ore,stone,grass,so my question is was it a bug,some sort of glitch in game or was one of mod/operator created it and finnaly if it's natural can i dismantle it.


Live map location:http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-3559/64/2467/max/0/0
And if someone can check who or what made it it would be very appreciated :)
I'l try to get mod there when i get back from work but if someone see and check please reply here.Thank you

Suggestions / Re: MELONS now $480 Really
« on: April 23, 2012, 07:27:05 am »
Build a city with apartments,few stores,get people in there,rent a place take over one shop,put salesman and gatherers in there,craft a lot and sell a lot........and in no time u'l be Richie Rich  ;D

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