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Messages - Benwin

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Rejected / Benwin's Mod app.
« on: June 20, 2013, 06:42:00 am »
First, I would like to formally apologize to all of the staff for block duping the last time I was a mod. I'm truly sorry, and that will NOT happen again. I was a twit.

Second, I know I'm not trusted, so I'll likely be declined outright, but I wanted to throw my name into the hat anyhow. I really miss being a mod and doing things with you all.

Third, I like bacon.

Moderator Application - Benwin

Age: Somewhere between 19 and 49
Location: CEDAR POINT BABY! (Ohio)
Timezone: Eastern
Join Date: 3/7/12
Were you recommended by anyone?: The guys in mumble last night. I am having a complete derp moment. Someone speak up!

Why you should become a moderator:
I've been a mod previously.
I was trusted enough to go from normal member to full mod in a matter of about 60 days last year before Optical promoted me.
I have a low tolerance for people who blatantly disregard the rules. (Ironic, yes... I ALREADY SAID SORRY!)
I know the plugins/commands (unless you've changed plugins substantially).
I run a Feed The Beast server for a LAN center (only about 30 guys, but it's something), so I can sometimes be useful trying to pinpoint lag/glitches/exploits in plugins.
I built /warp northwest (BTW, I still have build/destroy permissions there...)
One of the FIRST things I did after rejoining the server was to give the diamond pstones that I had obtained illegally back to the staff to be destroyed.

And, most of all, I guess because I really, really, REALLY want to come back. I miss the staff. I loved BSing with you guys . I love this server, and I want to stay.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Nick] Ban appeal for Benwin
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:32:22 am »

Thanks guys. I won't make you regret unbanning me!

Ban Appeals / [Nick] Ban appeal for Benwin
« on: November 19, 2012, 06:06:14 pm »
**EDITED** I couldn't handle my redundant sentence of redundancy.


Well... where to start?
Wow, what an asshole I've been, no? Now... these are in no particular order.

-- I duped diamond pstones and used them to protect my areas. (And those of the friends that came over to hang out with me.) I guess my only real saving grace was that I never sold them/gave them to others. (Except Agito/Aperture/Mixture)

-- I evaded the ban originally set. Twice. Admittedly, though, this was to:
        A: Give the chest that I had hidden that was full of diamond pstones to the ops/upper staff. The chest was also not protected, so had someone stumbled across it, it would have been payday for them.
        B: To say hi to the people that I miss... the list is pretty long and irrelevant to the status of my appeal... but I do miss quite a few of you. I taunted a few people while I was evading... It was immature, I know. Sorry.

-- I gave Nick attitude for no good reason. I was a complete ass to you, dude. Sorry. I taunted you, I harassed you, I goaded you. I'm sorry dude. You didn't deserve it.

-- I betrayed trust. I betrayed Optical's trust even moreso. He trusted me enough to break his own rules. I'm really sorry...

-- -- This one is possibly the one that I really despise myself for, because I don't place trust in people very frequently, and I know how much it hurts me when that trust is betrayed. I let the server down. I let the upper staff down. I let my fellow moderators down... but worst of all, I unfairly enforced the rules with the "members" -- I kicked/banned them for doing the things that I was actually doing all along. And for that, I'm really sorry.

I really miss you guys. Genuinely I do. I have tried to keep in touch with some, but it's not enough. I want to come back and play with you all again.

Why should I be unbanned? To be quite honest, I probably shouldn't. I was an entitled ass. Especially toward the end, I just stopped caring. I should have done the adult thing and stepped down from being a moderator, but instead, I decided to be a complete jackass. What was I thinking?

The whole time I've been typing this, I've been on IRC talking to 2crzy4uall and Drunz and others. (I would list names, but you probably don't care)
I haven't been starting drama, I haven't been arguing or fighting... just talking. I miss that. When people ask questions, I try my best to answer them.

I hope you guys will consider letting me come back. I just want to play with you all again. It's been about five months since I've actually been able to play with you all.


Ban Appeals / Re: lenghth
« on: June 17, 2012, 09:30:24 am »
uuuurrrrggg.  im so bored it feels like lot more time has passed       oh and to be sure i dont get banned again i turn off xray texture pack and monster spawner mod right?

Wait, you were using an xray texture pack? That in and of itself is a bannable offense, as we don't allow *ANY* client-side mods aside from optifine,

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Apeal
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:36:53 am »
I will reverse your ban - this one time - You will be under observation, though.

Please don't make me regret unbanning you.


On second thought, I won't be unbanning you just yet. You need to give me a damn good reason to unban you. I didn't realize that you had two prior bans for griefing - one was for 100+ blocks -- This is UNACCEPTABLE behavior and will not be tolerated.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Apeal
« on: June 14, 2012, 09:15:50 am »
You were banned by tabooti on June 6th (permanently) for killing people with a death trap. This is *strictly* prohibited on this server. You will have to wait for his response.

Ban Appeals / Re: ban appeal
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:47:06 am »
I don't think he's *playing* stupid.

I've had to roll back small grief areas of yours in the past, KillerOfShado - none more than a block or two, so I never set a ban... I'll be watching out for you in the future.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:44:45 am »
You were banned by leganie on the 6th for causing a /home to be a death trap. The ban length is set to permanent, please wait for leganie's response.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:31:47 am »
Well, according to rule #9 located --> http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,6784.0.html <--
"Killing players on purpose will result in a ban"

BigBadHenz set the ban, and its length is >PERMANENT<

Please wait for his response.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:51:00 pm »
How fitting that it's my grief trap that banned you, and I'm the one responding.

You broke *at least* five (5) blocks of my (Benwin2) grief trap. The ban duration is set for one week (7 days) and cannot be shortened.

Ban Appeals / Re: I understand why.
« on: June 08, 2012, 11:40:03 am »
Lol, thanks  :D
Dude, I agree with Duinis. You should be un-banned because DBRUM24 did tell me, and I was watching.  :P
I dunno if you can support a ban appeal's case...
Unban supported :D

Keep irrelevant posts OUT OF BAN APPEALS!

Ban Appeals / Re: im sorry for griefing!
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:15:56 am »
Please don't post in others' ban appeals.

train5, your ban expires on the 14th at 6:22pm central (7:22pm eastern) I will *not* be shortening the length of this ban. You have twice now griefed xXCJXx's town, and it will *NOT* be tolerated. IF you decide to come back on the 14th, be warned; if you don't get your act together, the banhammer will fall once more, and it will be PERMANENT.

We can see every block you've ever broken, so QUIT GRIEFING

Ban Appeals / Re: On behalf of djcod14 ban appeal
« on: June 03, 2012, 05:05:17 pm »
Since you waited two weeks to appeal the ban, I will reduce it. He should be unbanned now. Let this serve as a final warning, though: Grief is *not* tolerated on this server. His next ban will be his last.

Ban Appeals / Re: Really?
« on: June 03, 2012, 12:28:05 am »
You have eight spawners near your house, all with tunnels that lead *directly* to them. There's no conceivable way you legitimately dug your way to them all "by luck"

Ban Appeals / Re: Am I banned permantly?
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:23:32 am »
The ban sticks. Nyssa agrees. This thread is locked unless Nyssa or another higher-ranking staff member reopens it.

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