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Topics - uberratchet

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Dat Bait
« on: April 19, 2012, 05:07:00 am »
I was running around and there were 2 enchantment tables sitting right next to each other surrounded by a bunch of abandoned and blown up houses so i decided to take it rather than waste it and boom auto ban haha. I suggest you guys update that auto ban feature so it does not apply for people who are inactive for a certain amount of time, and if someone were to leave and plan on coming back then they would put protection stones on their valuables. Seems pretty lame for active players like myself to get permabanned because we took something that was completely abandoned by a person that doesn't even play. I don't expect to get unbanned because it was technically "Griefing" but I just don't want other innocent people getting banned from a exceptional server  :) Thank you.

Support / Banned protection stones
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:37:01 pm »
My friend that i was sharing my house with got banned for greifing and he owned half the house with protection stones. Now I can't expand my house at all cause he owns about half of it  :( Is there any way to get rid of them? His account name is Beezie123z so you can check that he was banned

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