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Topics - tundraboy44

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Banned for spam logging in. (Tundraboy44)
« on: January 03, 2014, 02:48:05 am »
Name: Tundraboy44
I was being kicked for "flying or related" Idk what the heck was happening.

Ban Appeals / banned for "advertising"
« on: October 19, 2013, 02:09:55 am »
Yo yo whats up. banned again, yea. So guess what. I typed in chat that it would be cool to make a server thats name is tundracraft. And guess what! Im banned. Just like that. FFS guys! Im talking aobut TF2 For gods sake. http://www.games.pervii.com/en/Team_Fortress_2/5077.htm My goodness please. Dont just ban people for the hell of it crzy. I love opti, and you hate me. That just dose not mix! Please don't let the power of op go to your head bro. You already that that once. Please. Don't do it again.

Rejected / Moderator Application - <Tundraboy44 >
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:23:02 pm »
Age: 13
Location: Arizona
Timezone: GMT -7 hours
Join Date: June 01, 2012, 01:12:46 am :)
Were you recommended by anyone?: Not yet. Edit this if you would like to recommend me.
Why you should become a moderator:
Hello, my in game name is Tundraboy44. I think I should be a moderator because of how much I love to help out others. Every time I go on Opticraft, I love to do nice and generous things for others. I love how the moderators and other staff members love to help out. My dream is to join them one day.
I have been an active member of the Opticraft community since I joined last summer. I know all the rules of Opticraft. I am always willing to help out even if it is no pay, just a nice jester.

 It is safe to say that I have true friends that I have made through my journey on Opticraft and I look forward every day to getting on because of them. I am so happy I found a server like this because there is truly no other server as good as this one. That is why I want to be a moderator because of all the people that play on Opticraft. I want to help and make an impact on opticraft and the people that play it. I am ready to take the next step.

Thank you so much for hopefully considering and especially for reading over my Moderator Application. Thank you! :)

Ban Appeals / [Operator] {banned for x-raying}
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:48:12 pm »
My in game name is Tundraboy44. I was banned for X-Raying a little while back. Ok guys, I know this is the 4th or 5th time, but I have been really sad and I would really like to get back on. I will post who banned me but I think it was [morgison].  I wish I could prove that I did not x-ray. I will tell the story.  I was at my house and asked over chat "anyone got a silktouch pick?" this guy named Bubblekiller said "yea i do".  So he came to my house and I asked him how much for it? He said "10,000" and I said " ok well lets try to mine something first".  ok where was i ow yea ok so we went mineing and i found coal (((((( NOT X-RAYING))))) but i found coal NOT rare BUt i found coal bubblekiller sed "no only on diamonds". i was mad but kept going we soon reached iron wich he started to mine i was mad beacuse it was my mine i asked him to stop and give it back but he refused. i then contacted a mod that was verry nice to me IM so bad with names sorry but he was verry nice. i asked him that bubblekiller was mining in my mine. he asked bubble to give it back. bubble refused the first time then gave it to the mod. tho mod gave it to me then i sed "thanks man". we mined on bubllekiller was verry rambuncshis and did not want to go on he wanted to leave (THIS IS WHERE THE MOD/IDK WHO WAS SPYING IN ON THE CONVERSHASHON) i sed OK bubble i see diamonds to keep him in the mine with me. 15s later i found a cave and bubblekiller told mogison that i was x-raying and wanted to be soo cool on ban me by saying " i got suspicious, when he turned straight to coal, which he told me he was going to find, then he said he can see diamond but i look in front of him and there was nothing their. And to thom said i might be xraying, i have caught, i think 7 xrayers now. His mineshafts were turning right to coal iron". i was just abought to say i give up and the banned screen came up. i was so sad that i never played minecraft for a week then i could not resist. i rilly hope this tells you guys honistly from my hart that i never x-rayed. i love opticraft and still look at the forms. thanks for looking and taking the time to read this.     sincerly -- Tundra  

Ban Appeals / [Morgosin] Tundraboy44's Ban Appeal
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:08:16 am »
Okay. I have been banned from opticraft for like 3 or 4 months now. I was looking through my screen shots and found a picture from the day I was banned. It was of me messaging bubblekiller. I realized that if I was using the X-ray mod, there would be something on the top of the screen right? Here is the screenshot.

Ban Appeals / [Morgosin] Tundraboy44's Appeal
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:04:03 pm »
My ingame name is Tundraboy44. I was banned probably a month ago for using X-Ray. It was a huge misunderstanding and I am hoping for a second chance. If I get another chance I can promise you that nothing like this will ever happen again. I have never been banned before and it makes me sick to think that I got banned permanetly so quickly. Please, all I am asking for is a second chance. I have tried playing on other servers, and nothing compares to Opticraft. Opticraft is the best server I have ever played on. So please consider it. If not, I completely understand.


Ban Appeals / Ban appeal for Tundraboy44
« on: June 30, 2012, 05:33:43 am »
Hi! My username in-game is Tundraboy44. I don't know where to start off but to say I was permanently banned for using the x-ray mod. I honestly swear with all my heart that I do not have that mod nor ever used it. I was in my personal mine and bubblekiller randomly showed up in my mine. I said "What do you need?" He said "Oh nothing just looking around." I did not have a pick axe with me at the time. Bubble begin mining. I said "What did you mine?" He said "Some iron." I politely said to him "I was saving that iron for when I have a pick axe with me." He said "I don't feel like giving it back." At that point I knew something strange was going on. He said "I have a silk touch pick with me, wanna find me a diamond to test it out?" "Yeah sure." So we were going around trying to find diamonds. He asked me "You mine weird, are you using the X-ray mod?" I said "No I dont use mods." He then contacted an operator and I was banned immediately. I find it really strange how this all happened... But I assure you that I dont use any mods, not even optifine. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Cheers, Tundraboy44 :-\

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