June 04, 2024, 04:40:47 pm

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Topics - Coolncreamy :)

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / YAY Trusted now!
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:07:03 pm »
Thank you for letting me be trusted!!! Its a HUGE honor! I'll do my best to help out!

(and post a comment if you are the person who recommended me.)

General Discussion / IDK how to get Mumble
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:22:29 pm »
I don't know how to get mumble.
Please post a comment telling me what to do.
Do i need a head set with a mike and earphones?
PS I have a windows 7 computer.


Offtopic / Happy 4th of July Everybody!
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:17:59 pm »
                                                       HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!

    It's time to celebrate America's independence with FIREWORKS and EXPLOSIONS and FOOD and STUFF!
                                               Post a comment and/or pic of you
                                                    celebrating the 4th of July!
                                                            Also, try the poll.

                                              (And maybe some firework accidents...)

                                                               HAVE FUN!!!

Offtopic / I'm having picture problems...
« on: July 04, 2012, 01:53:48 pm »
   I'm trying to get a picture for my profile but every time i get a white box with a X in the corner.
Can someone PLEASE post a comment telling me what to do to get a picture.   :)

Offtopic / Random Poll on Minecraft Dimensions
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:04:55 am »
   I'm a tad bit curious today so I want to see witch minecraft dimension you like best. Please vote! If you can, leave a comment saying witch dimension you voted for. Enjoy!

                            Look up for poll.


Pages: [1]