June 16, 2024, 11:33:17 am

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Topics - cbradiohawks

Pages: [1]
Hello, I was banned for making deathtraps.  I totally understand why people would think that.  It totally looks like a deathtrap until water is placed at the bottom.  Some friends and I were trying to make a secret home that nobody would know about.  I looked up Opticraft members and found this person's house.  I thought he did not play anymore, so I thought it would be a perfect place for a secret town.  I know I should not have dug in his hallway anyway.  I should have known better.  What I was trying to do, was have it not noticeable to anybody until they walked on it.  I told my friend to ask a mod to put water down there, so we would not die when we fell.  That was where I was going to build my town.  I got really tired, because at that time it was really late in the United States.  I told him to ask the mod and went to bed.  When I woke up I saw I was banned, and was totally wondering if my friend did not ask the mod to place water.  I know this is a late appeal, seeing that it happened 11 days ago.  I really think that I should be given another chance.  I really love this server and I meant no harm.  I have never been banned before and it was all a misunderstanding.  If I do get unbanned and did kill someone, then I will repay them greatly.  I hope you understand.

Edit: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=cbradiohawks

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