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Topics - Hey

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / No this is ridiculous... Unban me now
« on: March 23, 2012, 06:07:32 pm »
i was banned for the past 2 days and i just got unbanned yesterday... I have been doing absolutely nothing but mining yesterday and today... and all a sudden i get kicked off the server saying i was griefing? I haven't done anything, i was already banned for griefing so its not fair for me to be banned again... this is getting ridiculous; my in game server name is "stephe1999" give me some answers now cause i WAS looking forward to playing this weekend...

General Discussion / New Update Server Question
« on: March 22, 2012, 05:22:54 pm »
Hey guys sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum, I'm new and I don't really see any directions of where and how to post... So anyway, they updated minecraft today and now when i try to play it says the server is outdated? When will you guys being updating the server so i can start playing again?

Ban Appeals / Why did someone delete my ban post?
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:16:41 pm »
I posted here yesterday after it said i was banded... Then an admin replied to me saying there wasn't anything under my username for a ban? He told me to supply him with my in game account name which is stephe1999 and i cam back on today to check the status and my post was deleted? I mean if you guys are trying to make me hate your server your doing a pretty great job

Ban Appeals / Someone un-ban me
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:46:03 pm »
Ok so I just bought mine craft last week and I'm not use to this whole online server thing so i didn't know i couldn't take bricks from other people houses? I promise I won't do it again I just didn't know so if you could un ban me id appreciate it

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