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General Discussion / Re: Kthxbai
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:44:54 pm »

See you arround i guess...

General Discussion / Re: concerning slime spawns
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:44:14 pm »
*cough actually opti reduce mob spawn rates to reduce "lag" I heard.
*cough cough* So did I *cough cough*

Support / Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:27:44 am »
Viper, the problem is that Antikoukou(_nos_) is a proven dedicated member of that community.
I told him about all the add-ons to the server and he told me that he will quit.

The truth is i was gonna quit anyway (from gaming overall). My last year of school is coming up plus my parents are going hystericall about what am i gonna do in my life and whatnot but anyway, because this winter is gonna be very rough for me , well actually the summer too, i want to spend and enjoy the time i have left to its fullest. So the pumpkin removall isnt the reason it just the " herp-derp i've spent my life building autofarms herp-derp, oh tragedy..." ( well i actually havent) And okay.. I admit that i may have raged a little or a lot.. But i have to find something to make up for all that boring hours i spend building my "fail" autofarm in the middle of the desert inside a hill and all that time i've spent placing planks dirt and torces @ DrFnDeos' farm..
Removing pumkins isnt the end of the world as some say but for me, i like te be rest assured that i could manually harvest my 150 pumpkins when i need to buy a ps, and to sell iron? Uhh.. I cant..
At least i can be clean of my subconcious saying that i am lazy , why dont you ask spam how many hours we spent mining. I even built a house out of valualbles and actually sold a full chest of redstone to a mod (wich his name i cant remember)
So with all that said lemme throw a random suggestion: add eggs?? Maybe no but i am gonna fill my farms with chickens anyway. Just because from the beggining i planned to live feeding from a chicken farm.
Now that i have taken all this stuff out of my head i can finally sleep, school preperation class starts in a few hours..
Sorry for the messed post but i am really tired..


Support / Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:08:35 pm »
Ok i said this in game, and I'm more then happy to scream it in someones face for hours on end.  :D

Look at the name of the game (literally) "Minecraft" last time i checked that means (basically) mining and crafting.

All you people complaining about your annoying farms becoming useless, your trying to change the name of the game completely. You made this server "Farmcraft" ,sounds like a dumb Facebook game to me. If u can't see that, your blind to the cause.

Opti and the staff are turning the server back into "Minecraft". Why do you have a problem with that?

Basically its not Farmcraft its Minecraft. I'm sure if you asked him Notch would agree with what Opti and the staff is doing.

As far as cacti and stuff like that, it'll be a sad day when u make a massive automatic farm for them. You would truthfully be saying "I am going to do the exact opposite of what this server is about" and personally i don't want someone like that on the server, granted I'm only trusted.

As far as a solution to the possible mess you all seem to know so much about. Mining, ik ik they said it already and you don't like the idea of putting forth effort to make money. I have a farm, its not automatic and its to supply my shop with items. Never-the-less, i know how much time it takes to make a big, neat, good looking farm. It takes days to collect and build, i get it. But wait a second...didn't you go and "mine" for the stuff already? Sell that stuff and oops u made a couple thousand. Please share with me the problem here? Ok sure you wont make a steady income inless u mine daily and granted your farms are ,as you all say, 'useless' but then maybe in between mining you could...craft. Weird how this all works isn't it?

Granted strip mines might conquer the world but with problems comes questions with questions comes solutions.

Bad things come quickly, Good things take some time, Great things take a long time. Deal with it.

How do you think farms get made? (Hint: they're crafted....)

But really, your argument here is a little overboard and much too narrow. So we shouldn't build homes or buildings either? After all, this isn't Buildcraft! Right?

It's a versatile game, and you can do a lot more than just mine and craft. It's not like farming has even been outright banned either. Pumpkins and melons are just being removed from the market. They're still in the game.

I believe this is a fight over opinions. I stated mine and i will leave it at that.

I must add 1 thing to this reply thou.

"How do you think farms get made? (Hint: they're crafted....)"
This is incorrect. Over sized pumpkins and melon farms are not crafted. They are built.
Crafting: an art, trade, or occupation requiring special skill, especially manual skill: the craft of a mason.
Building:to establish, increase, or strengthen (often followed by up ): to build a business; to build up one's hopes.

Automatic farms are not a manual skill and is not an art of any sort. They are nothing but a form of business that they increase to make more profit.

Btw i think you missed my point, farms shouldn't be running the game, mining should be.

The gerne of the game is SANDBOX you can do WHATEVER you like. Either build or farm or kill creepers so the 'farmcraft' term or the 'buldcraft' are ways to be DECIDED by EACH and EVERYONE of us.

Support / Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:55:39 pm »
-Pumkins/Melons today, tomorrow....?

the 4th of july

btw, will selling pistons be removed after the 4th aswell? or will they stay

It was a rhetoricall question... -.-

Support / Re: Melon and pumpkin discussion
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:52:23 pm »
Ok ok... i ve recently made an autofarm in a size of a lapis ps wich gives like 30 pumpkins per 10 minutes.. it is nothing compared to what materialls and time i have spent..
Remove pumkins and melos okay.. I only have a question:
-Pumkins/Melons today, tomorrow....?

have a nice summer

Offtopic / Re: Post Your Opticraft Meme!
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:02:44 pm »
Does this count???

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: Teleporting to peoples homes.
« on: June 20, 2012, 11:12:38 am »
Creating deathtraps above your /home is against the rules, as it is a bypass of the No-PvP rule.

It's pretty discouraging to be tricking and stealing other player's inventory on purpose.

What Xeadin say and may i add:
NOT for fun
and NOT as a Joke

Offtopic / Re: Post Your Opticraft Meme!
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:50:50 am »

I had to post that..

Offtopic / Re: Not so rare now are ya?
« on: June 18, 2012, 03:36:24 pm »
So... when was this?  ???

This image has 1/1000 chance or something to appear

Offtopic / Not so rare now are ya?
« on: June 18, 2012, 02:50:53 pm »
(click to show/hide)
Full image so that there are no doubts :D

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Spamarian
« on: June 18, 2012, 02:42:35 pm »
He helped me get started on the server and he helps me with many other things.
You deserve it Spam (:


Offtopic / Re: My Forum Signature
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:10:46 am »
Too big and --> LOOK AT ME'ish <---

It can draw some attention

Offtopic / Re: Iphone
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:08:03 am »
iPhones suck.
Mind explaining why?
They are overrated, terrible quality (fragile), overpriced, not needed, so many other phones are better, and they are just pieces of junk.
They are not that fragile. I ve thrown mine up in the air (accidently) and it fell down from 2 meters and nothing. Sure they eventually brake ( mine has 2 times) ( i got mine already broken fixed it and broke it again).
They are overpriced allright i cant argue that..
Not needed? Notice that most people ( like my self) use them for apps  wich wouldnt exist in any other platform ( take angry birds for example) if it wasnt for iOS. The iPhone evolved from the iPod touch wich has many uses (consider moast of every apps one reason). The iPhone is an ipod+ the phone and messaging.
And since its a piece of junk as you claim and whatnot, why do so many people buy that? I mean come on! They cant be all stupid!
I believe you hatin' for some reason.

As for that

[/quote] I have an Android. I had it for two years now and i hate it. I have threw it to the wall over 50 times, Spilled water on it, ran it over with my dirt bike, and dropped it many times. it is still functional and the screen didn't have single scratch on it threw all that, till two days ago when i put it threw a stress test and the screen finally broke. I bet Iphones cant last two years threw all that.

As i said mine functions for 4 years ( i had it 2) it went through a lot and when i say a lot i mean A LOT!
It has fallen from various heights, thrown, crushed,punched,water'd, heated and and and..
It gave up eventually. I was pissed with my iPhone (for being old and laggy and crashing and whatever) but thats me i cant take old things. On one side i feel sad for tearing it appart, but on the other side i wanted to crush/destroy/decapitate/obliderate/nuke the crap out of it, for god knows how long..
The previous owner was my cousin, wich has empty hands and dropped it like every day..

Offtopic / Re: Iphone
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:46:36 am »
iPhones suck.
Mind explaining why?

(i ll fix the pictures later)

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