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Topics - gminmn

Pages: [1]
NOTE:  This does not contain any swear words or any bad content, appropriate for all ages

I was actually playing as cray when u (2crzy4uall) banned me ;D, also check out king_prankstar's and hammysandwhich's place they both were griefed by cray (ME) So not only was I ban evading, but I was griefing, oh, if you were not on, and there was no protection on your house, it would have been unrecognizable, and guess what, when u tped me to the house when you banned me, I was actually in the midst of griefing someone else's place  ;D and and you know how i feel about doing this?  :'( JUST KIDDING  ::) ::) ;D ::) ;D and, a little bit of >:D oh, and check out 2468avc's house, I did that too, killed all his animals.

PS: What The real cray2003 (a huge hater of opticraft) wants to say:

I've always hated opticraft and this is how I feel about gminmn greafing for me: >:D, and MOO MOO MOO.

Ban Appeals / [Zeradeth_] Ban appeal.
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:23:41 pm »
This is the link to my bans: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=gminmn

I know that doing what I did was wrong, and I really couldn't play do to my very bad ping. I'm sorry about that and I wish that I would be forgiven for what I have done. Sincerely, Gminmn.

User Events / Fireworks Show
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:11:09 am »
On the 4th of July, I will be having a fireworks show at 1:00 PM Central Time. The location of the fireworks show will be at /home gminmn 2. It's free and I hope to see you there!! I will have a quick announcement, and we may have to wait until it is night. If the fireworks show is successful (As in many people showing up), I will most likely have another one next year!
In total the fireworks cost about $6,000!! More info will be said in the announcements.

Rejected / Trusted Application
« on: June 24, 2013, 07:36:02 pm »
I haven't really been on this server much due to my slow internet, but I really like this server FAR above any other server I have EVER been on. I would really like to show how much I like opticraft by being a trusted member. Please Support me by commenting/responding. I know I have been banned quite a lot, but I've changed now that I got to know the people and the community.

Ban Appeals / [troddenostrich] gminmn -Ban Appleal
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:34:32 pm »
I gminmn, have been banned by troddenostrich and I don't know why. The link is: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=gminmn
If anyone un-bans me, please message and/or show what I did. Thanks!

Someone tell me how to change myself from newbie and how to change my title. Please!!!

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