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Messages - NatanylJames (N8MATTHEWS)

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 42
Support / Re: Umm? Only server that has this problem.
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:55:50 am »
So. Much. Work

Support / Umm? Only server that has this problem.
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:29:18 am »
Ok so idk what is wrong, but the is the ONLY server that gives me trouble. Everytime i try to join i get a crash log, and well crash. I am able to get on EVERY one of the other servers i play on, but upon logging on to Opticraft i get the crash log.

I have only Optifine installed, and have about 4.5GB of RAM allocated to minecraft.

(click to show/hide)

Once again this is the ONLY sever i have this problem with

Forum Games / Re: The Prediction Game!
« on: April 15, 2013, 01:21:38 am »

I predict the next person didnt know i made this topic.

Offtopic / Curious?
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:15:23 pm »
So about a day or so ago i posted a update about myself, which when I left many people had asked for. When I checked back today it was locked with no reason why. In re-reading it i feel I have said nothing wrong. So if someone could explain I would very much appreciate it.

I feel I have said nothing wrong in the post but and angered that there was no response to it. Thanks, Nate

Offtopic / N8MATTHEWS Update
« on: March 15, 2013, 10:19:52 pm »
Hey guys,

Long time no see huh? Well ive been very busy lately and also very tired. I started track as most of you know which takes up most of my times, especially now that i do the maximum 4 events allowed. Anyways, i wanted to know how you all have been on minecraft and on opticraft.

After track is over, and the server has updated to 1.5 i do hope to try and get on, now no this doesnt mean im coming back permenantly but i will be on once again just to hang out and say hi. The "joy" or "luster" i once had for minecraft has kinda run dry and as much as i try to regain it, whether it be ftb, or tekkit, i just cant seem to want to do it.

Anyways guys, i hope you guys are still enjoying the game, and hopefully you guys havent forgetten me just yet.


Offtopic / Re: Favorite Word
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:41:29 am »
I guess I can't say my favorite word since it has to be appropriate.... Aww well


holy shit it's N8!!!!   :D

Holy crap omg like omg....

Offtopic / Re: Have you told anyone you like Minecraft?
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:29:13 pm »
Tell emm. I have that, as you said ego in school or reputation. Be yourself, almost all my friends now play it and it didn't hurt my ego or rep one bit. Tbh all my friends were looking for something fun, now we all play together.  Just depends on your friends. My school is not infested with mine craft haha.

Offtopic / Re: Favorite Word
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:24:45 pm »
I guess I can't say my favorite word since it has to be appropriate.... Aww well

Offtopic / Re: How will Nick3306 save Opticraft?
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:30:18 am »
In reality you can't blow up a car by shooting at it, regardless I will lock in option one as my choice ending.

sorry, kinda necro i guess but doesn't this depend on the gun, or what you classify as a gun?

General Discussion / Goodbye friends, this is it
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:15:18 pm »
Well this is it, I have lost the love for vanilla minecraft completely. I am leaving, and have resigned. As most of you know my schedule is very busy and I don't have time to play minecraft much. The few spare minutes I do have are spent playing Feed The Beast with my irl friend Morgan. My love for vanilla is gone and i've, in my eyes, done everything there is in vanilla that i want to do. Thank you guys for the memories, but this is it. I might be on every now and then to say hi, but as of now this is my final goodbye.

I know I could get on Opticraft in those spare minutes, but Morgan, no offense, doesn't like opticraft, or vanilla at all. And honestly, i've lost the love for it too. I'll leave you with this quote i was once told.

"Spend time with friends doing something you all enjoy. Just because one thing is ending doesn't mean another isn't starting. Weather it be a game, hobby, or activity. Have fun doing it, because if your not it is a waste of precious time you can't get back. Life is short have fun with people and things you enjoy."


General Discussion / Re: Amount of Rare Items on Opticraft
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:12:53 pm »
2-Blaze Spawner
1-Ender Dragon Egg
1-Iron Golem Farm
2-Enderman Farm

PS i do not have the beacon anymore

Trade Central / Re: Blaze Spawner for sale!
« on: December 31, 2012, 07:49:04 pm »

Trade Central / Blaze Spawner for sale!
« on: December 31, 2012, 05:02:30 pm »
Starting bid:10k
Minimum bid increasement: 1k

Will release sethome to the winner

Bidding over when i see a bid i like or in a week from today

Suggestions / Re: redstone ore
« on: December 30, 2012, 02:10:17 pm »
Redstone ore is a protection stone, by default. That's why.

We just havent implemented it

Suggestions / Re: redstone ore
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:34:43 am »
Why would we need a counterpart ore if we wont use redstone as a protection stone anyway?

Who said we arn't?

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