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Topics - Sassle

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / My proxy is known
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:42:06 pm »
I'm getting a message saying that my proxy is known.

Could someone please resolve this? Thanks!

Also, if I was IP banned, can someone explain what I did? I've been inactive for 2 weeks.

Suggestions / Friends list
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:24:52 am »
A simple few commands could be integrated into the server to allow you to differentiate your friends text from other players, for example:

/friend add (Username)   This would add the selected player's text to show up in a certain colour (to be chosen by Optical).

/friend remove (Username) Same as above, but would remove a player from your friends list.

/friend list    This command would bring up the people you have placed as friends, along with an online/offline status.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could incorporate this into the server.


- Sassle

Rejected / Moderator Application - Sassle
« on: April 04, 2012, 09:01:04 pm »
Age: 14

Location: United Kingdom

Timezone: GMT +0 (5 Hours later than American time)

Join Date: Early March 2012.

Were you recommended by anyone?: Unfortunately not.

Why you should become a moderator:

I like helping players, experienced and new. I enjoy spending money on other players, like helping a newbie build his/her house from scratch. I also tend to host game events are my house, like 'Hide 'n' Seek', in which prizes of money and items are given.

Without boasting, I am quite liked on Mumble due to my chirpy personality and helpfulness over voice-chat. I dislike rude and disrespectful people, and the recent homophobes on Mumble really get on my nerves.

If I were a mod I would be sure to help out with urgent matters over the server and I would also be willing to do odd-jobs for Admins and Operators.

General Discussion / REQUEST: Handsome Squidward Skin
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:29:20 am »
I love Handsome Squidward and I wish to be him in-game.

I was wondering if someone could create a Handsome Squidward Skin, as long as it is of good quality.


P.s: If you need some images of him, here they are!

Pages: [1]