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Topics - Flight21

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Letter of Resignation
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:47:00 pm »
Dear Opticraft Community,

               It is with a great respect that which I write this letter. In my almost 11 months, 9 of which I was an Operator, I have had a lot of fun with you guys. From Opticraft's humble beginnings, to now, where it is one of the best known Classic servers (mostly because of the great art exhibited.) The stress of school (starting in 2 weeks for me), going to college courses for Small Engine Repair, and among other things will be a lot to juggle. Adding on trying to keep my Operator post without getting demoted would be even more taxing on my mind.

               I had a lot of fun, mostly with the people from the very beginning. But, as time went on, Opticraft began to clog up and not be about what Minecraft is really all about; building and having fun. Too many sadistic people on the staff and too many griefers has really taken its toll on what Opticraft used to be. If any of you ever want to talk to me, as I will not be on Opticraft as much, you can send me an e-mail at flighttwentyone@yahoo.com. Of course, I would absolutely love it if you added me on Steam (same username), but be sure to tell me who you are.


Edit- PS: You can add me on Facebook if you like. Just send me a PM on here or Steam, and I'll most likely accept. :)

General Discussion / Lets be honest...
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:25:41 am »
I'm not that good of a builder nor decorator. My act of taking over Notre Dame was rather spontaneousness. I hereby relinquish my project leader post of Notre Dame. May the best builder take it and do as best as he/she possibly can.

General Discussion / Vacation, all I ever wanted!
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:14:29 pm »
Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation, had to get away! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo8S3iFdzUc  :P

Lol, sorry. I got that damned song stuck in my head now... Anyhow, yeah. I'll be gone this Friday, April 22nd through Monday, May 2nd. Its my Spring Break week, and I'll be doing some cool stuff like going fishing/swimming out in the Atlantic, remodeling a house, and growing some corn! Meanwhile, I'm almost certain that I won't be near a computer, less one with an internet access... :-\ Nevertheless, if I get a chance, I will get on the forums.

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