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Messages - cschurz

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 26
Suggestions / Re: /hoem command
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:50:10 am »
done, will be on the server next time optical updates

Suggestions / Re: /hoem command
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:28:48 am »

Ban Appeals / Re: dark_stratengar's ban appeal by bcbbrog55
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:04:52 pm »
dark_stratengar was mining last night and was banned he hasnt griefed anyone by mining and he would never grief anyone else please consider unbanning him  ;D

1) you should not make an appeal for other people.
2) you did not read the ban appeal guideline at all.,BanLookup.html?username=dark_stratengar

If you were banned by CONSOLE with the reason "Automatic grief detection"

You were banned for triggering one of many Automatic Grief Traps

Antigrief is a system designed to efficiently and automatically ban griefers. Multiple buildings have been placed in undisclosed locations around the world. If you break several blocks within those buildings, the antigrief is triggered and issues an automatic 7-day ban.

This system is highly successful and under most circumstances, a ban appeal should not be posted for such bans.

Suggestions / Re: Ugly Sky structures
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:20:18 pm »
i agree that they look pretty bad, but what would we do with all of the existing sky structures? we can't just tell people to rip down their established builds.

Suggestions / Re: Beacon/ Nether star pricing
« on: January 02, 2013, 11:32:52 am »
since optical wrote the system for the signs at the market, this is possible to accomplish.

the biggest problem i see here is attaching the material cost to an item sign - it would most likely require an additional sign (or more!) to specify what items are required to buy a given item. that's pretty annoying.

a fairly interesting idea nonetheless.
It comes with essentials...

we don't use essentials to manage the market signs anymore.

Suggestions / Re: Beacon/ Nether star pricing
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:11:06 am »
as I said, why not just spawn a nether star instead of a wither? Surely it wouldn't be that hard?

probably two lines of code. not a bad idea.

Support / Re: ._. malware detected?
« on: January 02, 2013, 04:14:03 am »
Someone didnt remove a spambot post, it's still there, but not seen. So unless she uploads a new app, that will be there


Destroy8r9's avatar URL points to:

which is a jpg image of some video game character.

so theoretically, any page that Destroy8r9 has posted on will trigger the chrome malware detected page. pretty neat, actually. go use this on other minecraft server forums.

Suggestions / Re: Beacon/ Nether star pricing
« on: January 01, 2013, 02:37:31 pm »
Or how about this:

Make wither skeleton skulls extremely expensive. Like, much more expensive than they are now. Then make it where if a player makes a wither (out of the soulsand and wither skulls), then instead of a wither being spawned, a nether star is dropped and the arrangement of wither heads and soulsand disappears.

So simply make wither skulls be something like 20K. Then it would cost 60K for three of them, plus 4 soulsand. This makes nether stars cost 60K. This is somewhat similar to Skeleton_Hunter's idea as items are being given (three wither skulls and 4 soulsand) for an item in return (nether star). At the same time, this idea also means that players could naturally make a wither star by killing wither skeletons first.

Alternative idea!!!!!!!! Remove wither skeleton skulls from the market, and implement the above idea where arranging the soulsand and wither skeleton heads drops a nether star instead of creating a wither. Of course the wither skeleton heads and soulsand always disappear in this case, but the nether star is dropped.

let's think in logical increments here. no need to make things complicated.

so to start,

why is the spawning of withers disabled? can anything be changed to make spawning withers allowable? if we can get to the root of the problem, then there's no need to create a whole new item-trading system.

Suggestions / Re: Beacon/ Nether star pricing
« on: January 01, 2013, 10:31:49 am »
since optical wrote the system for the signs at the market, this is possible to accomplish.

the biggest problem i see here is attaching the material cost to an item sign - it would most likely require an additional sign (or more!) to specify what items are required to buy a given item. that's pretty annoying.

a fairly interesting idea nonetheless.

Suggestions / Re: Colored Names above heads to match ranks.
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:59:19 am »
I don't understand how this will make a difference in PvP. Could somebody please explain?

red names = red team
blue names = blue team


Support / Re: Stuck in nether portal.
« on: January 01, 2013, 12:56:22 am »
when you use /warp member world and go back through the portal at the warp spawn to the nether then back through the same portal. There's locked doors on both sides of me and the chat menu or pause menu won't come up immediately after joining. I just need an admin to tp me to spawn to fix it, I just can't do it myself.

yeah, looks like someone did something stupid.

i think i broke the portal you were having issues with, sorry you've had to deal with it. portals shouldn't be locked like that and there shouldn't have been a portal at spawn. let me know if you're better now - if not, you can talk to people in-game using IRC here:

just explain to a moderator the problem you're having and tell them to teleport you to safety.

Suggestions / Re: Colored Names above heads to match ranks.
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:36:35 pm »
I honestly think this is pointless.
The only thing I could see use with this in is if we ever get the PvP server (define teams in team based games etc.)
I thought it was an arena, not a whole server.
It's neither. Now back on topic, the colored names are not really worth spending time on. It doesnt really add much in terms of gameplay.

it will for pvp, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it i suppose.

So does this mean we can call it confirmed?

there is no confirm or deny for this. it's a small feature that is difficult to do because the functionality is not built in to bukkit in any way. BUT it's important for pvp, so it may be worth the trouble. we'll see.

Support / Re: Stuck in nether portal.
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:30:26 pm »
there are multiple nether portals in the member world. you can even create one yourself.

you're going to have to be more specific about which one caused you to become "stuck" - and better describe how you are actually stuck. does your game crash immediately?

Suggestions / Re: Colored Names above heads to match ranks.
« on: December 30, 2012, 04:58:22 am »
I honestly think this is pointless.
The only thing I could see use with this in is if we ever get the PvP server (define teams in team based games etc.)
I thought it was an arena, not a whole server.
It's neither. Now back on topic, the colored names are not really worth spending time on. It doesnt really add much in terms of gameplay.

it will for pvp, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it i suppose.

Suggestions / Re: Spawn Eggs donation.
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:50:34 pm »
I was looking at suggestions and saw that spawn eggs as a donation has not been discussed yet. I was wondering if certain spawn eggs could be used as a donation. For example farm animals such as chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep could be a donation. Maybe for 5$ for 2 spawn eggs of your choice of the animals I have stated above. Please post any ideas or suggestions about this topic below. Thanks.

$5 for two spawn eggs? that's a bit steep, considering there is no guarantee that the animals won't be killed/griefed.

and will the eggs be tradeable? what sort of ramifications will that have on the economy?

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