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Topics - CrazyGamer2000

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Relive The Memories
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:18:39 am »
Well it's summer vacation and I've been rather bored. I decided to go and take a look at good old Opticraft.

To my shock there was only 1 person online. This pretty much sums up my suspicions, Minecraft's Golden Days are over. Not a

single update for the 8 months or so that I've been inactive plus low member count in nearly every server. Not to say that

Minecraft is dead just yet, it'll be kicking for a while longer albeit without any new faces on the server. But that's not the

main point of this post. This is a post of nostalgia, I just want to hear your best memories of Opticraft. Pics of old creations

and projects or stories of a funny memory.

General Discussion / Who Lives Where?
« on: August 12, 2014, 01:31:05 am »
I've been feeling like the only one left living in old guest, so I decided it would be
fun to check who lives where. This way I can see my fellow Old Guest-ers and find
out the population distribution in each world just for trivial knowledge.

 ;D  By the way PVP World is just a troll choice, lol  ;D

Suggestions / Homes On Map
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:29:31 am »
I was just looking at the map and noticed the icon of the spawn. I was wondering if the Live Map could somehow link your username in Minecraft to your homes and place them on the map. It's a pain to try to find your home to see how it looks and the actual scale of your build. I don't know if this would be difficult to add, but I thought it was a good idea and I thought it would be a good addition to the Opticraft website.

Suggestions / Spectator Mode
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:44:20 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is some sort of spectator mode for PVP but it is above the actual arena
and isn't very practical for people that have laggy computers and have their vision on short. I was wondering if
it's possible for there to be a way to go into the actual PVP arena but not be able to get hurt or to hurt someone
else. I understand that you can spectate this way, but you are considered a player trying to PVP,
so you can get hurt. Some people do play cheap and kill any spectators looking for a closer view or an arrow may accidentally miss its target and hit a spectator.
Both of these things have happened to me and are not possibilities but have been actual occurrences.

General Discussion / City Wars
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:33:16 am »
If all the cities on the server had an equal population and were in some sort of Server War,
who do you think would win in each the Old Guest, Guest, and Member worlds, and why?

Suggestions / Notification Message
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:17:45 am »
Now, my brother, sourfreak99, just got banned for not changing to trade change. The reason is because he doesn't
focus on chat (While trading though I don't know how he doesn't). I don't blame him, I sometimes decide to zone
out from chat as well. Before this turns into a ban appeal and not a suggestion, I would like to say that you should add a plugin making it so that a moderator can post a message to a specific player and their WHOLE screen will be filled with a notification message such as but not limited to: Change to trade chat, stop spamming, stop annoying other players, stop using caps, and stop being inappropriate. Then of course there should be an automatic phrase should be added to the bottom. I believe that this phrase should be the old but all purposeful, "or else you will be banned!" This would help the server by helping out all those members that ignore the chat and don't see a moderator's warning in chat. Then it would help them from getting banned for avoidable things like using caps.
Less players get banned.
Less annoying problems in chat.
Avoidable problems can be avoided.

Requires a plugin.
More typing for the moderators.

Suggestions / Lack of people
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:49:48 am »
A year ago the SMP server used to have 100's of people online. Now there are never more than 60 people on.
I feel that we need to get more people online. The server's community should tell their friends about the server
and promote the server in chat to noobs. The server itself should try getting into more server lists and getting its
name out there. I miss it when there were a lot of people online. Based on other people I asked they like it too.
If we don't get more people online this server may become dead in a couple years. There may be more griefers but
they will get banned and spread the word that our server is hard to grief. This will keep away more griefers
and bring in more players that don't like getting griefed. Eventually we can actually live up to our server
description that says we have a large, friendly community.

Suggestions / A PVP child board
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:24:22 pm »
There seems to be so many PVP suggestions, that I believe it is necessary to place a child board for PVP. It should also include things like the use of fire and lava since they are PVP related. If this was added in, it would make it easier to look through other suggestions that may contribute to the server more than the on going argument of implementing PVP into the server.

Projects and Creations / Crop Importance
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:49:16 pm »
I am building a sky farm next to my hotel and I would like to have my most used crops on the bottom and the least used crops on the top. I have made my own list of crop importance, but I would like to see others thoughts on crop importance before filling this sky farm with crops. This is to help with walking time to get crops and how to build the creation so please vote.  From yours truly, CrazyGamer2000.

Ban Appeals / [dedlymagik] Please unban me
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:41:06 pm »
Please unban me. I've been banned for at least 1 year now. Please find a place at the bottom of your heart to unban me. I was banned by dedlymagik. I was banned because one day I was mining and found a lot of stuff under ground without any doors. I thought it had to be abandoned since it had no exits so I took materials I would need later like brewing stands and crops. I didn't know seriously. I think I should be unbanned because I add things that people need like small hotels.

Ban Appeals / CrazyGamer2000's Ban Appeal
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:46:31 pm »
I'm not really sure what I did but I bet you know I did something so I wont
even complain about that but if you could please unban me. I've helped
lot's of people on the server please I was working on apartments for
players that needed a place to live. I'm sorry for whatever I did.


Ban Appeals / Banning length
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:55:48 am »
How long do you stay banned is it forever or only a day or so I was just banned
and I would like to know. I don't really know what i did if you could clarify that in a message
that would be nice.

Suggestions / More Towns
« on: March 12, 2012, 06:31:04 pm »
As we all know there is East, West, South, and North town. It has stayed like
that since as long as I can remember so why not add like a South East, South West,
North East, and North West Town. South East town can be a jungle biome with the 
city in the middle of a river which can make many people happy to see a jungle.
South West town should be an under water city in a swamp biome.
North East town should be on a really big island in an ocean biome surrounded
 by smaller islands. North West town should be a mushroom city on a mushroom
biome with a gigantic plain sorrounding the mushroom biome ( For lots of animals!).

General Discussion / Open house for a castle
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:43:05 am »
Me, MistyDew55, 1JKH, and d1rtb0y420 have decided to sell our castle. It was greifed latley so we must make repairs.
It is in west town and we will leave signs on the 23rd for you to find it. We are moving because we are bored of living
in such a great castle for so long. There is tree farm, mushroom farm, melon farm, wheat farm, pumpkin farm, chicken
farm and a sugar cane farm. There may be a cactus farm if we can afford some or if someone supplies us some.
There is a mine,some chests, a couple workbenches ,a few furnaces, a tower with a nether portal, a watch tower,
a bed room ,and possibly a mob grinder!!! There are many other things we may include but we may need helping
hands and material. Some material would be: lots of cobble, obsidian, seeds of any kind, saplings, mushroom, cactus,
wood, tools, wool, coal, and eggs. We shall leave a starter chest for whoever buys the house and unlock everything
for him/her. The cost of the castle is $2000, you have to pay $200 dollars up front and you can have the castle on motgage
for $200 per a real life week so you should pay off your mortgage in 20 weeks or 5 months but you can always pay more
to speed up the process. We shall come over every Friday to get our money and shall help you with any problems until
you pay off your mortgage. This is a very nice castle so on open house please don't greif it!!!

Suggestions / Animal Market
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:10:35 am »
There are like no animals anywhere unless you go far out but then you get serious lag so
why not set up like an animal market where you can get an animal egg, some sort of command,
or something else so you can have more than just chicken farms. 8)

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