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Messages - char199

Pages: 1 [2]
Support / Re: Can't Login to Minecraft
« on: May 14, 2012, 05:52:49 am »
I'm not sure if I have the solution, but it seems like the last time this happened I fixed it by going to Minecraft.net, logging out, then logging back in. Or something like that. Hopefully this helps, sorry if it doesn't.

School is more important. I will make a new one.
Thank you for understanding.

We still need to move the central supply. Thedude, I think you should  create a new one, then once you take out the ps I can take out the chests. I have exams  coming up so I won't be on regularly for the next few weeks, so just pm me when the chests are ready to be taken out. If I don't respond within a week you can have a mod take them out if you wish. My place is fully protected so while I'm gone there shouldn't be any greifing. Sorry I can't help more with the move and the start of the city. My priorities are straight: School comes before Minecraft. Best of luck.

I was on mumble earlier but got off because no one I talk to much was on. fyi my mummble name is same as in game char199.

Yes sir, I moved not too long ago. My area I walled off will be my section of Woodhall and may serve as an interim location storing materials for the wall and a temporary base camp if you would like, as it is currently lit. Once we move we can build the city wall, which should be quite large, so that it encompasses my wall. My wall was not intended to be the city wall, but merely as a way of keeping farm animal in and mobs out. Use my /home char199 and you should be good to go. btw I will try to be on tonight (Friday).

Sounds good. I already moved my things. But im the only one that can get the chests in the central supply so if you could give me a time when your on so I can do that plus help with the deconstruction of the wall. Keep the enchanting table for last so we can enchant our tools for destruction. See you in game.

EDIT: Brainstorming ideas for the border. Red first then maybe the yellow later.

Rejected / Re: moderator application "Kethamin"
« on: April 16, 2012, 06:26:54 pm »
I recommend you.

Always have been a joy to talk to, or even just listen to on Mummble. Has let me use his enchantment table multiple times and has been willing to give me supplies to help build the town I live in.

Good luck!

I will definitively move as I was greifed and killed while AFK last night.

I might move with, I sure have a lot to move but if we can coordinate the move using /home's I think I would be ok with that. Plus I like the way you build and run the town so far.

Looks good. I think there should be plenty of cobble for the job. If you need more I might be on a little tomorrow evening.
fyi I think there will now be a person living below us in the caves. :D

Please follow these rules for the farm/garden

Replant all wheat
Don't destroy melon/pumpkin stems

Please follow these rules for the farm so all can enjoy it.
Thanks. I don't mind if other citizens use the garden but please replant and be sure not to change the layout. Also I'll try to keep up with the permissions for the central supply and a few other doors, but I am very busy this weekend, so please be patient.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone want to join my town?
« on: April 06, 2012, 01:59:11 am »
I'm new and need a place. char199 is my name. just joined so i have a protection stone

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