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Topics - lumpabi

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Lumpabi's Operator applications V3
« on: June 25, 2011, 06:17:58 pm »
Name: Hampus Nielsen aka Lumpabi

Age: I'm 14 years old.

Location: Sweden

Timezone: gmt+1 Stockholm

Join date: January 7th, 2011

Forum Join date: January 8th, 2011

Current rank: I'm currently a builder on opticraft.

Reason for application: Yeah, My reason to apply is i have always like this server. But i always feelt that i can't help enough. When players are screaming grefing! Op help me! Stop it! etc. I always wanted to help that little extra, excatly that the ops is doing. I have dreamed some times i have been an op on opticraft, but that dream have never become truth. So i write  this application in honor to gain op status on opticraft!

Why you should become an operator: Why i think i should become an operator. I'm not worth more then others, but i really want to help out this server. I hate when players grefing, i want to stop the grefiers from grefing. I want to help opticraft become bigger and beter. So i think i can help much. I think i can help much as i can handle situations like the ops stand infront. I'm a very active persone to. So i hope i can earn op status.

Have you been temp-op before?: No i never got the chance to.

Extra information: Hello first of all i want to excuse me from stuff i did for about 2 months ago, I want to say sorry to morten1ela and relkeb. I'm really sorry for what happend idk what i did. So please sorry. Best regards from lumpabi

Rejected / Operator Application Lumpabi
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:52:46 pm »
Name:Hampus Nielsen/Lumpabi
Age: 13
Location: Sweden
Timezone:Gmt+1 Stockholm
Join date:Idk 2 months ago
Forum Join date: 2 months ago i think
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I want To help the server with all the grifiers show that we have active and friendly operators That help players in every situations The best they can.
Why you should become an operator:Becouse im friendly and active I want to help contribure the server As best i can I have been op on other servers with opticraft core So i know every usefull command I know some operators Like tobs And raul I've helped them alot when they was builders So now i want to help the server Thanks for reviewing this Thanks.

Ps. Sorry for my grammar
Extra information:

Rejected / Lumpabi's [Operator application]
« on: January 31, 2011, 07:02:10 pm »
Name: Hampus Nielsen/Lumpabi.

Age: 13.

Location: Sweden

Timezone: Gmt+1

Join date: 7/8 Jan.

Forum Join date: 8 Jan. I think

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application:I'm doing this application because I get little annoyed on when none op are online and player griefing and I can't reverse or ban/kick but I'm doing my best to repair it. I'm very active I'm very often active when none op are online I'm most time online 8/9 hours a day and even more weekends.
I'm always helpful and I love to help players,  so I would like an operator spot.

Why you should become an operator:Because I'm very helpful always when none op are online I'm there to help them, and I love to help them, I'm always kind to all players. I'm good to solve problems, and I can act. Fast I can work 8/9 hours days more on a weekend. I'm often online when no op is, so I think I can be very helpful for the server and community, and if I don't get the spot, I can just help players as a builder, But I hope I can get an operator spot, so I can help all players. And i have been op alot on other servers with opticraft software. So i can all commands.

Extra information: I am a kind guy. I like to help players and take my job seriously I can act fast, and I never get angry, so I would never be abusive I like to be out with friends if I can't work a day I contact an admin, so they know I'm always helpful and kind. That's little about me.

Ps Sorry if my grammar isn't that good.

Discussion forum / Lumapbi's classic server
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:07:38 pm »
Its up i'll need more admins and op's

Owners: Lumpabi



Running on opticraft Sotfware I just started it the server name is Lumpabi's Freebuild

Url http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=4559b06c819e017c2fee3af57ef5c9d2

Out forum is up att http://lumpabis-freebuild.forumsv.net/

Introductions / A late Introduction
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:46:20 am »
Hey its lumpabi some of you may know me but its me bye :P

Edit: sorry for a short Introduction but idk what to write i'm a kind guy hate grifiers love to help players  and be out with friend dont forgget mindcraft and my loved computer :D

Rejected / [Operator application] Lumpabi
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:59:27 pm »
Name: Hampus Nielsen.

Age: 13.

Location: Sweden

Timezone: Gmt+1

Join date: 7/8 Jan.

Forum Join date: 8 Jan. I think

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application:I'm doing this application because I get little annoyed on when none op are online and player griefing and I can't reverse or ban/kick but I'm doing my best to repair it. I'm very active I'm very often active when none op are online I'm most time online 8/9 hours a day and even more weekends.
I'm always helpful and I love to help players,  so I would like an operator spot.

Why you should become an operator:Because I'm very helpful always when none op are online I'm there to help them, and I love to help them, I'm always kind to all players. I'm good to solve problems, and I can act. Fast I can work 8/9 hours days more on a weekend. I'm often online when no op is, so I think I can be very helpful for the server and community, and if I don't get the spot, I can just help players as a builder, But I hope I can get an operator spot, so I can help all players.

Extra information: I am a kind guy. I like to help players and take my job seriously I can act fast, and I never get angry, so I would never be abusive I like to be out with friends if I can't work a day I contact an admin, so they know I'm always helpful and kind. That's little about me.
Ps Sorry if my grammar isn't that good.

Accepted / [Builder] Lumpabi
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:06:29 am »
Ingame name: Lumpabi

Join date: 7 jan

Briefly describe all your creations: Underground bases house some small sprites

What worlds are the creations on: Recruits 2 guest 22 and the new sand guest

Links to screenshots of the creation: Underground base: http://s1180.photobucket.com/albums/x408/lumpabi/

Names of players who helped contribute: Made3 in the little house only little

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): In my images look the subalbums there u can see what u look on and if my mind is not screwed up i think i have ben recruit 3 days if not say it to me and i just make one when i have

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:Yes

Rejected / Lumpabi's Recuit app
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:57:55 pm »
Hi, my name is hampus and I'm 13 years old. I want to app for recruit I don't find any operator online, so I write here I have built some really cool if an operator wants to come online I can show if cool if thanks for  help me.

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