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Topics - taros10

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Guess who's back?
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:06:30 pm »
While it might not concern many...

You're favorite, angonizingly helpful Trusted is back on Minecraft and ready to serve. I first joined Opticraft back in 2012, and loved it. I became really active, and in no time at all got Trusted from awesomealicia. I made a lot of fantastic friends, like WoodenSlime, Tobs, zelda, and all the other guys that I can't even remember (it's been a long while).
Fast-forwarding to 2013, I was offered a position as a Moderator (on the survival server, of course. Creative wasn't out yet). I had to decline, as I was planning on taking a "short" break from Minecraft altogether. This short break turned into a two-and-a-half long one, and due to school, other games coming out, and many other excuses that don't matter I wasn't able to get back. What truly matters is that I'm back, so hello.
I will do my best to give you water (if that's still a Trusted thing) as efficiently as possible.

Your favorite old guy,

User Events / Year Party
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:58:08 pm »
Hey guys!
Taros here, and I'd just like to announce my 1 year anniversary as a Trusted is coming up (November 17th), and I thought to myself: "I've been a little inactive lately - why not have a party?" So that's whats happening! Food, and fun at my /home island on November 18th if all goes as planned. Food will be provided, and I'll be giving something special to myself away also (Secret giveaway, hehe).

Thanks y'all, and looking forward to another year of service to Opticraft. :)

Rejected / Moderator Application - taros10
« on: April 03, 2013, 12:10:36 am »

Location:Hudson, Ohio, United States of America


Join Date:June 21, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: Not that I believe, no.

Why you should become a moderator: I should be a Moderator for this server because I know how to deal with problems well in short amounts of time, I know right from wrong, I do not abuse any power in any way, shape, or form, and I have a lot of staff experience, whether it being a Moderator to being and Admin, I am used to the sort of problems that may/will occur in the future. I have experience with many of the servers plugins, such as WorldEdit. I barely use any bit of intolerable language, and if I do, I have a very precise and just reason to do so. I never question authority and I treat every player, from Guest to Admin with the respect they deserve. Another important reason that I should be Moderator is that I enjoy helping others. I don't mentally groan when I am asked for help or advice. I also look forward to enjoying the kind Staff's welcome. It is important to me that everyone is content with a decision, but if I must, I will displease almost everyone to do what I believe just, with the Staff's advice, of course. I have never been banned from any server before, and do not plan on being banned from one any time soon.
Thank you very much for considering me as a new addition to the Opticraft Staff.

Offtopic / My Skin For N8MATTHEWS For The Statue
« on: August 25, 2012, 05:35:09 pm »
Here's my skin N8MATTHEWS.

Projects and Creations / Add-Ons for ShroomCity
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:13:12 pm »
Hey, its me, taros10, and I'm a trusted on opticraft, as many of you know. I'm doing this to look for people to help me make things in the city of mine I've been making called ShroomCity. It is located at /home docnex town. Its a marshy biome, with tons of space, and I'm going to plan on filling as much of that space as I can, but, I most certainly can't do it on my own! I'm planning on making: a Farming District, a Marketing District (which will also hold the town library/enchanting room), a Town Zoo which is already in progress, a town Spleef Arena, a town Parkour, and many other exciting things! The town is an open door, which I made by doing the entire /cpublic command, all of us have, or definatley should have(not sure if definatley is spelled right, but who cares?  :P).
Please post an application to become one of the 3 jobs I need to be done. The jobs are: Builder (Helps build the walls and buildings, brings own tools/cobblestone/stonebrick. I will supply some cobblestone and/or stonebrick), Animal Herder (Rounds up animals such as: 1 pig, 2-3 cats, 1-2 cows, etc.), Farmer (Helps with farms), and Tech Aid/Redstone (Help with using pistons, sticky pistons, doors, trapdoors, redstone, redstone repeaters, etc.) I will accept at the most, about 5-6 people for each job, so act fast. Please do note this is a VOLUNTEERING job, so there will be NO PAY.
If you do want to apply, make sure your on pretty activley, as I want the town to be finished by October 20th.
Now that you know the information, let me show you how to make your application. Here is an example application. I don't care about spacing, but please do make your application as relevant to my example application shown here:

My MineCraft Username:
How Often I'm On:
Why I Want to Help:
Will I "Goof Off" While Working:
What Job Would I Like to Apply For:
Have I Done Anything Similar to What I'm Applying to Do:
What Rank I Am: (NonMember, Member, Trusted, Moderator, Operator)
How Good You Are At What I Am Applying For In My Own Perspective:


That's your example up there.
Please do apply, I will no longer accept applications on:
September 10th
Please do apply!

Thankyou Very Much In Advance,

Current Staff:

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