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Topics - TehxP

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / ._. I failed.
« on: June 16, 2012, 07:20:04 am »
-Did you break any rules? Not that I'm sure of.. I just broke some dirt anear Tobs74's grief trap..

So, I was trying to troll a guy that placed a sign right anear the end of spawn by placing dirt of the sign but in the process of doing so I needed some, so I went right beside it and took some dirt to do so, and.. turns out for some reason it was added to the grief trap so it automatically banned me. So, I'm not asking for an unban, I'm just clearing things up if people ask if I did wrong, I don't think I did. But, If you wish to unban me it would be greatly appreciative and I will not break anything anear griefs traps again :3..

General Discussion / Sorry.
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:46:05 pm »
As of today, I'm leaving the server for the reason that i've made some mistakes.

It's been really fun playing and helping all of you, I hope you guys have fun on this server, I wont be coming back so take this as me leaving on a good note. Thanks so much all of you for your time and I'm sorry.

Rejected / Moderator Application- TehxP
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:25:56 pm »
Age: I am currently 14 years of age.
Location: I am currently from Winnipeg, Manitoba which is located in Canada.
Timezone: My Timezone is CST so It's currently 1:11 PM.
Join Date: I have joined this server on February 8th of this year, I haven't been here long but I have been here long enough to figure out the rules of this server and how to be a moderator from watching them work.
Were you recommended by anyone?: Yes, I was recommended by Logan5353, and Tobs.
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator because I would be great being one and I would be really good at helping people because I'm not the best at building so I would spend most my time helping members out with griefs and such. I am also very nice and very active on this server and since its growing so much since the 1.2 update I think that we need more active moderators and I would be a good choice. Also, I'm currently a Trusted player so you can trust me with lava and that sort of stuff. I am usually on in the mornings on weekdays for about a half an hour. Then at night Im usually on most of the time. On weekends I'm on almost all day.

Thanks for reading my short Application, I hope you take me into Consideration.

- I swear I wont use water close to rails .

Pages: [1]