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Messages - Coolcrab88

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 73
Offtopic / Re: Happy Birthday, Italian_Crafter!
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:39:45 pm »
happee burfdey

General Discussion / Re: New icon looks great :)
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:33:17 pm »
*slow clap*

Well done, unknown artist. You have pleased me.

I guess Nick?

Suggestions / Re: Server-icon.png
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:47:32 pm »
There's an icon now! Looks great btw. ;)

Forum Games / Re: Word Association
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:29:00 pm »

General Discussion / Re: I just love the spam vote messages.
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:47:18 pm »

Server News / Re: Congratulations Tobs
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:08:28 pm »
Congrats! I knew this was coming!

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 09, 2014, 03:50:43 pm »
I count all the votes and tally who had the most in each category, in the event of a tie I'll reopen the voting for that specific category to be chosen from

In that case, will you announce categories that didn't tie?

Not the 10th yet. ;)

Forum Games / Re: Word Association
« on: January 08, 2014, 03:52:12 pm »

Trade Central / Re: Food Shortage!
« on: January 08, 2014, 03:51:21 pm »
If I knew we could make posts about these, there would've been one last year.

In-game name: Coolcrab88
Age: 12
Timezone: GMT +0
Location: England
The House Position you would like to choose: Transfiguration teacher as Professor Crab
Why you want this House Position: I would like to teach people how good I am at turning into a pig and show them they can all do the same

When you die, how would you want people to remember you?: A straight up badass if I HAVE to die...
You come to an instersection in the walkway; do you go left, to the sea, straight towards the forest, or right towards the castle?: Whichever way is straight ahead
What do you fear most: Getting denied a pay rise
At Hogwarts, what would you focus on most; bravery, slyness, power, intelligence, or kindness?: Power
You come to a chest of objects, which do you choose; the dagger, the old book, the rusty key, or the empty vile?: The dagger so if anyone laughs at me being a pig I can stab them. Also because I can lick it.

Your Position: Transfiguration Teacher

Haha I guess I have to get a pig disguise now or am I okay?

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting
« on: January 06, 2014, 03:57:59 pm »
Most un noticed but still current staff member: codepmman lol

We all love code, deep inside.

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:59:14 pm »
3 things:
1. Kascas returned?
2. Spamarian returned?
3. GoogleMyShmoogle returned?

Damn this is one exciting year now.

Kascas did.
Googlemyshmoogle didn't return, he just has the best name.
And spamarian... not sure but I think so.

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:21:20 pm »
I would just like to point out that felix was only banned for 12 hours and is currently not banned. Not sure if that would count for most shocking.

I don't know, I was kinda shocked he abused W.E. (if thats what it was, I can't remember) even if it wasn't permanent.

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:56:12 pm »
Hey, you forgot owner of the year and admin of the year...

Well there's only one of each rank. :l

But if you have to, feel free to validate me as an owner!

In-game name: Coolcrab88
Age: 12
Timezone: GMT +0
Location: England
The House Position you would like to choose: Transfiguration teacher as Professor Crab
Why you want this House Position: I would like to teach people how good I am at turning into a pig and show them they can all do the same

When you die, how would you want people to remember you?: A straight up badass if I HAVE to die...
You come to an instersection in the walkway; do you go left, to the sea, straight towards the forest, or right towards the castle?: Whichever way is straight ahead
What do you fear most: Getting denied a pay rise
At Hogwarts, what would you focus on most; bravery, slyness, power, intelligence, or kindness?: Power
You come to a chest of objects, which do you choose; the dagger, the old book, the rusty key, or the empty vile?: The dagger so if anyone laughs at me being a pig I can stab them. Also because I can lick it.

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