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Messages - gavin1928374655

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 66
Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:26:52 am »
First off I would like to start by saying that I've been playing on this server for four years, I love it and it's community very much. When I found out that the idea of the server being wiped was even CONSIDERED I was outraged to say the least.  All the great things people have built and all of the W.I.P.'s just gone because all the rich players who have everything are bored...are you kidding me? I remember back in the day the community was thriving, we had 30 people on at a time and everyone was either gathering or selling stuff on trade chat. Yeah I wish we could go back to those days, but I seriously doubt a complete reset will fix the issue. It's more probable that the reset would anger more people then it would replenish others will's to play on the server again. For example, my friend lolakittygreen and I have been building a specific thing for ALL four of the years we've been playing, if the reset were to occur we would be done with not only Opticraft, but Minecraft.

Thank you for reading what I had to say, have a nice day.

You bring up some valid points, but when PVP was added (a minor change compared to this) the server spiked back up to FIFTY players active for a long period of time.  It isn't just "some rich people" who are bored, but a ton of old players.  I think this major change could bump SMP back up into the 50s + in terms of active players.  That would be awesome!  It does suck that some builds will be lost, but atleast we'll all be starting out together.  I also have been here 4 years and I would prefer the server to thrive and be active than to have some old builds stick around.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:52:27 pm »
Just a quick write up on what I think will be most important about the new server changes... the economy. 

The current market is set up in such a way that only those who already made money can see any benefit from it.  In order to buy one diamond protection stone you need to sell 22 stacks of iron ore.  Basically to get a minimal level of protection you must mine for 6+ hours.  This is a result of people abusing the market system to get rich or by afking ridiculously long amounts of time (not saying this is a bad thing as I obviously do/did it as well).

I agree with Hedge's point in that players should have the ability to set up shops.  We should not be pulling items out of thing air with the market, but the market should be a trading shop.  The server should have no official economy whatsoever, rather an official shopping district/area where players can put up shops.  If the shops are complained about they can be removed.  (Also to make sure this area isn't ugly players would only be able to stock chests/determine prices).  If players stop stocking a shop or an item deal is never used the shop could be removed.

Here is my full proposal in list form for easy reading:
  • Players can request a shop in the official market district.
  • Players control the prices and are in charge of making sure the shops are fully stocked.
  • If a player stops stocking a shop they will be kicked out of the marketing district and charged a fee.
  • There can be some "official" shops that do produce items automatically for some things like glass/wood/stone that are common building blocks are would require destroying a large amount of land to fully stock shops with.
  • These shops can charge a wide variety of prices for 1 item, i.e. you have one "official" shop that sells 64 glass. What is 64 glass worth? It could be worth 16 wool perhaps, 16 iron ingots, 8 iron ore, 1 diamond... who knows! You could have all these prices used to buy 1 item.  So rather than having an "economy" you must earn one of the items that you need to buy something.

The main takeaway from my post is that the economy should not exist, but rather a market where items are traded based on their worth.  This could either be completely set up by the admins so all the prices are predetermined, or players could even be allowed to join in and sell items. 

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 18, 2016, 08:31:47 pm »
I'm a big fan of the changes, one suggestion / thing I would like to see is full PVP.  If the world was either fully pvp or had only small protected zones that would be fun.  I feel like it would make the server more interesting to play on.  Also if you got sick of people building afk farms you could always just kill them! 

Server News / Re: Introducing OptiQuest!
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:53:40 am »
This looks amazing!  I can't wait to play.

Also, if you need any testsers/builders (maybe even developers haha) then I would love to help out!

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Astoria
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:49:47 am »
This place looks awesome! Great work  :)

General Discussion / Re: woah 5 years
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:48:38 am »
5 years of opticraft guys, miss y'all!

You just so happened to bump this thread on my 4 year opticraft anniversary

Suggestions / Re: Opticraft build event
« on: February 01, 2016, 06:32:00 am »

Suggestions / Re: Opticraft build event
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:03:32 am »

Suggestions / Re: Opticraft build event
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:30:49 pm »
Redstone event

I've started the classic server back up. It crashed and went unnoticed. I am actually unsure of how you even log in anymore though... But its up
There is a post by Xeadin in the classic archive with detailed instructions and download links to log on to classic. Is there any way you could copy the info on this post and re-post it somewhere so we can view it?

I logged onto classic about a year ago with no problems, but I lost the info on how to do it.

Offtopic / Re: Any runners out there?
« on: December 09, 2015, 09:09:14 pm »
Why do you ask? lol
He's measuring your coffin.
Yep, thanks for the measurements!

Actually I used to be a runner and was kinda trying to see how we compared when I was near your speed.  I was like 135 and 5'10 I think

Offtopic / Re: Any runners out there?
« on: December 06, 2015, 09:27:17 pm »
Very nicely done, congratulations!

How much did you weigh and how tall were you when you did this? Just curious

Support / Re: Setting and deleting /homes does not work
« on: September 30, 2015, 10:31:19 pm »
Fiddling with usernames can screw with the database (This has been noted when banning people) so that's probably the issue. If you aren't too desperate to change any of your homes then I'd wait till the end of the month when your username expires and returns to normal. Failing that, if you set the homes as a modified name and have changed it again since then you will need to return to that username to be able to modify your /homes.  Hope that helps.
I would return to my original username, but it has since been taken.  Although as Nick said, usernames shouldnt be causing an issue since it was updated to UUID

Support / Setting and deleting /homes does not work
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:36:01 am »
Setting and deleting /homes has been not working for me and other members for a fairly long while now.  Even voting properly (filling out captchas) does not allow the feature to work

Note: I did change my username

Server News / Re: Introducing Creative Spleef!
« on: May 29, 2015, 08:02:19 pm »
I might have to log on and test this out, looks cool!

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