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Messages - littlej11

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20]
Support / cant get on
« on: October 14, 2011, 08:28:00 pm »
ok so when i log onto beta it wont let me on like thr red letters pop up whats going on is it me or the server? help!


General Discussion / Re: griefer jail!!!
« on: October 10, 2011, 11:59:25 am »
ok so here is what i think we could do,

for one make it out of bedrock so that ppl not using wom could not get out, and for ppl that are using wom y not just make it so that wom is banned in that area just like if you go to a zombie survival wom is banned you cant use it. and of course we would mute them so that they cant spam the server and if some hackers hacks out we can put antigrief on if anyone steps out antigrief bans them foerver.

another thing we could add is glass just for fun  :) so that we can come up and moke them for griefing and if they try to breack the glass it will just come back like in the statue of liberty part of the server and if the person breacks it more then 3 times it will permently ban him and, if he does get out by the glass antigrief would permently ban him.

and i think the jail should be for temperarre uses like say he stays in there for 1 or 2 day so he gets a second chance, but if we find him grifeing agian he gets permently baned

so basicly i like to think of this jail as a second chance wrather then just baning them forever, say there new to the game and had no idea they were griefing . . .ive been there . . . you could just send them to the jail and then they would know what they were doing was wrong
orrrrrrrr make it so that when antigrief gets them it puts them in there for 1 or 2 days and then if they get cought by a op or admin they can ban the person forever

General Discussion / Re: griefer jail!!!
« on: October 10, 2011, 02:23:23 am »
It's been suggested before, and it's not a bad idea, but it really wouldn't be very useful.  There are a lot of different ways for any player put in the jail to escape and continue doing what they were doing. (Pressing r to respawn, using WoM to no-clip out, leaving and rejoining..)

 A ban is much more effective :)
well there are ways to stop that such as getting rid of clip like in other servers and every time they spawn the spawn there. at least that's what i think . . .

General Discussion / griefer jail!!!
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:25:13 am »
my suggestion for the server is instead of banning griefrs put them in a griefer jail!!
here are some pics of what it MIGHT look like

p.s srry if this is in wrong form i still dont understand this whole website thing . . . .

Creations / my valcano i made user name little11 i wanna be builder
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:55:31 pm »
im not sure this is gonna work . . .

Edit: it didnt work . . im haveing troble adding the picture lolz

Edit 2:

lets see if this works if it does plz look and reply thoughts

Edit 3: http://i1098.photobucket.com/albums/g369/littlej112/minecraft.png

now look plz lolz

p.s thx mrmrmr i couldent find out how to deltet them i dislike this whole form thing

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