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Topics - Darlerian

Pages: [1]
Support / Grifed
« on: February 23, 2012, 07:35:35 am »
no mods on so im posting here.  a guy named Frank671 killed my cow.  i found him wandering in my house, noticed my caow was missing and when i asked him if he killed the cow he told me no.  i went to go get some mats to make killing my next cow harder.  when i got back there he threw down some leather and raw beef and ported out.  kinda getting annoyed with all the grifers

General Discussion / disabled items
« on: February 17, 2012, 03:01:00 am »
i can see not letting us use the lighter and lava buckets, as those can grief alot of places, but i would like to be ale t use my splash poison potions (tells me the item is diabled when i try to throw it).  you cant any thing with them, they always leave at least 1/2 a heart. i mean we can use the instsnt damage potions.

anyways thats my rant for now. 

Pages: [1]