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Topics - Xoiiku

Pages: [1]
I am curious if people would be into creating a rail system starting near the spawn area that has routes to all the major communities. Maybe this is something that could be free for everyone to use if they are trusted or above?

Even though we can warp to different places, I think a rail system would give people a better sense of where things are in relation to each other which might lead to more appreciation for overall Composition and help people not just build as randomly. A rail system might also be a fun/interesting way to see (and showcase) different peoples work.

I think another thing that would be cool is to identify and create Protected Wilderness Areas in various places in the map. This way some of the "Natural" landscape is preserved, which can lend to a better sense of place and visual style for different projects and communities. Also if there are any particularly interesting cave/mine systems that are full of monsters and such, it might make for an interesting destination.

I've only started playing on SMP for the last couple days, so if these ideas have already been discussed and thought about let me know. If people think either of those ideas sound fun or worthwhile, I'd be into helping out.

I don't know people here already know about it, but search didn't return any results. Anyway check out: J!NX Quest: Epic Minecraft Structure
Dates: 4/12/2011 to 4/30/2011

Good luck peoples.

Offtopic / Xoiiku's links of mystery and awesomeness
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:56:11 pm »
I thought that subject line might be more interesting and extensible than, "check out this cool math program I found".

Anyways, I found this website http://www.khanacademy.org/ after watching the founders TED talk. So far, I've been doing practice exercises to help me get better at math. For a self directed learner like me this is a great resource. So, I thought maybe other people might find this useful as well.

Architecture related TED talks:

Accepted / [CRAFTER] Xoiiku
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:52:31 am »
Ingame name: Xoiiku
Join date: 2011.01.15

List your creations, and the worlds they are on:
Library and Beach House - Guest35
Jump Down and Pit of Collaboration - Guest39
Building4 - Builder4
Spawn Point Mandala - New Builder
Building5 - Tall Art

Links to screenshots of the creations:
Library and Beach House
Jump Down and Pit of Collaboration
Building4 and Spawn Point Mandala

All my buildings are freestyle, and I've put a lot of work into refining them (quality over quantity). Particularly with Building4 and Building5, there is a substantial amount of detail work and multiple levels that might be hard to appreciate from a quick pass. I have a sort of "level design" frame of mind when I've been working on these buildings, so I try to make them interesting/fun to explore. Thanks and Peace.

Creations / Builder creations of Xoiiku
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:59:57 am »
This is what I've been up to since becoming a Builder

Building4 - Map: Builder4
Building4 has several secret and interwoven passages to explore and I'm still refining it. The jump from the top goes through the sphere in the middle, the pit, the water level, library/forge level and then hits the bottom where there is a passage leading to Julfire's Maze or you can take the stairs back up through building 4 to the top.

Also, what became Building4 was originally just a temporary jump building I made over a pit that I helped Julfire and Dejong dig. The original jump building I made was heinous, and I didn't want to build in guest maps anymore so I just keep working with it until it wasn't completely ugly. Julfire had moved on to other projects, so over the next several weeks I kept adding to the building and then started to create the water level under the pit area. Eventually I built all the way down to Julfire's Maze/Aquarium, which still has a nice goldfish in it.

Spawn point mandala - Map: New Builder

Accepted / [BUILDER] Xoiiku
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:37:15 am »
In game name: Xoiiku
Join date: Around 2011.02.01
Briefly describe all your creations: I joined when what is now guest35 was the default guest map. I started by making a huge underground/underwater library in a corner of the map. After asking an OP to help me with water and lava placement, I was promoted to recruit. The library is large, and has many interwoven passages, stairways and drops/jumps. After completing my library, I built a ramp to make a higher key jump (see photos) where there was a greifed building. Building off the original I added a staircase, a green roof and then the key shaped drop point.

I then set about cleaning up the griefed buildings around my library and taking the liberty of adding green roofs to them. I connected this area to a large bridge by a walkway, repaired the bridge, and then continued the walkway to the spawn zone. When I got to the spawn zone I started repairing the surrounding buildings. Once I got to the beach I found a badly grifed building and turned it into a 3 story beach house, again with a green roof (because it's eco-friendly).

I then cleaned up the surrounding area and several buildings that where in good enough shape that I could tell what was trying to be done with them before they were attacked. I know this was supposed to be brief, but I've actually done a considerable amount of work.

What worlds are the creations on: Guest35 and Guest39
Links to screenshots of the creation: See post below or photobucket album.
Names of players who helped contribute: Dejong524 helped me with water and lava placement in my library (and promoted me to recruit). Since then I've done the vast majority of the work solo.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0)?: Yes

Introductions / Konnichiwa
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:06:57 am »
Hello peoples.

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