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Topics - Psiiche

Pages: [1]
Support / Unable to speak ("No one can hear you" Error) [Solved]
« on: August 27, 2012, 03:36:20 pm »
Hello. It's been some time since I've been on the server (probably since like 1.2.? I'm not sure) because of some moving and irl things going on. I used to be a member here and be able to speak in the chat in-game but now I only see the "No one can hear you" error. When they added a new patch to the game did they add in channels or something? Am I simply not in the right channel to speak? Or have my speaking privileges been taken because of my absence? Just now when I tried to login as well, my password did not work and I had to reset it and create a new one. If there has been any forum or game activity under my username recently I truly apologize, and I have reacquired my forum account.

When others speak I see [G] and [T] beside their name, but beside mine I see an [L].

EDIT: Solved, thanks!

Discussion forum / So Before You Stroll On Into That Portal...
« on: March 22, 2012, 04:17:36 pm »
...You should probably drop EVERYTHING back off at your house! Because this could happen to you:

The moment I took a half a step out of the purpley swirly goo on my single player file, BAMF. Splattered onto the ground and lost all mah exp'z (was level 9 qq). The only reason I survived the second jump was because I put armor on to go get my junk I dropped >:U Lame portal placement is LAME! xD But definitely worth a laugh.

Support / Solved.
« on: March 02, 2012, 09:50:06 pm »
Pardon me if namedropping is "against the rules", but seeing as how all of this crap just happened, who enforces them? And maybe if you're scared of your name being dropped, you shouldn't be acting afool.

So I teleport back to my house after a few hours in the Nether to find two guests named "MEK19" and "TheArchangel725" climbing the water to my house. No worries, everything I own except my bedroom is protected by protection stones, I don't mind company. They split and go to opposite ends of my house (I follow MEK) and MEK finds my bedroom, where he steals torches, beds, and wool (my wall pretty much) before jumping out of my house to his death below. His friend is down at the bottom already by the time I jumped, and he hastily picks up my stolen things and runs toward my barn. He proceeds to walk right into my barn (Which has a protection stone btw) and kills every one of my animals; 8 sheep, 1 cow, 5 pigs, and 5 chickens. Loots them all, and runs off.

The first thing I do is ask for an OP to come retrieve my stolen things and to replace my animals, to which I got these replies:

[moderator] awesomealicia: can't replace animals sorry
[moderator] DeadlyLead101: not enough proof

I tell them that I WATCHED the two individuals steal from my house (Mek) and kill my animals (Archangel) right in front of me, is that not proof enough?

[moderator] DeadlyLead101: Not proof enough
[moderator] awesomealicia: we don't keep track of animals, there's no way to say you owned them.

I then waited ten minutes to see if I could at least get my bedroom rolled back to it's original state, no one assisted. I then noticed that the two culprits were STILL ONLINE PLAYING, and asked "Is anyone going to at least BAN THE BITCHES that stole from me?"

[moderator] awesomealicia: we can't ban them if there's no proof
[moderator] DeadlyLead101: no.

Alright, so wtfe then. This is the first time I've played on an open server besides my own, so I've done everything requested of me; I've invested in protection stones for all of my property (except ONE 12 x 12 block space), I signed up on the site, I've voted everyday to assist the site since I joined, and this is how you treat your members? I wonder what kind of shit the [Trusted] members have went through to get that far, I'm not exactly game to continue to have my things taken from me ESPECIALLY when I have stones around my shit in the first place! How did they get to my animals? My protection stone covers the entirety of my barn! It sounds like a faulty mechanic to me, and now I have to go walk all over god's green earth and hope some are still spawned in the wild to replace them? Why are the mods so free to ban trolls and spammers and "griefers", but not thieves that I literally watched in the act? Why not take some of us honest players at our word? I was asked why didn't I take a screenshot while he was killing my animals, and it's because it's a still-frame image of something that was over in literally ten seconds! A picture would have done me no fucking good, especially if "oh man, his hand isn't raised how can you prove he was swinging at them and not just standing there", which is likely the bs answer I would have gotten anyway.

45 minutes after the incident at the time I posted this, and the culprits are still playing. I tried one last shot at getting a solid answer without being blown off, I told Drowse I had my entire barn griefed, and waited 6 minutes for a reply. I was ignored. If no one is going to justify this, you just lost a member.

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