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Topics - SwaT123

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Drug dealer
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:48:48 pm »
Guys izzeh is a drug dealer she put up the list now everybody is doing it xD

Offtopic / For MuffinGrr aka _Deimos_
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:46:01 pm »
Muffin get on the forum http://elitecraftforum.tk/ and register send me a message or get on the server so you don't get demoted

General Discussion / Status:Away
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:15:21 am »
I am sometimes away for school studying coding my server so don't have time to play minecraft didn't go on for a week and I think I won't be coming online soon but sometimes I will get time I will come again when I finish my forum I will have more time and I need more operators that's when I will get much time to get on I will play in every spare time


Offtopic / Optical showcase(again)
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:51:53 am »
Guess optical has been bored with his server and gone to a better one wich is caleed ELITECRAFT and I have proof that he likes my server more

the link if pic don't work http://img525.imageshack.us/i/32099757.jpg/

General Discussion / SwaT123 --> M1lk
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:52:02 pm »
My new beta account is PowderedM1lkMan so I'll be playing on that one more cuz I got beta and all will be playing with swat123 if anybody needs op till I sort out with dark, hanno or optical will I get operator on this account and if I don't get I'll start from guest again :D

Offtopic / Optical showcase :D
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:24:14 pm »

Muhahah need Hannotje and my collection is complete :D

EDIT:Tell me if the pics work here is the real link if they don't :S http://img208.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=screenshot2011010513120.png

From morten:

Projects / [PROJECT] opticraft video
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:16:45 am »
I am making an opticraft video I think I'll start at about 7-8 pm (GMT +1) anybody that wants to help make the video is welcome and maybe will start about 4-5 pm same timezone :)

EDIT: Didn't make it been busy with my own server :S and nobody joined also trying to make a video for mine too so I'll like need about 3-4 days so for the weekend I am making that alone or whoever wants to help. and it's recruit+

Offtopic / New pic :D
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:57:56 am »
Do you like me new pic looks something like me :D

EDIT:Will need to go to my profile to see the full sized image :S EDIT: You still can't see it full sized until you download xD

Offtopic / Some help :S
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:35:22 am »
Guys when I made my bot faster it somehow bugged and didn't finish all the work now when I make it slower it's too slow and still won't finish if anybody can help me with the config of the bot or give me his or her own bot I would be very grateful and as a reward a builder or operator on my server (depends on respect you get from me  :))

Offtopic / SwaT's list stolen idea :D
« on: December 29, 2010, 05:41:56 pm »
Ok these are the guys I think as my friends on opticraft others leave a reply if you think off me as my friend so I can add you on the list :)

Me :D
Rufarin your on a list :)

Offtopic / BeatMaker?
« on: December 22, 2010, 09:03:16 am »
Anybody know a good Beatmaker to make beats I have reason 4 but can't get it to work somehow and if you know any pls help me I am trying to make some music with my friends and we need a beat :)

Rejected / OPERATOR SwaT123
« on: December 10, 2010, 10:38:26 am »



Timezone:GMT +1

Join date:27 november 2010

Forum Join date:4 december 2010

Current rank:Builder

Reason for application:I think I can get rid of the griefers cuz I am online when most griefers are and operators can't stop them and that's in the morning and about noon I am online all the morning about till 1(my timezone look it up) and I think I can help alot of people on the server to build, about their questiong, griefers ....

Why you should become an operator:Well I think I said everything about that in the reason but I can still say that I like to have more responsibility to the server and the forum....

Extra information:When you see the age you think too immature but I'm not I been admin on counter strike(cs) on lots of servers moderator on runescape private servers GM on wow private admin on wow lots of servers and I think I can handle this did a little like the old one but didn't copy it

And I did copy when hanno said to resubmit it later but I would have wrote everything just like this but with other words :)

Offtopic / Photoshop
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:54:38 am »
I started photoshop and I really like it I wanna learn more (about text animations) so if anybody knows photoshop I can give them my pics that I made and help me with the rest

Introductions / My turn now
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:38:09 am »
Some may know me from the server some may not but you got most info on my applications and I like this server and I hope we will play together for a long time all are welcome to ask me whatever they want :) ;)

Rejected / [OPERATOR] SwaT123
« on: December 07, 2010, 10:18:33 pm »



Timezone:GMT +1

Join date:27 november 2010

Forum Join date:4 december 2010

Current rank:Builder

Reason for application:I think I can get rid of the griefers cuz I am online when most griefers are and operators can't stop them and that's in the morning and about noon I am online all the morning about till 1(my timezone look it up) and I think I can help alot of people on the server to build, about their questiong, griefers ....

Why you should become an operator:Well I think I said everything about that in the reason but I can still say that I like to have more responsibility to the server and the forum....

Extra information:When you see the age you think too immature but I'm not I been admin on counter strike(cs) on lots of servers moderator on runescape private servers GM on wow private admin on wow lots of servers and I think I can handle this did a little like the old one but didn't copy it exactly

And something else my internet connection just got here so it will be much faster than this old one so I will be on the server more and on the forum  ;)

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