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Topics - rytovius

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Ban Appeals / [GirlLuvzerMac] Rytovius Ban Appeal
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:34:08 am »
I was banned for "Trolling mods with helpop, pretending to grief." First off I never called any mod, and I didn't know destroying your own blocks was pretending to grief. I really do not understand why I was banned, as I was inside a base I share with Rosnicolin. I went down to what was a spider spawner and cleared out the mossy cobblestone, I share with rosnicolin, or so I believed (We were going to make the room into a new storage area). After I cleared the mossy cobblestone GirlLuverMac appeared. Forgive me if I get some information wrong, but to my recall she accused me of griefing. I told her Rosnicolin is probably trolling. I told her it is both mine and rosnicolin's area. She asked where the door was, and I showed her the entrance. She then said something like "this isn't funny, you are both getting banned" I said wait I was then kicked. I would like some clarification as to why I was banned? I really had know idea I was breaking any rules.

Suggestions / Welcome to Opticraft
« on: December 01, 2012, 10:00:48 pm »
I was wondering If there could be something that says in the chat "welcome to opticraft <username>" if it is their first time on the server. It would probably be followed by many people welcoming them, which may make them want to stay. Just a suggestion, nothing super important.

Trade Central / Dragon egg for sale
« on: November 27, 2012, 02:24:45 am »

End Time 4 days after the last bidder

Starting price: 50k

You must increase bids by 1k each

Have fun bidding!

Rejected / Moderator Application - Rytovius
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:46:38 am »
Title:  Rytovius’ 2nd Application
Moderator Application - rytovius

Age: 14

Location: Michigan, U.S.

Timezone: Eastern -5

Join Date: April 22, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: No

Why you should become a moderator: First off, I love to help people on the server, and I believe I can really do that If I become a mod. I also think that becoming a mod is a serious thing, and I know I can handle the responsibility. I have been on the server a while and I saw many things. I learned many good lessons on the server, and also had tons of fun. I want to ensure everyone has as much fun as I do, and some will have to learn the lessons I learned. But, I am on every day, and I also have access to the forums from 5am eastern to 12 pm eastern, which is 19 hours of the day.  I hope I can have the opportunity to prove myself to you all, I will not disappoint you.

Thank you for reading my Application, Rytovius

Discussion forum / Minecraft won't work?
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:27:12 pm »
Ok, so I was playing fine all this week but. When I got home I logged on. When I logged in it became really laggy. I thought it was my cactus farm but I went on my ssp world and I looked at my fps. I watched it start at 100 my normal fps then go down to 0 fps. I didn't know what was happening so I force updated, which didn't work. Next I used a 1.3.2 minecraft file back up with opti fine. That also didn't work. Now I don't know what to do. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

*EDIT Now I think I might be in some sort of trouble. I deleted my .minecraft file and re downloaded and ran the .exe. Now I go back on and it is still at 0 fps. I really need help now.

*Edit I am really dumb  :'( all I had to do was reboot my computer. You can lock this now even though nobody posted :P

Suggestions / TNT mining
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:37:13 am »
I know TNT is disabled and I believe it should stay that way, but It is an excellent way of clearing land. Since it is such a good way of clearing land, I think we should do an exchange. Perhaps if you make the TNT and give it to a someone with world edit they will just clear out a certain number of blocks per TNT. I played around with the TNT and found 1 block by itself will destroy 26 blocks of stone which has a blast resistance of 30. Since stone his greater or equal to almost every block in the over world, except obsidian, I believe 26 blocks per TNT seems reasonable if this would be a possibility. I will continue researching the effects of TNT and post what I find.  

Discussion forum / How to stop getting replies to your posts?
« on: November 09, 2012, 07:57:10 pm »
I have posted in a few off-topic posts that spam my "Show new replies to your posts." button. Is there any way I can stop this from happening?

Projects and Creations / Ender Pong
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:39:48 pm »
I have been wanting to make a mini-game in Opticraft for a while. I came across this by sethbling. It is a game where you throw ender pearls into "cups". It is based of the game "beer pong", but in minecraft I will call it Ender Pong. Creating this will be a fairly easy task, but it requires tons of supplies which I do not have at the moment
(click to show/hide)

If you would like to donate message me and I will make a chest at my home for you, If you would like to help build message me also.
                              Thanks, Ryto

Offtopic / Going to make YouTube vids
« on: November 03, 2012, 05:51:41 pm »
So I have been watching a lot of different minecraft videos and I decided I will make some. I wanted to see what your favorite type of minecraft video is such as, let's play survival, adventure maps etc. I will probably start with my own survival single player.

Offtopic / Hurricane Sandy
« on: October 30, 2012, 11:14:09 pm »
I live in Michigan and I lost power from the east coast hurricane. I was wondering if any of you guys were affected by this storm.

Support / Wither boss
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:12:45 pm »
As most of you know, wither bosses drop nether stars when killed (nether stars make beacons). In order to make a wither boss you must get 3 wither skeleton heads, which takes an incredabley long time. I would like to save my time and others time and ask, if spawning withers allowed? If spawning is not allowed, I believe we should sell the nether star at the market.

Support / Need help with minecraft mods
« on: September 21, 2012, 02:12:38 am »
I have been playing lots of minez lately waiting for opti-pvp to come out. I got a mineZ mod and want to have a vinalla (with optifine) and a modded version. I tried making 2 files in my %appdata% but that didn't work and I lost all of my saves and texture packs. I was wondering if anyone can help me or give me a video link to have 2 versions of minecraft. Thanks, Ryto

Projects and Creations / What Building Should I Build?
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:15:04 am »
Hey, I was looking at the forums and I saw this. I hope Dewey has success building that, but I think it would be fun to build a real life skyscraper in minecraft. So as the title says, I need suggestions. I was thinking about the ren center, in Detroit. But I assume not many people know it so If you have a suggestion tell me.

About The Renaissance Center
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Support / Mumble Issue
« on: September 04, 2012, 11:04:06 pm »
Ok, so before I used mumble on my phone. Now Its getting really annoying so I just started using the pc version. I had it before but never used it. I thought now that I will be using the pc version I should register an account, so I did. I left today and came back just reacently and got this message. "Server connection failed: The remote host closed the connection." I don't know why this is happening. If someone knows why this is happening and how to fix it please reply. Thanks

Edit: I went back on and I got this message "Wrong password for registered users, please try again" When I registered there was no password ??? This is really confusing me.

Trade Central / Single chest of ender pearls
« on: August 26, 2012, 05:38:57 pm »
432 ender pearls

Auction starts at 5,000

Ends Friday, August 31

Bids must increase by 500

Buyout price 15,000

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