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Messages - corourke70

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 27
Creations / Re: Notch, check our youtube channel!!!
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:19:09 pm »
*sigh* why do they steal? dont they know "Borrowing" is a sin...... but atleast we are the ORIGNAL  ;)

not everybody is religious. either way they're total assholes

Offtopic / Re: Looking for a RuneScape Account
« on: July 11, 2011, 07:34:08 pm »
I just got back into runescape today...

Rejected / Re: [BUILDER] maestro671
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:32:47 pm »
You didn't build anything new....

Discussion forum / Re: Thanks
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:18:21 pm »
Just a thanks to Optical, the admins and all the ops on this server. Everyone is saying bad stuff about the ops but they are trying their best to make the server run smoothlyAnd to please everyone at the same time. The Admins do all the work behind the sceens of the server. And Optical who does everything to enhance this server. Why say bad things when they do such a great job.
Jimbot2000 ;D
Your such a suckup.
:P I keed, I keed, beautiful tribute dude, put a smile on everyone's faces.  ;D
Your such a dick.

Yeah, read what he wrote. You look like the dick now.

Offtopic / Re: Does anyone support Jailbreaking
« on: July 10, 2011, 03:30:43 pm »
All of my friends jailbroke their ipods and it broke after 1 year. So it's not really worth it.

Rejected / Re: Operator application - davioo
« on: July 10, 2011, 02:34:01 am »
Something tells me your internet is back up...

I'm color blind... mostly red green and a bit of blue-yellow. I've done web and graphic design for over 10 years and have taught myself how to functionally distinguish colors by hex values and other means. I find it lame that anyone would attempt to use color blindness as an excuse for lack of creativity or effort. Even if by color blindness you mean complete monochromatism, that would still have no relevance to your creative ability.

No, people that easily give up, tends to not give a good impression on admins.

This makes you even more godly. ALL HAIL XOIIKU!!

P.S. Why did you change your forum name? Wasn't it zzepiczz or something like that?

Server News / Re: Member Rank
« on: July 09, 2011, 09:17:46 pm »
when do you get to kick people, for say greifing?
dude this is a necropost, and you have to be a Operator or higher to kick
really? i could have sworn that i saw yellow users kick greifers

I think thats when you see the process of kicking is done

ex."Akosibitoy Has been kicked by SoulKnightGT reason:No reason Given"

Normally Op's are teal colored...Or when you saw yellow colored named people kicking...You must have been in Another server...

CYAN not teal!!

rage over

Rejected / Re: [OPERATOR APPLICATION] vegemite11
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:27:20 pm »
I wonder what they're gonna do with this app since a new rule was just put up...

Offtopic / Re: Rhyming sentences
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:22:35 am »
Man my poems are just words with you guys!

they are words.

Offtopic / Re: Just a photo-shopped creeper
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:55:04 pm »
I think it means that creepers (online, not minecraft creepers) all own macs?

It's really good though.

Errmm... how much did that cost you?

But yeah... It's always when I play minecraft that my laptop's fan whizzes at high speeds. I have a plastic support that keeps the laptop off of my blankets on my bed, because that was what contributed to several overheats.

The transformer does get a little hot, but not enough to start any fires, but it does get to the point where it could burn my hand if I held it for too long...

My laptop is a P.O.S and overheats all the time so i just bought this.

It was about 25$ and i have't overheated since.
P.S. It's external and uses a usb plug.

Discussion forum / Re: Really, congress? Really?
« on: July 06, 2011, 11:09:33 pm »
While this law is a bit absurd, I get what they are saying. If you aren't allowed to post copyrighted songs on youtube, why should you be allowed to post videos of a copyrighted game?

Even though you aren't giving them a hardcopy of the game, you are still letting them see the game for themselves without purchase. Its like if you posted a movie on youtube, its not allowed even though you aren't giving them the actual movie.

Yeah, I can see where they're coming from but there it's different for a video game IMO. If it was a song then they get to listen to the whole thing. If it's a movie then they get to watch the whole thing. If it's a video game then they just get a taste of what they get to experience.

Discussion forum / Really, congress? Really?
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:40:22 pm »

BTW I don't care if this is off-topic. This should be a discussion.

Well i'm just going to state my opinion here. We all know the government wants money. So if they opened their eyes and realized that they make more money from taxes if they keep the laws the way they are.

Let's say I'm doing other things in my life but then i stumble upon a zzirgrizz's mw2 montage. It inspires me to play. I get the old disc out of a dusty case and pop it into my PS3. I get the rest of my friends to start playing MW2 again. One of my friends never got into MW2 and he felt left out so he went to go buy the game. *BAM* Now the government gets some money from the tax on the purchase.
If they pass the law then they don't get any money from that purchase because the video on youtube that inspired me to play MW2 again didn't exist. So i didn't play and I didn't get my friend to buy the game.

Some commentators have brought me to buy a game. I came to minecraft by watching a machinima commentary.

All online montages, commentaries and everything else is pretty much free advertising for the game developers.
If this law passes then lots of people will lose their jobs. Sales will dramatically drop, etc.

Sry for getting all raged up and stuff. It just makes no sense at all.

Offtopic / Re: Removed Herobrine?
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:06:07 pm »
He removed him in 1.6.
The minus means he removed something. This means he added herobrine, because 2 negatives = a positive.
Smart. So now everyone has herobrine in their game. Again...

Actually i saw Herobrine multiple times in 1.6...

Pics or it didn't happen.

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