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Topics - MayuKitahara

Pages: [1]
Creations / MayuKitahara's "Creations" (mostly sprites)
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:33:23 am »
Hello everyone! I downloaded minecraft for the first time three days ago and must say I had some fun with spriting. After a couple of days putting up some sprites in the guest room (see the pictures below of Pikachu, anime-looking hamster, little fighting guy and guy from Megaman), I thought I'd move to the member section for a little quiet :)

Anyway, I built a flying Maya the Bee there. It's not great, but it's a start. I like sprites that fit well in the sky, so I can build myself a little house on it, with the comfort of plants and couches ;)

I hope you enjoy the sight of it! :D

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