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Topics - Larkosaurus

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / Moderator Application - Larkosaurus
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:34:57 pm »
Age: 14
Location: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: February 17, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: a1374thspartan and Scotty602AB ages go (if that still counts)
Why you should become a moderator: I have played for quite a long time and made friends with many people. I have contributed to the server with things like the Opticraft Prom which I co-headed with LordoftheBlock. It was, in my opinion, a server wide success and we went on to do a second one. I've been on the server for more than a year and therefore I have gotten to know many people. I am confident in my ability to talk to people and I can also bathe a dog in well under 30 minutes. Thankyou for your time!

User Events / Opticraft 2013 Prom!
« on: June 02, 2013, 05:38:16 pm »
Get ready to splash your cash on a fancy new skin, dust off your old tuxedo, put on your best dyed leather outfit and polish your fancy Protection V armour, because the Opticraft Prom is returning!

We're calling the 'Party Rockas' into order for a fun filled party but we need also YOUR help!
We'd love to have a new prom and the main thing stopping us is; IDEAS

This event is in it's teeny tiny baby stages and to help it grow, if you have any ideas for a theme, location or anything, we'd love to hear from you in the comments!

We'll be posting more information soon, with regards, Larkosaurus, Lordoftheblock and the rest of the 'Party Rocka's'

General Discussion / Racetrack and Stables!
« on: June 02, 2013, 02:52:42 pm »
Howdy cowboys! Get ready to saddle your horses and race the day away!

Shortgeorge and I have been working on a stable and racetrack business in preparation for the 1.6 update.

At /home shortgeorge goodwood you can find the stables and Track.

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As you guys know, a few months ago we had the Opticraft Prom and now we want to do a Halloween Party, (The Haunting of Herobrine)
We need some help with a venue though, and were looking for a spooky party place that we could use, so if you know of one please contact either me or LordoftheBlock.
More details to follow on another topic about time and everything, as this is in it's early stages.

Thanks :D

If you want, we will pay and rent out your venue

General Discussion / Kthxbai
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:33:54 pm »
I'm kinda leaving. Forever.
You might see me on again in the future, who knows!? :P

Oh and if you were wondering I'm going because I got really bored. So I'm off for a new adventure!

General Discussion / Some ideas for you! (not for suggestions)
« on: July 03, 2012, 06:21:16 pm »
Hi. My name is Lark. You may know me as Miss SaurusLarko (a trend started by Boshiwarrior) or, more likely, Larkosaurus.
I am also one of the brains behind Opticraft Prom! And, more recently, OptiClub!
I have some cool ideas. Here is proof;
I like how you're making a lot of awesome ideas, Great work. Keep it up.

But! I have new ideas!

So, why am I telling you?
I'm not gonna make these, but, if you like my ideas, they are all yours to do!

*Only a few ideas and you may not like them, but with the taking away of melons, people will probably be looking for new money making schemes. I understand some of these are a bit crazy but if it helps someone out, great! :D

1. Theme park!

What it is:
Place with cool attractions
How you make money from it:
Charge people money to play
What could you put in it?:
 A massive roller coaster you keep expanding as you get money, Golf using snowballs and ice which you will be able to get in the new update, and maybe vending stands selling bread and stuff.

2. Roman Holiday!

What it is:
A roman villa where spoilt minecrafters *ahem* I mean rich minecrafters come and live like a rich Roman for a bit, complete with slaves and beautiful surroundings.
How you make money from it:
Charge rich people to come stay and live like a king
What could you put in it?:
An amazing Roman styled villa and slaves for the persons every will.
(this is just something cool I thought would be cool when I went on a school trip to a Roman villa.)


What it is:
A cool holiday that people pay to stay on
How you make money:
Charge people for a luxury holiday
What could you make?:
Find/buy/make an island and put a nice house on it

Now do you have any unwanted ideas? Post them below and I will add them, giving full credit to you!

General Discussion / OptiClub!
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:24:23 pm »
You sir/madam, could become a lifetime member of my new business venture, OptiClub!

What is OptiClub! ?

OptiClub! Is a brand new club that let's you access your daily dose of awesomeness. Inside of the club are a number of rooms, each with something epic/useful inside.

What kind of rooms are in OptiClub! ?

We will be ever expanding and making new rooms but at this moment in time we have the following rooms;
Utility room - Furnaces stocked with fuel and crafting tables.
Enchanting room - Enchanting table with bookcases all around
Free Food/Brilliant bread - A room with a dispenser in it stocked with bread (never go hungry again!)
Sauna/Relaxation room - A room with a sauna and calming blue walls.
XP Grinder - A one hit grinder with the best mobs (Zombie and skeleton)

What Kind of rooms are in development?

A gym - A parkour room
A portal room - Access the nether whenever you want
A brewing room - Make all your potions with free supplied netherwart
And many more

Sounds cool! How can I join?

You can join OptiClub! And access all rooms available now and in the future for only 10k - a lot cheaper than other clubs. Pm me to find out more or join.

How can I get there if I join?

OptiClub! Is very near the member world spawn and has a trail to follow. Once you have joined you will be shown the trail so you can access OptiClub! at anytime

Pictures to follow soon!

General Discussion / Opticraft Prom - Plans for the future
« on: June 21, 2012, 03:33:24 pm »
Hey All!

So, after the huge success and positive feedback from just about everybody that went, we want to make this a yearly thing.
Maybe not even yearly, like every 6 months.

(The following is quite long, go to the green below to skip it)
Since we are planning on making this a big thing, I want to get a team of people that would be staff. The jobs would include;
Searching for our next amazing venue, maybe helping to decorate and other things but mainly sharing opinions and being consultants for things like the theme of the next one and etc. This would be a great job but it isn't paid or anything.
The main pro of being prom staff is getting a sneak peek of it all before everyone else. If you are interested, put an app in below and I will read it and approve/disapprove.

Other things;
I'm thinking that when the next Prom comes along, we give people a month or longer to make a venue, and the Prom staff look at each one and pick a venue to host the next Prom. The prize would be something like 10k and of course the pride of having your building amaze all the Prom guests.

Prom Staff Application Template;
(If the application doesn't feel that relaxed, don't worry! Being Staff is super fun as last years staff will tell you)


How long have you been on Opticraft?:

Do you think you are well known/respected by the community?:

Why would you like to be Prom Staff?:

Testimony from Radlam (A Prom Staff member for the first ever prom)

I was prom staff in the last prom and it was great. I loved helping out and it was a great experience. I would enjoy being prom staff again and forever as it is a experience i would like to keep

Accepted Applications and Staff:


The BIG Plan!:

We, here at Prom! networks have been working hard to bring you...
Halloween Prom! This is very early days, so the best date we can give you is in October somewhere.
For those of you that want to build a venue and win 10k, here are the requirements;
Must have a big dance floor
To get to the dance, guests have to complete a walk through a haunted house (Optional Parkour in the house)
Must contain pumpkins/Jack 'o' lanterns
Must have a /home so guests can actually come

Make Pumpkins pop out of the walls using pistons
Parkour in the haunted house entrance

Please, please, please make a venue for the next Prom! because; It is a chance to win money, you will get a special mention and nearly the whole of Opticraft will likely come. Also, you will get special privileges, such as presenting Prom! King and Queen

User Events / Opticraft Prom (for the members + of 2012)
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:49:43 pm »

We're going to be organizing a the prom of the year 2012!

You are encouraged to bring a date! as it is a prom, and boys, what I thought would be cool is if you could bring red roses!
There will be cake and food.

We also have a photo booth to take a snapshot with you and your date (So be sure to visit that!)
You can meet up and have fun with the community and it will be really good :D

The prom is welcoming everyone *But* guests (For obvious reasons), The location will be held at TheWholeLoaf's home, So MANY thanks to you TheWholeLoaf for hosting this event!
Because of the venue, we have gone with the completely original theme of: WINTER WONDERLAND!

Details for this event can be found in the information section below, We hope you join us in having a great time!

This event is sponsored by:
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We will only be accepting smart skins, so tuxedo's and prom dresses (we won't be really strict, But try to be somewhat formal) So if you have a skin you always edit it and make it look Fab-u-lo0s!
The things we won't accept[/color] would be something completely out of theme, such as a cow, or a person a hoodie.

We'll be organizing a skin contest within the prom!
The Skin ranked 1st will receive a Diamond block!
The Skin ranked 2nd will receive a Gold block!
The Skin ranked 3rd Will recieve an Iron Block!

The competition will be judges by the top 3 ranking members (So if optical shows up; He, Nick & Relkab will judge it.)

The Prom king & Queen will be selected & crowned with a golden crown (Or a golden helmet, So you may want to find a texture pack for this, maybe?) and Titled Queen & King of the prom!

The judgement will also be up to the highest ranking members, since a vote would be too hard to keep track of.

Any pictures will be kept in the spoiler, So check often for updates!

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General Discussion / You won't believe what has happened..
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:20:29 am »
Today I got what I have wanted for a very long time..
That's all I'm gonna say..

Offtopic / The Unicorns
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:23:31 pm »
So today a load of people and me who usually hang around together and have become quite good friends on the server have decided to make a new group called.. the Unicorns!!!
(ikr epic name)
Members are: (apologies if I missed you out :P)

So yeah.. thats about it

Support / Well I kind of lost my house..
« on: May 28, 2012, 04:42:20 pm »
So as mentioned before I bought a new house, but my sethome is at a spleef arena, and I cant change my home because I would lose that :/ Anyway.. I was using peabee's home to get there because she is the previous owner and she changed it - I didnt know, I went somewhere else and couldnt get back.. I have the co ords but its a ridiculous long way away so I was wondering if some one could tp me to the co ords?

General Discussion / Yay!
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:51:37 pm »
I iz a Junior Member on the forums now!!!!!! Just wanted to say how happy I am :D
<3 Larkosaurus

Note: Yeah I did know its posts, but I still wanted to say how happy I am because in my eyes, its an acheivement

Opticraft is getting its very own.. KFC, yes that's right folks, we are here to solve your famine!
We will be opening soon, and you can get to us by going around the market near the big obsidian thingy, and you should see our red and white building! We aim for our prices to be cheap and you will get a great deal, the prices are;
Bargain Bucket - $90 (4 cooked chicken) this is a great deal as in the market you would get roughly 3 for that price
Chicken Sandwich - $45 (1 cooked chicken and bread)
The Solo Poulet - $30 (1 cooked chicken)
So come on down to Opticrafts Kentucky Fried Chicken!

WELL THAT WAS GOOD.. while it lasted. I can't do KFC anymore because I had to remove my chicken farm as it caused lag, which, I will be honest Im really annoyed about.

Offtopic / Something cool you might like?
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:03:50 am »
Completely offtopic but Im addicted to listening to ERBOH lately, I would say go check it out, they are brilliant  :D ERBOH stands for Epic Rap Battles of History, its got things like Mozart Vs. Justin Bieber. Thats it, now go and check it out - you wont be dissapointed :)
*Contains some swearing if you dont like that stuff

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