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Topics - Wombat_Herobrine

Pages: [1]
Projects / Star Destroyer
« on: August 08, 2011, 04:02:20 am »
Hey everyone! A friend (Pandiculation) and I wanted to get started building a Death Star, until we realized that there was already one in recruit15...so we were planning on getting started on a star destroyer pretty soon. I was hoping on making it as full scale as possible, so it would be pretty big. We'd also need to design the interior, as a hollow star destroyer, while epic, doesnt quite seem as fulfilling. Note, though, that we are recruits as of now. Opinions, thoughts, comments? Anyone interested in helping us?

We'd also need to find a world with enough free space to do this one, as well.

Introductions / Hey everyone!
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:56:54 am »
Hey everyone! I'm somewhat new to the server, though I'm a recruit already. My username's wombat_herobrine (yes, THAT herobrine). Willing to accept any constructive criticism. Also know that I'm willing to do any group building, help anyone newer than me who needs help, and am also willing to partake in huge building projects. Hope to get the most out of this server.

Happy building!

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