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Messages - tbpb2010

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 22
Projects / Re: Sky City
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:09:48 pm »
Sounds like an ambitious project.  Are you a guest rank maliceprince123?  Because if you are and you build on the current guest world, prepare for your project to get griefed like crazy! (especially if it's gonna be big). 

I suggest you build it in an older guest world like guest94. (obviously most guests and griefers will be in the current guest world aka guest95)  But you'll need to be quick because I think Opticalza (the owner) only keeps the last 5 guest worlds available.  So currently there's current guest world (guest95), guest94, guest93, guest92, and guest91.  Good luck!  ;)

Accepted / Re: [Builder] Greenestfang
« on: April 25, 2011, 09:53:10 pm »
Hey greenest is ur album set on private cuz I can't access it without ur password....
Oh and photobucket ftw!

Offtopic / Re: Change one letter in the word.
« on: April 25, 2011, 05:56:27 pm »
Stock  ;D

(it took me a while to think of that one, i know im slow)

Rejected / Re: [Operator] quaddel97
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:44:29 pm »
Gook Luck quad,  I hope you get it!  :D

Rejected / Re: [operator] someone555 who alce? :P
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:43:02 pm »
Can a recruit apply for an OP app?  Anyways good luck, man!  ;D
And yes I agree with Rallag7.....too.....many.....smilies......@_@

Rejected / Re: builder
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:30:25 pm »
First you need to change the name of the topic to this: [BUILDER] someone555
Then in your post you need to put this:

Ingame name: someone555
Join date: the date you joined
Briefly describe all your creations: describe your lava/water/glass creations in your own words
What worlds are the creations on: the world you have your creations on
Links to screenshots of the creation: the link to your pictures (i think you can keep the link you already have above)
Names of players who helped contribute: self explanitory
What is your current rank in Opticraft?: recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Anything else you wanna say about yourself or your creations or anything really
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: yes

Offtopic / Re: Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:10:57 pm »
But the question is, is there a difference?

I wish to stop making "The Matrix" References.

But the wish for you to stop referencing "The Matrix" was in fact a reference itself.

I wish for someone to post under my post corrupting this wish.

Creations / Re: My Sponge bob
« on: April 22, 2011, 05:23:50 pm »
Lol that spongebob got griefed so many times XD Srry I couldn't save him half the time when I was temp op.  For your first project this wasnt that bad.  Trust me I've seen FAR worser minecraft spongebobs O_o. With that said, are you gonna attempt another spongebob in the future?

sure u can help! just let me know in game when and how u wanna help me.

K well I've made my project much smaller than originally planned anyways.  It doesnt need to be as big as I thought it should be.

Also does anyone have have tips on filling large areas with water/lava?   ???
I personally perfer the replace/paint method by filling the area with solid and painting lava/water in its place.  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Builders can ban! (New tactic)
« on: April 19, 2011, 09:49:16 pm »
Wow, thnx for reminding us Monkeh....... *i wish i had summon* :'(  I think this tactic worked under the circumstances Coro was in.  In the end it worked.  Of course the griefer would have to be pretty ignorant to believe a builder wasn't leading him in a trap. XD

Sometimes I wish us builders could send griefers to a temporary jail when no Ops are on. And then the Op could either ban or release them when they got on.  That way griefers dont get away with stuff and us builders aren't too over powered.  Sure they could leave and respawn but if they griefed again we'd just send them back to jail.  Just my 2 cents on the topic...

General Discussion / Re: DON'T GET NEW WOMCLIENT (1.7.3)
« on: April 19, 2011, 09:40:13 pm »
They should give you the option tho turn those "useless" features on or off and allow for font changes at the least.  I heard the new WoM allowed for higher textures is that true?

Projects / Re: Pride Rock? Lion king
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:55:18 pm »
The concept of Pride Rock was a pedestal where the grand King stands and is presented in a magnificient aura to all of the Pride Lands.  Unfortunately, I think it's gonna be pretty hard to capture the power Pride Rock represents using minecraft blocks.  If it's gonna be a small and simple representation of this rock formation without that extra UMPH then I say try something else.  However, if you tried to make the rock formation on a 1:1 scale or even bigger with perhaps a stunning sprite like backdrop (like in the image) and have the lions and other animals looking up with the Monkey holding up Simba.....THAT WOULD BE EPIC!!!!  That's just my 2 cents on the topic.  ;D

Projects / Re: Notch's face pixel art
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:46:41 pm »
I love the fact that you are actually thinking 10 steps ahead on this project!  You know exactly how many different colors you need, got your minecraft formatted palette set up, know exactly how much space the image occupies, and you even use shadows to add more shades to the colors (which is a method I WISH I had thought of :P).  If it were just me, I would've blindly started on the project without even considering most of these factors at first.  But then again, I'm just a reckless nice guy.  ;D  Can't wait to see the finished product!

Creations / Re: My current project, plus other work
« on: April 18, 2011, 08:55:41 pm »
Hmmm now where have I seen this before? *coughbuilder4spawnpointcough* nah jk! :P
I agree with coro on the moat idea as all castles should have a moat.  It just makes sense aesthetically (and it'll make it more eligable to be mentioned in ur builder app)

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