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Messages - Sekihara

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Rejected / Re: Fadmad1998 moderator application
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:16:42 am »
is it just me or did an admin forget to review me. I posted my app. before others, but they were rejected or accepted before me. Thanx

I glanced through the accepted/rejected/trial threads and looked at the times between topis posts were made and admin answers were given and here's  what I came up with..

Anywhere from same day to a month. It's not the easiest process for them. Your topic has to be reviewed by and talked about by higher staff memebers, and it's not like they don't have jobs or school taking up their time. I'd say not getting declined in the first couple hours/days means they might be thinking about it.

Anywho, good luck.  :)

Support / Re: Change ingame name
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:08:12 am »
Your name is linked to you account and is the same as your login name. As far as I know there is no legit way to change this without buying another copy of minecraft.

If you google it people are claiming that they created applications to change your username, but I don't trust anything user made that you need to type your username and password into.

As for the plugin... Heck if I know. O.o

General Discussion / Re: Griefing trap
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:02:07 am »
As far as I understand, all the traps are in locations that are apparently being used by another player. So it might be parts of a persons house, a fence somewhere, or even a gold block with a sign that says "Do Not Grief". More or less they made it so you have to go out of your way to destroy the blocks, there-by proving there wasn't an accident.

Also, if you ever glance at the ban appeal thread you'll see that people do somehow manage to make a mistake, and if you only hit a couple blocks not knowing better the mods/admins tend to give people another chance. However if you punch 157 blocks of pure gold in someones house, I wouldn't expect them to take mercy.

Support / Re: how do i know if my city application is accepted or not?
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:56:02 am »
An Admin or OP will reply and move to topic to accepted if it gets accepted.

To elaborate.. If you look in the Accepted or Rejected threads in the same area as moderater applications you'll find your application. If it's still on the thread you posted it, then the application is still being decided on and will be moved to the appropriate sub thread once a decision is made.

Support / Re: spam on mumble
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:50:49 am »
Ontopic: Lol, he has a great chance of being mod.

Offtopic: What does that heart next to Optic's name mean?
it means that we're engaged.

OMG! Congratz!  :-*

General Discussion / Re: Hey Everybody: Read This
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:47:10 am »
Welcome, you'll soon be addicted to this game. If you want to ever see your friends, family, or toes again I'd sugest uninstalling!

... I mean, Hi!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Griefing trap
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:45:16 am »
There are "protected" area's with shiny's that if you punch a few times will get you auto banned.

Or in smarter talk.. If you destroy blocks that aren't yours, there's a chance your destroying a decoy block placed by an admin/mod that will auto ban anyone without premissions to it.

General Discussion / Re: Everyone has two set homes
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:42:38 am »
Tip to all of you arguing about being allowed to use the command..

This is a privately owned server that reserves the right to allow or deny you access at anytime without any notice. Using a command just because you can after being told by the operators of the server not to isn't the way to keep playing here. I'm not saying that they would just kick people, but they can so if you don't respect the server enough to obey what your told, at least know what your getting yourself into.

Support / Re: spam on mumble
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:04:10 pm »
Isn't that the guy that's been begging for mod in everyone's applications?  ???

Projects and Creations / Re: Sargoth
« on: April 20, 2012, 05:02:21 pm »
Load the TNT cannons and fire on my mark!

Offtopic / Re: idea's for when i'm bored
« on: April 20, 2012, 06:49:50 am »

Nyssa got me hooked on this ^^ Have fun!

Rofl, I've been watching this while at my melon farm for the last 4 days.

General Discussion / Re: 350k to be given away
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:55:05 pm »
I think I lost.  :-[

Suggestions / Re: market
« on: April 17, 2012, 12:24:43 pm »
I spent a couple hours looking for slimes for the same reason once.

After I gave up 1 fell on me on my way home.  :-\

Ban Appeals / Re: I got banned for no reason
« on: April 15, 2012, 06:34:40 am »
i also got banned too idk what i did wrong

Piggy backing someone elses ban appeal topic might not be the best way to get your problem noticed.

Suggestions / Re: I have a few ideas
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:58:09 am »
Warp stones would (my guess) be around 15,000 to 20,000

At that price everyone would have 10. Depending on how many warps the admins would want us to have I could see the price being as high as 200k. That'll keep the warp point more for cities and rich people.

As much as I would love to have a dozen homes with /sethome or warp points, I think it's better for the server as a whole to keep warps to large centeral locations like protected cities.

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