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Messages - Kascas

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 23
Suggestions / Re: /Helpop
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:27:35 pm »
No, I didn't get ignored its because when i posted my Request i was 7th and thought it would be a good idea to type some thing then it would say your new number like 3rd 2nd

Yea, but my point is the amount of time you wait has NOTHING to do with where you are in the queue.  You could be next in the queue and still end up waiting 15 minutes because everyone is busy handling problems.  You could be 8th in the queue and only have to wait 10 seconds because those ahead of you were "false tickets".

In short, it's a valid suggestion but I really don't see how it'll benefit anyone.

then you do not fully understand why we are so inpatient
tell me you be there over 10 minets, and i have no problem at all with that
tell me you be there shortly, and take 1minet...2minet?...3minet??...inpatient!!!!!! come already!!!!!
this not knowing when you will arive is killing us, and creating our inpatient behaviour
ofc WE should be the one trying to be patient, and helping the mods, as THEY ARE HELPING US after all
but still...helping us in doing so would be great!
the thing you sayed above is true, we stil wont know if its 10mins or 3mins or...
but that is not what we need, we just want to know if it makes progress
tell us that our 8th spot is now a 3th spot, even if 3th->1th takes longer then 8th->3th
then we wait 1minet....2minet?....3minet??..../helpopticketpos oh ok progress 1minet...2minet?
then alot if not all of our inpatient behaviour will instandly disappear

just like busy phonelines, saying: you have 927 waiting in front of u, that repeats every minet
i hope this made u reconsider "but I really don't see how it'll benefit anyone."
this might seem a minor to you, but it is surely very usefull in my opinion

i have no clue, if this is even possible or worthy enough for the ammount of effort it requires
but if it is, please carefully note that a huge ammount will be very happy with this
wich in return will relieve the mods again with a decrease in helpop spamming/pming and such

Server News / Re: Donation additions
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:57:50 pm »
well i gues il share my opinion aswell
you want to make alot money, while giving them things that are usefull, so they would not mind to buy it
buying multiple homes with 1 purchase does not seem very wise to me
i think 1 purchase for every new home would be better,

someone buys once, gets a couple, never needs to spend anymore money
someone buys 1, enjoys having just 1 extra home wich is already very usefull!  ;)
later he figures a 3th would also be usefull...maybe a 4th...and so on , he buys more and more over time
then there does not even has to be a limit, as no one would buy a large ammount of homes as they all cost $$$
and even if a couple do...well big money  ??;D??

i did not donate yet, and i surely would do 5-10$ for just 1 extra home! i dont need 2 or 3 or 4
and if i do want that later...i will spend another 5-10$
if this will be near 20$ for a package i dont think i will...
as i could also just make a new mc account for 20$ and use his sethome

Server News / Re: Member World Update
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:46:40 pm »
i found my house on member27 and i am a member

lol, i believe you are talking about the classic server, this new world is for smp  :D

Support / Re: Silk touch
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:40:23 pm »
Actually, ice will no longer create water in the nether in 1.3 that's why it was removed originally

ah ok, that would indeed be better

well if trusteds will not be allowed to wich i highly doubt :P
i will annoy some mods to gather ice for me  ;D

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:30:15 pm »
well im quiet smart, but i cant beat 925927 youtubers  8)
i figured i could use pistons with sand so i dont need stickys
but besides that, i dont think i can improve this design,
most likely alot have already tryed but did not post a better version on youtube yet
im looking forward to skittcats improvement on his version, maybe i can also use that, but i doubt it

a killswitch seems not possible unless i use alot of space, wich is mission impossible

User Events / Re: Opticraft Prom (for the members + of 2012)
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:44:56 pm »
Redchecks if you are joining , i would not mind to walk next to a ballerina with a moustache  :D

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:50:42 am »
Kascas may I kno how many layers ur pumpkin farm has?

And with rgds to enderpolis melon farm, skittcat modified the bud switch thing such that u can press one button at the bottom and the whole farm resets, and solves any jammed piston problem, hence ensuring efficiency.

looking forward to see, how on earth he did that  :o
most likely not the exact same design
atm 14 layers, with 13 rows, with 7 parts with 2 plants,
all layers filled, but no plants and boats yet, only on 1 layer
the rest i will finish this weekend, then it will have 2548 plants  8)

Server News / Re: Member World Update
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:16:21 pm »
Dude this is gunna be awesome, and yes do not explore to far as the ore wont spawn then.
Doest really matter. The spawn rate is 25 times rarer than diamond and people will kill all the testigicates by the end of the week

Why would people want to kill all the testificates by the end of the week?

First thing I do when the new world opens is take some Lapis and Coal PS and find a village.  I'm gonna build a wall witha glass roof around that sucker so griefers can't get to the testigicates.

I'll call it "Project: Save The Testi's"   ;D

lol if this will be the case, dont worry for a second
il bring mah diamond ps army, and setup a fully secured fortress around it  8)
glass wall? how about triple obsidian walls  :P

Cheers for all the progress so far, keep it up!

Support / Re: Silk touch
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:37:23 pm »
silk touch in a later update will be able to pick up ice, wich is very usefull  8)

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:26:41 pm »
must resist to reply! must resist to reply!  :D

topic solved, it can be locked now  8)

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:57:19 pm »
alright thx for the reply's, i can start building the plants now to finish it off  8)

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:02:26 pm »
someone needs to be in range of my house for them to grow, so when im offline they wont spawn or be harvested

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 06, 2012, 11:35:46 pm »
ye i installed the lower 2 floors and alot boats are messed up,
its tricky to setup or to fix a single boat but not impossible

and yes, as i said productivity of this design is way lower then others, but as i build big, it seems needed
as alot have complained about my prevous huge regular one

and what alot if not all people forget or ignore, is that lagg affects grow rates big time
"oh i got 500 plants" "oh i got 14 floors"
yes very awesome , but meanwhile my 300 plants grow twise as fast  8)
in the end, a huge lagg free low productivity farm beats a huge lagging high productivity farm

Support / Re: Piston Farms
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:10:12 pm »
@ **BT5** lol are you telling the richest guy of the server, his money making methode is a waist  :D

@ianhalmond ah i didnt espect a mod could do that, can they see area output? or just the whole server output
if area, then i could ask one to test my small crappy farm and the new huge one
i bet my small crappy one has more lagg  :D

Support / Piston Farms
« on: June 06, 2012, 07:22:32 pm »
as you all know, i have a small melon farm with a crappy design to harvest melons, its laggs a bit

then i dicided to build a huge one, as i dont like small :D
the huge one gave alot of lagg, so much that the output of melons was even lower then the small farm
so i dicided to grief the whole huge farm and been thinking of other things

as i knew a huge one would annoy the server couse of lagg, i searched for lagg free designs 8)
i found a design without any redstone in it (bud switch) on youtube,
this design would cost me around 4 times the ammount $$$ needed for redstone farms as it needs alot more space
everything need to be protected with diamond ps, and its stil very griefable couse of the fragile boats
also there is no on/off switch so once build i cant turn it off unless i destroy it
eventho the cons i dicided to make a huge version of this, for the greater good  :D

there is no redstone involved, no wires no repeaters nothing, when 1 of the crops grow, 1 piston will go off
so even with a huge version, a couple pistons will go off at once, wich should couse less lagg then a small redstone one

today relkeb payed me a visit, and was worryed about the size  ;D
can i get some sort of approval for it, is there any way you can test lagg output?
im spending loads of hours on building it solo, if at the end it turns out to stil give lagg, i waisted weeks of effort

this is the design i use

coords ingame
x -1706 y 73 z -977

can i get an aproval of using this huge but nearly lagg free design 24/7?



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