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Topics - xXUndeadScorgeXx

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] xXUndeadScorgeXx Appeal
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:06:14 am »
I got banned for taking some wool at of my own town. i felt like i was treated unfair. I love this server a lot. But now im mad and sad i cant play it. I got my house deleted. I lost everything in my chests and all the hard work ive put in on this server. So id just like for you to maybe help me out since this is my first and only minecraft server i play on. If this is a lot to ask i would like to get my house and all my stuff back. I promise to never grief ever again. And i only took like what..? 20 wool? i destoryed some wood so i could get out. I did somothing dumb. i admit it. But id just like to play minecraft again. Thanks so much. Hope i can have my stuff back and playing soon  :)


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