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Topics - DeweyMeister

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Nyssa >.<
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:02:14 am »

Thanks nyssa for fun times lol well for me it was fun >.<
Oh i need to go out more :L

Projects and Creations / The Empire State Building- DeweyMeister
« on: September 07, 2012, 07:51:53 am »
Ok so its been a while since i really undertook a huge project and so i thought i should build The Empire State Building. This is going to be a huge project that i think will go to sky limit, not quite sure yet. I have looked at some previously built ones and i really like one in particular. It looks like this:

I will be adding my own twist onto it by changing the brown wool to stone bricks and i will keep you guys updated as it goes along. I would really appreciate some donations of stone slabs, stone bricks , stone, rough sandstone and glass panes. You can go to /home DeweyMeister dew, this is if you want to donate. I wont start building until the end of my yearly exams but just wanted to let you know about it :) If you come to my home and take items from chest or grief i will ban you and it wont be tollerated.

Thanks Dewey :)

Offtopic / 1 Minute to live!
« on: September 01, 2012, 11:54:15 am »
So basically as the heading states what would you do if you had 1 minute to live.

I'll start off, if I had a minute to live the first thing I would do is try and contact as many close friends in that minute either call or fb and just enjoy the time slowly going down.

And I just realized how depressing some of the posts to come are gonna be lol oh well cheer up.

Dewey :)

Trade Central / [Lock Please]Diamond Pick Fortune III
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:25:53 pm »
Item: Diamond Pick
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: Level 30
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 0.5k
Buyout Price: 20k
End Of Auction: 4 days after the last bidder.

I can end the auction at any time i see fit.

Rejected / Moderator Application - DeweyMeister
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:57:46 pm »
DeweyMeisters Mod App

Age: 17 on September 4th
Location: Sydney, Australia
Timezone: GMT+10
Join Date: March 24th
Were you recommended by anyone?: Bahraindude_2497, Bhoughton, Drunz, awesomealicia, Ramkitty, Tobs74,TroddenOstrich
Why you should become a moderator:
I think that i should become a moderator because i love helping people out. I really enjoy welcoming new members and guests to the server and making their minecraft experience on Opti a pleasant one. Being able to help players with grief would be an excellent way for me to give back to this server. Ive noticed that sometimes moderators arent able to respond due to the large amounts of grief and so i would gladly help with this problem.Im on everyday for a few hours 2-5 and on weekends, it depends on what i have on in the real life but usually more than 4 hours a day. To sum up i would be grateful if i was given the opportunity to help out with the server and continue Opticrafts great reputation.

Thanks for reading

Offtopic / Joshskiizz
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:31:09 am »

Never knew you were a black man. Without a shirt as well :P

Projects and Creations / Wheat Farm Design
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:44:34 am »
Hey fellow opticrafters i just wanted to all let you in on a new wheat farm design that i have been working on. Its not the most efficient by any means but it looks rather nice and there is no chance of the plowed dirt changing back. Ill be most glad to help anyone with building this but please use this design as you may. Hope it helps.

Just Wheat Design

Wheat, Melons and Pumpkins Design

Thanks Dewey :)

EDIT: Added Melon and Pumpkin Design

Discussion forum / Going away for 3 Weeks!
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:47:19 am »
Ok so i just wanted to let everyone know that im going away for 3 weeks for a family holiday. If you need anything just send me mail in-game and when i come back i will get to you. So don't stress if you don't see me on because i haven't left the server just going away on a holiday.

Thanks Dewey :)

Projects and Creations / New Member World Shop Design
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:05:58 am »
So i have been mucking around on single player designing a few little things. This is the shop that i designed which i plan to build when the new members world comes out.

If you guys want to see a closer look just let me know and ill get back to you and if you have any interesting ideas or anything i would be delighted.

Thanks Dewey

P.S. If you wanted to help me build or donate let me know.

Support / Mumble Chat Error
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:35:26 am »

Ok i need help this is all i see in mumble help please. I cant type and my computer dosnt recognise that mumble is even open, ive reinstalled multiple times but i still dont know whats wrong.

Offtopic / Henz O.o
« on: June 12, 2012, 06:18:49 am »

Whats going on here lol just casually flying through glass!

Rejected / Moderator Application DeweyMeister
« on: May 27, 2012, 02:03:05 am »
Moderator Application - DeweyMeister

Age: 16
Location: Sydney Australia
Timezone: GMT +10 hours
Join Date: 2 Months ago
Were you recommended by anyone?: Bhoughton
Why you should become a moderator:

I personally i believe that i would make a good mod, im friendly polite and always willing to help even if im busy making something for me. I know im reasonably new but i didnt think that would be a problem because its not how long you have been on the server its whether you fit the role of a moderator. I'am also reasonably active during the week from 5-20 hours a week depending on my circumstances in real life but im a dedicated opti player. The lack of moderators in my timezone is also a major reason why i applied because we need a variety of moderators on all timezones so that the back log of grief isn't to severe.

I also personally feel i have more potential on this server as im unable to see the /helpop command and so am limited to how much i can help.

Thank you for reading

DeweyMeister, (Caleb Ball) :)

Suggestions / Real Estate Office
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:55:07 am »
Ok so i just had this random thought that could be really helpful. What if we had a serverwide real estate office near the spawn and market where you could put up your houses for sale and rent and advertise towns. This is just an idea and would take a very long time to get it up and running and would need many people to operate but it would be helpful as someone could possibly sell their houses really quickly. I would be most certainly willing to help in the designing and building of it if it was to become something that the server embraced. So yeah if anyone else thinks that this would be a cool idea for the server reply leaving your thoughts.

DeweyMeister :)

Suggestions / Multiple Homes?
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:28:24 am »
Ok hello everyone i just wanted to bring forth the idea of possibly having multiple homes with the command /sethome. I was thinking that possibly you could have up to 5 /sethome's. This is just an idea atm but i think it would help the server a lot, another thing is that it could be like another donation thing where it would cost $10 per set home for example. Finally as you progress through ranks each rank possibly gains a set home? idk just a random idea.

Dewey :)

Pages: [1]