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Messages - _Obi_Wan_

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Suggestions / Re: Grief Prevention plugin
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:12:21 pm »
Hi Xeadin an hi Wratkie, yes i see there could be problems with mines and constructions beneath peoples home and u are right this idea sucks in worlds u got right now but we all know that those worlds will end one day and probably be replaced with new ones so this idea could be implementded in one of new future worlds where everything will be fresh :-) if u know what i mean and as for seting zones ....well Xeadin u missed the point here :-/ point is that with grief prevention u dont need admins or mods to make zones,players do that by themself :-) that is beauty of that plugin,no more running arround making safe zones or checking why ps dont work.That would mean more free time for u guys to do some other stuff u like :-).
With that plugin u could even set rule that allows grief in unprotected areas.....it would be peoples fault if they get griefed so even less job for you :-),and plugin offer 100% protection from any form of grief (i tested it on lan server i got for my crew).
So in short just keep this plugin in mind when u will making new old member world or similiar :-D
And i hope i'l see u both in game some day......i drop by here and there but i'm working full time now so i cant play as much as i would love to :-/
P.S: I wonder if my statue still lives in first world .-)

Suggestions / Grief Prevention plugin
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:30:16 pm »
Hi folks,it's been long time i havent played with you but i might be coming back so i got one suggestion to offer.
I tryed to browse through entire forum and i think i didnt see anyone asking for this,so here is it...what do u think of installing "Grief Prevention" plugin instead of protection blocks.It can be configured in any way u want and u can even turn of free claim blocks and make them buyable only.Yes that plugin does protect from bedrock to sky and i can see how PS is more sellable but most players dont get enough cash to buy them and still ppl can build above or under your protected areas .And in that case mods need to run and solve issues.With GP that problem doesnt exist and also allows players to make subclaims inside their main claimed areas for renting or something.Plugin is easy to use for players with just few basic commands and griefing inside is imposible.I made this suggestion because i see a lot of players asking for cheaper PS or that their area of protection need to be bigger and i know that it is hard to place them and make them almoust invisible if u are protecting big houses,GP is invisible and u dont need to place any block for it to work so u can build house or anything freely.I'm really sorry if someone already made this suggestion cos i couldnt find such topic.
And i truly belive that it could help a lot in protecting players homes,farms,arts etc.

Introductions / Re: lLLEGAL
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:38:28 pm »
Hi lLLEGAL i did saw u in game more then once but it's nice to see u'r intro finnaly :-P

P.S:If anyone can push this tread down the stream of time this is perfect time to do it :-D

Server News / Re: Member World Update
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:02:27 am »
The longer we wait for new world the more time is for me to stack up materials i'l needed there :-D

Offtopic / Re: Forum game!
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:56:41 pm »

Offtopic / Re: Ban The Person Above
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:29:02 am »
Banned for using Quote  ;D

Offtopic / Re: My Forum Signature
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:23:55 am »
I like your signature,and as for hammer ans sickle i cant be offended even my country is very familiar with similiar sign but yours is not the same and both items can be seen as minecraft tools- u "craft with hammer and cut weat with sickle"
If u take american flag and color stripes in brown and purple and make pinky stars can u say it is still american flag-i dont think so :-/ :So your sign is actually good for my opinion cos it can represent crafting and farming inside Minecraft and i like how u put it on common shape of game.

But that is just my opinion :-)

Offtopic / Re: What's your favorite game?
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:11:40 am »
NFS-all before Underground :-)
Call of Duty-all before Modern Warfare

And hmm.......u didnt say computer games so i'l just assume u mean any game and will add basketball IRL :-D

P.S: yea i know i put Fallout twice........it was on purpose :-)

Offtopic / Re: Forum game!
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:01:49 am »

Offtopic / Re: Slap your keyboard!
« on: June 19, 2012, 01:00:14 am »

kitchen floor generating kitchen foam.... that is first that came in my head :-/

Offtopic / Re: 1001 things to do when you're bored. (Forum Game)
« on: June 19, 2012, 12:52:44 am »
691. wondering how the heck i will wake up in 4 hours to go to work after spending all night drinking beer :-D

Support / Re: My minecraft :(
« on: June 18, 2012, 06:02:15 pm »
This maybe wont help and it doesnt need to be related to u'r problem but u can try.
Update Java,clean your client by erasing minecraft.jar and run the game,game will automaticly download fresh clean minecraft.jar
And second go here:http://www.registry-clean-up.net/
or here:http://resplendence.com/downloads but make sure u read all instructions.I suggest downloading from this last link following:WhoCrashed 3.04 and AntiFreeze 1.01
Hope this will help u and keep u playing with us :-)

Support / Re: Public Chests
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:38:24 pm »
We can see who took what from chests by looking at the most recent access history-- just like logblock.
Now that is one thing i didnt know....and was always afraid someone will break my chest to get to stuf,so all of them are inside ps field and locked :-)
Thanks for info Xeadin :-)

Support / Re: Public Chests
« on: June 17, 2012, 08:20:08 pm »
If u use /cpublic it will be safe as hell.......nobody can take or claim that chest but if u mean (and u do :-) )will someone take all stuff from it not caring about those who would really need stuff from that chest then no it is not safe at all.I had such chest at my place and every time i saw someone check it he/she would take all items no mater of worth.So if u are making chest for donations be sure to /cmodify only those players u trust that will not take but deposit/donate stuff for good cause just like >>harif<< said.And i think there is no way u can check who took what from public chest.
Hope that answers your question  :-\

Support / Re: piston farms v2
« on: June 17, 2012, 08:12:06 pm »
Ok i read all inside this topic and i really have no smart comments on any of replies u folks made here but in some way i must agree that melons/pumkins are too easy money making way.And there is maybe better more creative ways to make money like selling crafted stuff such is cake or bookshelfs that require player to farm weat,milk the cow,collect eggs,harvest sugar cane and finnaly to mix that up and get a cake.Allow us to sell those things to market for good money and do what u want with easy making blocks that can be sold for lot of cash.There is no way u can automaticly milk the cow  ;D or collect the eggs for cake.Just put milk on market also cos of big lack of cows :-)

Dont want to offend anyone, this is just my opinion and for now i do use a player activated pumkin/melon farms but will gladly demolish them if there is more creative way of making money besides hundreds of farm designs.
I love making cakes because it require time to collect and craft them.

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