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Messages - Interbane

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Projects and Creations / Re: Ziggurat - OPEN to Applicants
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:44:25 pm »
Residence Application Template

This thread is for those who would like to live here, take advantage of the amenities, help with community projects, and assist with petty tasks that I come up with. 

Answer the following questions:

In game name:

On Opticraft Since:

Coordinates of best build: 

Desired plot:

Projects and Creations / Ziggurat - OPEN to Applicants
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:41:20 pm »
The main structure is finished, all that is needed is the detail work and polish.   Before I provide screenshots, I’m opening up applications to people who are familiar with the project.  I will close applications on a whim.

Current Amenities:
NPC Village
5 community crafting hubs
Multiple full enchantment tables
Sheep of all colors
Pig, Cow, and Chicken farms
Sugar cane farm
Automatic Wheat farm
Manual giant mushroom farm
Manual zombie fight zone
Triple spider spawner(under construction)

Future Amenities:
Automatic melon/pumpkin/cocoa/cactus/vine farms
Brewing stations
Tree grove of each tree type
Slime farm(the chunk is marked, but unbuilt)
Mob grinder(non-spawner, darkness spawned)
Octopus grinder

Current Entertainment:
Safe falls to each crescent
Zombie pit fight area.
Hidden paths everywhere
Automatic arrow volley chicken coop
Integrated maze in top level
Hidden chests with good loot, dozens of them everywhere

Future entertainment:
Integrated roller coasters
Water slides
Fantastical spleef arena

MEMBERS:  I’ve defined specific build areas for members.  I will place additional signs and rope off the plots so they are easier to distinguish.  The build areas are around the perimeter of the inside, on ground level, as well as around the exterior in certain locations.  If your builds are good, I’ll promote you to VIP
Member Roster:

VIPs:  There are a few VIP’s already.  The list is below.  To acquire VIP status, show me something you’ve built.  If it’s good, I’ll give you the rank.  VIP members may build anywhere that isn’t already taken.  VIP members may also use the random housing I’ve built.
VIP Roster:

WORK. There are areas that are community projects. 

Catacombs - The first is the catacomb excavation.  Basically, the entire bedrock region is prepped to be excavated.  As it’s cleared, columns will be built, and a glass/lava floor will be laid.  This will extend out in all directions until it covers the entire region. 

Underwater area – There is slave labor that’s needed to clear water.  I will define the perimeter of various rooms, leaving it ready for clearing. 

Polish – The stone vertical walls around the depressed crescents have splotches of gravel/dirt/and cobblestone.  All this needs replaced with smooth stone.  The method is to scaffold upward with a dirt/cobble pillar and fix the wall, then destroy the scaffolding back down.

Navigation: Use “/home interbane go” to port to the top chamber.  Once there, read the signs.  They contain all necessary information to navigate the ziggurat.

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: July 23, 2012, 10:05:14 pm »
The infrastructure is mostly complete.  I will be accepting applications for residents very soon.  I'm currently sectioning off plots for VIP's and Members. 

I will have screenshots in the near future.  Go to /home interbane for a good outside view.

It is protected.  Anyone willing to snap some screenshots from up in the air for me?  I'm not even sure what the best angles are.  I also only have render distance set to about half. 

I'm harmonizing the ground transitions, so it's ready for housing and other farms.

The layer 40 crescent and center are already dug somehow.  So to keep the grind alive, the last crescent must be taken to layer 20 for full effect.  The section of rock between the lowest crescent and center will be hollowed and turned into apartments with a pimp view.  (Under the mushroom garden). 

Trade Central / Re: Diamond PickAxe Unbreaking 3 Efficiency 4
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:05:54 pm »

I'm waiting to build intricate stuff on the inside. 

It would help to know if it's declined or accepted so I know how to move forward.   

Projects and Creations / Re: Building Medival Style Buildings
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:39:56 pm »
I would like a medieval cottage at my second home location.  I'll supply everything.

What's the cost?

Trade Central / Re: Selling Efficieny 4 Unbreaking 3 Diamond Pick.
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:36:48 pm »
WOOT 10k

Edit - (I'm 7k, someone else is 8K, MrMr is 9k, I'm 10k).

We jumped into the future a few posts.

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:14:48 pm »
The second to last crescent is in the air now. 

Sircy's skull is now the Skull Vault, but will not be optimized until after a few weeks use to discern usage patterns. 

A donor wall is up inside the skull.

I'll be building fancy penthouse suites hanging from the netherbrick struts this week. 

The center is ready to be dug down to bedrrock.

The last crescent is ready for excavation as soon as the one Timothythe3rd is working on is finished. 

Safe falls are installed to 3 of the crescents and the center.  Near the center drop, there is a chest loaded with enchanted tools for diggers.

The chicken coop built by Aristodemes has an automatic egg dispensary, and a wall of arrow-loaded dispensers to kill large quantities of chickens at once.  All items drop down to a pickup area around the side of the building.  Eggs spawn continuously, and chicken meat/feathers when the lever is pulled.

General Discussion / (for deletion)
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:18:57 pm »
No illegitimate contests.

Projects and Creations / Re: Necrotic Ziggurat
« on: July 02, 2012, 05:54:09 pm »
I'll update the original post in this thread with progress. 

Project name:  Necro Ziggurat

Project location:   X:-550   Y:entire range   Z:2597    /home Interbane go

Contributors: Interbane(builder/miner), Sircy(builder/miner), MikeWeirauch(builder/miner), Pew1998(miner), Bantam2(42 sandstone), Scotty602AB(slavedriver), DeweyMeister(23 stacks nether brick),

Mayor: Interbane

Approximate dimensions: 250x250

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: The entire thing is a building, but it is unfinished.  Inside of the Ziggurat, there will be 5 fractal crescents at 5 different points on the y axis, each with a farm/house/theme.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The compass point terraces are partially complete, and I plan to build the inside at the same time as the outside, in cycles.  Natural light for building the interior is the motive to finish the quarter circle perimeter last.  Otherwise I'd need to constantly place torches while building.  

The home setpoint is at the top middle of the build, with a safe fall nearby, direcly underneath Sircy's massive skull build.  The safe fall goes to either sea level or bedrock, depending.  Each crescent will have a landing pad for a safe fall from above.  

The bottom will be inlaid redstone lamps in the shape of the nuke hazard sign, and accessible from each crescent by dropping down from above, toward the inner pentagram.  The hazard sign layer will be at Y axis 20, which also serves as the roof of the catacombs.  The catacombs are pillars supporting a roof of stone slabs, serving as the foundation.  It is the "vault" area of the build, accessible via safefall.  

Why should we grant this project protection?
-It will be fantastic when finished, but a single block of grief could cause deaths while building.  

-It will be incredibly detailed - I'm building it as a work of art.  The art of other players is also present already, such as Sircy.  

-There are many transcription "blocks" used as center points for the circles of the crescents that are tedious to place and audit for accuracy.  

-It would prevent future disputes due to anyone building within the area.  

I also plan to host a design competition for parts of the exterior.  I will frame a "slab" of the ziggurat in each quadrant, which will look like a massive cube of nether brick extruding from the wall.  The NWSE compass point sides will be blank canvasses for a design competition, using specified building materials(Sandstone/NetherBrick+Fence+Steps/Glowstone/Glass).  The winner will earn ownership of a crescent, and can rent it out as he/she wishes, or live in it.  

Trade Central / WTB Bulk Sandstone
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:57:16 pm »
I'm purchasing sandstone in bulk.  Minimum quantity will be 20 stacks.  I will pay higher than what you'd get at the AH, perhaps double.  I don't have the game open to check prices.  But obviously I won't pay as much as it costs at the AH, so somewhere between the two amounts. 

Offer expires in 2 weeks, I'll have collected enough myself by then. (July 14th)

Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:48:20 pm »
Zen, hit me up when you're on.  I have rail and will supply mats for the southern hub.  I think Mike wanted to build it, which is great. 

Projects and Creations / Re: Cora's Wonderland
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:44:57 pm »
It looks great.  Kudos. 

I'll drop some stuff in the chest, I need to unload.  Glass and smooth slabs. 

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