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Topics - Leafolozzy

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Builder Application - Leafolozzy
« on: March 13, 2016, 04:28:20 pm »
Ingame name: leafolozzy

Join date: January 18, 2015

Briefly describe all your creations:
          1. A desert mosque
          2. A Japanese Pagoda
          3. An arctic fort
          4. A bombed ship on an island

What world/s are the creations on:
          1. Guest 2 (/home leafolozzy:a)
          2. Recruit 2 (/home leafolozzy:b)
          3. Event 2 (/home leafolozzy:c)
          4. Recruit 5 (/home leafolozzy:d)

Links to screenshots of the creation:
          Google doc: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eA91z5iWqGxkWFGgkzCKIguwV6LZnaBhKrD7O2rwHjM/edit?usp=sharing
Names of players who helped contribute: none
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): The first build was my recruit build. However, it was drastically changed (i.e. interior, roof, etc.) My fourth build was inspired by people who repeatedly griefed my build in the past.

Suggestions / Titles, Homes, and more
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:11:06 pm »
I think we should implement titles, homes and  hats as donation perks again. They were successful on the SMP server, so why not here?

Ban Appeals / [Clawstrider] Ban Appeal
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:12:48 pm »
Hi guys! Yeah, I have to admit, I am embarrassed of my actions. I was banned in mid-july of 2014. I do think that I have redeemed myself by becoming more helpful and less bratty on the creative server. I am aware and I take full accountability for my actions.

Bans: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=leafolozzy

I do realize its a lot, but I assure you I have matured enough to become an active member in the SMP opticraft community.



Ban Appeals / ""Ban appeal"" leafolozzy
« on: May 18, 2014, 07:45:35 pm »
So I have been ""banned"". I've been muted, really. I understand that it was for trolling, which I can see. I did enjoy it then, but now I realize the trauma and torment I caused. I totally understand if you want to deny this, but just read this thread. Now, you can move this to another section if you want to, but I just thought it will most likely get read as an appeal in this section.

I have joined other communities. In fact, I even became moderator on one. Then I see little annoying people like I was, trolling it up. Now I realize that I shouldn't have been doing that.

I now want to become a more mature and active member in the community. I have project ideas and systems that I want to create. My communication is essential in doing so.

Once again, I apologize to all of the people I harmed, and the trouble I caused. I hope you can accept me back into the optic raft community, and I am excited to get started.

addition: I don't remember who muted me.

General Discussion / Leaving opti
« on: March 28, 2014, 04:04:15 am »

Introductions / Hello!
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:27:47 am »
Hi, my name is leafo, as you can tell from the username. This is actually entertaining to write and is funny, because i've been on the server for 1-2 years, but never wrote an introduction.

I live in my sweet indiana home, shunning my self from the outdoors- a little too much. I like watching sports on occasion, but my favorite art is in building creations in a virtual video game. You can tell a lot about my life from that sentence.

I play French Horn- and I think i'm good at it... I don't really know... no one will tell me. I've always been a little musical here and there, and I find acting to be a fun thing to do. But usually, it looks like i'm dumb because of other people not enjoying acting. So, under peer pressure, i feel like I am not on my best acting level.

So people may call me a troll, but I don't really believe that. Internet trolls, by definition, are people who attempt to start flame wars, and try to make other people's lives worse because there's are. That is not correct, I don't have a bad life, and I'm not trying to make other people's bad. I just sort of like having fun and messing with people, but they usually don't get it, and go towards the random statement that I am a troll.

Some of my favorite hobbies are reading books, studying about science and geography, and learning about civil wars. I'm dead serious, I like watching hour long videos on a civil war. If you are a science-y type of person, you'd ask me my favorite chemical- which is probably... hmm.... hydrogen. Because it is an oxymoron. BOOM. My favorite country would probably be New Zealand, because of their peace ad prosperity- and lord of the rings was shot there. My favorite civil war would be the India-Pakistan civil war, because of the way that religion completely flipped 2 countries.

Many people ask how I got my username- because it's pretty awesome. I got leafolozzy by sort of an embarrassing story. In class, we were to make up a superhero, and I decided to choose 'Leaf.' Leaf would fight crime by controlling masses of trees and topple giant buildings on villainous robots. I got 'ozzy' by this one youtuber that I watched when I was little who called everything 'ozzy.' And then the name stuck. I didn't like leafozzy, but when I looked at it closer, I thought i would make sense to make it "leaf-ol-ozzy.'

Well, thank you for the people who actually decided to take time out of their precious day (My Precious!) and read my rambling story of me. This is less of an introduction and more of a life story, but I wouldn't mind if it was moved. And as always, make sure that you create a better ending then mine, because mine is crap.

Suggestions / Donation Perk idea
« on: January 19, 2014, 06:56:02 pm »
Hello, this is a brief suggestion on some donation perk ideas i've had.

1.) Ability to change color in chat
Honestly, it wouldn't change anything. The character limit is still the same, so it wouldn't be spammy. Plus it is fun and a good reward.
20$ for ability to change colors

2.)TP to coordinates
This is when you can tp to certain coordinates in the world. This would be very useful and get a lot of sales.
10$ for tp to cords

Yeah, i know moderators get flying, but what if we wanted to fly? It would be fun to fly, and a good reward for those who have it.
15$ for flying ability.

4.)Access to inaccessible items (Sponges, diamond ore, lapis ore, end portal blocks etc)
This would be a good perk, especially to show off that you donated to opticraft and that you care about opticraft!
5$ per stack of item

Suffixes are basically titles at the end of a username. Same color change, same 8 letters, same price.
Price= 20$

I hope you enjoy and takes these into consideration. Put your own ideas down!

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