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Messages - Nick3306

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 274
Offtopic / Re: #Canada
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:28:38 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Guardian Spawn Zone/Server Discussion
« on: February 13, 2015, 03:30:52 pm »
I think a new world would be pretty neat.
this along with a few changes well be proposed top optical. We could do it now but I really want to hear opticals input on a few ideas first.

Suggestions / Re: Prismarine
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:30:39 pm »
How can you not understand this? If bukkit wasnt owned by mojang, they still wouldn't have gotten Paid. That means bukkit was not exploiting them because they wereworking for free before.

Suggestions / Re: Prismarine
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:57:15 pm »
(PS,  is that the same Dinnerbone that screwed us all by promising he would update Bukkit to 1.8 but never did?)
No, it's the Dinnerbone that said he would update Bukkit, but was then legally not allowed to due to someone else screwing the community over. Gah.. please learn what actually happened, you described like 10% of the story here.
I know exactly what happened, I read all about it. Point is; Dinnerbone should not make promises he cannot keep.
And the other guy you claim screwed the community got screwed himself by Mojang. I completely understand his actions. He's the victim, not the bad guy. He worked his ass off for years for all of us and got screwed by Mojang and also by Dinnerbone.

But lets not get off topic.
You're so wrong it hurts. This was in no way Mojang's fault at all. The whole Bukkit staff had a hissy fit because they allegedly had no idea they were working for Mojang after 2 years, and that's apparently Mojang's fault for not telling them individually. The Bukkit community wanted a system where they could be in charge of everything, yet they then turned around and complained that Mojang had been sitting behind the scenes doing nothing for 2 years.

Wolverness, the one we're speaking about, thought that his code he had written voluntarily for Bukkit over many years was all of a sudden in a breach of his copyright because of Mojang's ownership of Bukkit, which has been there since 2012.

I have no sympathy for Wolverness, he's doing what he's doing just because he can, and until he can reveal his motives for this, he will forever be seen as the bad guy.

Go ahead and keep seeing him as the victim, but please then don't be one of those people who can't sleep at night because their beloved server hasn't been able to update to the latest patch because of legal issues.
Everyone is trying to get somewhere in this world. His motives are crystal clear. The Bukkit ppl thought they were working on their own future.
You forget this is a money issue. Mojang making TONS of money, and having ppl (Wolverness among many others, who all quit too) working for them without paying them, even without them knowing it. Indeed, I don't blame the guy at all for expecting something in return after they found out. It's not like Mojang couldn't afford it. Instead they said "screw you" and then he decided to stop the project. He always thought his code would be worth a lot but Mojang just tried to confiscate it. Dinnerbone then promised he would finish it which he never did. That's why we have Spigot now instead of Bukkit.
Ppl need to understand that Mojang would never be the company they are now without the work of the Bukkit ppl.
Mojang could have shown the Bukkit guys some god damn financial appreciation!
Instead the Bukkit ppl got screwed and Mojang was sold for 2.5 billion dollars.
It's a damn shame Wolverness wasn't able to sue them for an enormous amount of money.

you realize that even if they weren't working for mojang, they still wouldn't have gotten paid right? the way I see it, he was just a baby that decided after the fact that he should have gotten paid for a project he VOLUNTEERED for Just because mojang made money.

Server News / Re: Creative Server Player Stats
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:08:21 pm »
Logging ranks is pretty useless since pex does it for us.

Rejected / Re: Crafter Application - dfroster
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:32:00 am »
Hello Staff and Fellow Members,

     Nick, I understand entirely that a builder is going for your "rank" but may I ask to what standards you refer? If
"Extremely impressive builds, renowned for quality" is your standard than I fail to see all the controversy over Douglas's build, merely standing next them to evokes a sense of awe and accomplishment. If you're going to enforce a standard make a clear category you're rating an individuals building potential/build by.

  I suggest a written set of categories available to all, for reference, these categories would be the cornerstone in which each build is measured and would avoid this mess entirely, each category would have a rating of 1-10 and in order to get CRAFTER there would need to be minimum total that is averaged between each Owner/Admins score sheet. For Example; The categories used could be:

WOW Factor!! (When you see this build does it's presence/appearance amaze you)
SIZE (Speaks for itself)
CREATIVITY (It's it a cookie cutter build or is it true inspiration)
EFFORT (How much time and dedication did it take to complete the build)
COMPLETION (Amount of Project Completed)
DETAIL (Is everything that can be done with respect to the build done in order to breathe life into it
RESPONSIBILITY (This applies to his maturity to handle the /kick function and should be considered)

  Those listed should be totaled up and averaged together across the people judging it , and if the score exceeds the minimum threshold of lets say 55/70 then BOOM! crafter. I totally respect all of you making this judgement and how you're worried about how it will affect Doug, but I think I believe part of the problem here is none truly has set a standard and a many of us feel the process needs more oversight and standardization.  

 If we can advance the server together we'll have a much more pleasant experience overall <3 because in the end, the server would be a lonely place without it's members.

You misunderstand, there is no controversy over dougs builds. I was simply responding to a statement that DJ made in a general sense. I was not talking about any app in particular it just happened to be in dougs app which is probably not the place for it. sorry.

And mime, you cant standardize a process to judge creative builds because each one is uniquely different. 

Rejected / Re: Crafter Application - dfroster
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:36:09 am »
I think the design of a build needing more exterior or interior design is a matter of opinion. Who are we to judge a person's build because we want to see it that way? If the original builder chose not to include as much interior while instead focusing more on exterior, then they had a good reason to. It is their build and it is their vision.

Each build is a representation of the artistic imagination of the builder. Interior is not always a necessary aspect to a build though it does help create a more realistic and heavily detailed world for the viewers of the build. It's more something to please the viewers at this point though, since this is large scale.

When building on a large scale such as this, interior is no longer the focus. It's mostly exterior. It's all about accuracy, beauty and symmetry. It's about leaving you absolutely breathless.

The reason I see interior being forced into builds nowadays is because no one is impressed by anything anymore. We have seen all kinds of builds already and its just like "ya cool...but give me more detail because I want it". And so it became sort of a unanimous decision that now EVERY build must have both interior and exterior. Which is a wrong way of judgement. This is a creative freebuild server. We should be able to express ourselves however we see fit and not simply to appease others' standards. If we decide there will be less interior design than exterior then that is our choice. And ya I get it. He is making an application to become crafter, something the higher staff will be judging. So, in the end, its really their decisions and their rules. However, I would hope there is a fairer judging standard than just "hurr durr no interior. only exterior. no crafter for u ".

Rant complete. Feel free to bash it.

Good luck, doug.

Your argument makes sense and doesn't make sense at the same time. It makes sense that people build what they want and how they want, that's fine, but he is going for our rank. Our rank that we came up with has our standards, especially when it comes to the highest building rank there is.

Now the problem with this is it creates a kind of "build for the rank" mentality that we don't want. This server isn't supposed to be about suffering through a build to get a rank, it is supposed to be about building because you love to build and if you happen to pick up a few ranks along the way, cool.

Accepted Builder Apps / Re: Builder Application - Spartan_Rain
« on: January 06, 2015, 05:45:37 pm »
That battleship turned out extremely nice.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: January 04, 2015, 07:11:22 pm »
So he is alive

Suggestions / Re: Titles, Homes, and more
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:01:37 pm »
Homes are not a reward because you already start with 5. Titles are something that would require some work and I am on the fence about. On one hand they generate quite a bit of revenue for the server but they also make chat look more disorganized.

Offtopic / Re: Christmas Steam Sale
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:21:43 pm »
I saved 15% on car insurance
I saved 100% on car insurance by switching to no car insurance.
Are you still driving though? If you hit someone else's car by accident you're kinda boned.
it's a joke lol.

Offtopic / Re: Christmas Steam Sale
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:43:10 pm »
I saved 15% on car insurance
I saved 100% on car insurance by switching to no car insurance.

Offtopic / Re: Christmas Steam Sale
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:38:43 pm »
I bought farcry 4 for my brother as a present.

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