June 07, 2024, 05:47:47 pm

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Topics - JCMackereeze

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Operator Application - CokeOrPepsi
« on: April 25, 2015, 10:58:41 am »
In-game name:CokeOrPepsi
Age: 14
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Timezone:UTC+ 10:00
Join Date:April 25, 2013
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator:
i know i haven't ever had experience being a staff member on opticraft, but i have had experience being an operator and admin elsewhere. ive been playing opticraft smp since 2012 and creative since early january 2015. i think im responsible and mature enough to take up such an important role. i will respect other staff members, and the broader creative community.  I'll be confident in enforcing all the rules and dealing with rude and disrespectful players.i know most of the necessary commands and have had experiance with world edit. i will always be there to help players in need. i am commited to the creative server and can be online 2-4 hours nearly every day. i've also noticed a lack of staff online lately when i come on to the server, that could be a result of timezones or school. so i think there is deffinitley a need for more staff and i think i would be a valid and valuable operator

thankyou for your time - CokeOrPepsi

Ban Appeals / [Codepmman] ban appeal
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:16:19 pm »
when i was banned it was my first time on the server and my friend(malachylord) said if i destroy blocks in his house that i would get a reward and so i did there was no warning to stop and i was in a skype call with the person who owned the house and he told me that i was doing good to grief his house sorry i know better now

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