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Topics - Spartan

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Offtopic / For all you programmers:
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:28:12 am »
Hey I found a wonderful quote, but a confusing one :o Check it out!:

"I heard you like functions, so I put functions in your functions that return functions so you can call functions that create new functions that return functions while you call functions that return functions that create new functions."

Rejected / Crafter - (Spartan_Rain)
« on: April 08, 2011, 11:28:19 pm »
Ingame name: Spartan_Rain

Join date: December 13th (I think thats when I joined, not sure.)

List your creations, and the worlds they are on: Whitehouse, Congress Building, Arch, Representatives building, some art, and: hamburger/dinosaur/island head sprites; All on Sparta. Also the colosseum on beta.

Links to screenshots of the creation:


Congress Building:


Representatives building:

Some Art:

Hamburger/Dino/Island Head


Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Just my awesomeness :P

General Discussion / AutoHotKey Useful program!
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:57:07 pm »
I am finally finished with the program! I had a stupid bug that i COULDNT figure out how to fix, but I found out how. I put the files in .rar so you will need winrar to open them. Each .rar file comes with the .exe and the README file. I made one for each rank except for guest and admin, each with their own commands and whatnot.


RECRUITS: recruits.rar - 319 Kb
BUILDERS: builders.rar - 319 Kb
CRAFTERS: crafters.rar - 319 Kb
OPERATORS: ops.rar - 319 Kb

All of the explaination is in the README files for each download, so no need for a long explaination here. If you want any more features, message me and i'll update it ASAP. Have fun with the hotkeys, I hope you find them useful,

Offtopic / Virtual Phonebook!
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:34:54 pm »
Do you not have the time to go out and buy a phonebook and all that stuff that wastes your time? Well now you don't have to!

Download my virtual phonebook! It's written in python, and I am going to get py2exe for release7. It has commands, and database, with an update log. I am going to get it so that it will automatically update when you open it.



Creations / The Arch
« on: March 27, 2011, 04:05:14 am »
I built this on spartan:

Projects / Pixel Art: Cat
« on: March 27, 2011, 02:27:33 am »
I am going to try to build this cat:



Problem is, no worlds are tall enough for it....

General Discussion / Gone for a week
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:46:57 pm »
Please hold the lobby until I get back from my trip please, which is in a week. Thanks.

Projects / Colleseum
« on: March 23, 2011, 11:48:17 pm »
I'm building a colleseum by my self on sparta. Just join sparta if you want to look at it. Pics will be here As soon as I have access to my comp.

General Discussion / New event?
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:13:02 pm »
Opticraft hasn't had an event since Xmas and I think it's time for another. What do admins think? And what about everyone else?

Vote, and comment below.

Creations / Statue of Minerty!
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:49:28 pm »
Tell me what you think! I built it in worldofrecruits.

Offtopic / Program's Thread
« on: March 12, 2011, 11:31:11 pm »
Hey, I just recently (like 5 mins ago) showed you all my goofy sentence generator! Pretty cool eh? Lol just kidding its not all that great. Anyway, this thread will be for all of your programs that you want to share!

Program Name:



Code: [Select]
<Place code here>

Example (Using my goofy sentence generator):
Program Name: Goofy Sentence Generator!

Description: This program makes random goofy sentences based on 3 different parts.

Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/h819ce

Code: [Select]
#This program is a goofy sentence generator.

import random
def make_sentence(part1, part2, part3, n=1):
    """return n random sentences"""
    #convert to lists here.
    p1 = part1.split('\n')
    p2 = part2.split('\n')
    p3 = part3.split('\n')
    #shuffle the lists here.
    #concatinate the sentences here.
    sentence = []
    for k in range(n):
            s = p1[k] + ' ' + p2[k] + ' ' + p3[k]
            s = s.capitalize() + '.'
        except IndexError:
        return sentence

#break a typical sentence into 3 parts
#first part of a sentence (subject)
part1 = """\
a drunken sailor
a giggling goose
the yearning youth
the obese ostrich
this mean mouse
the skinny sister"""

#middle part of a sentence (middle)
part2 = """\
jumps over
flies over
runs across
openly ogles
twice tastes
vomits on"""

#ending part of a sentence (object)
part3 = """\
a rusty fence
the laughing cow
the weedcovered backyard
the timid trucker
the rancid old cheese
the jolly jelly"""

print '-'*60

sentence = make_sentence(part1, part2, part3, 3)
for item in sentence:
    print item
print '-'*60

#A typical result would be this:
# A drunken sailor flies over the laughing cow.

#Now we use raw_input to be able to stop and look at the result.
raw_input("Press <enter> when you're done.")

So start sharing your programs you make! They can be helpful, stupid, cool, wierd, random, ANYTHING YOU WANT! Have fun guys!

Offtopic / Goofy sentence generator
« on: March 12, 2011, 11:05:19 pm »
The file size is only 2kb! I wrote it using python, so try it out (You need python, so if you dont have it you dont have to try it) Anyway, heres the file:
Scroll to the bottom where it says:
     Download link: Goofy.py

If you just want the code, here is that:

Code: [Select]
#This program is a goofy sentence generator.

import random
def make_sentence(part1, part2, part3, n=1):
    """return n random sentences"""
    #convert to lists here.
    p1 = part1.split('\n')
    p2 = part2.split('\n')
    p3 = part3.split('\n')
    #shuffle the lists here.
    #concatinate the sentences here.
    sentence = []
    for k in range(n):
            s = p1[k] + ' ' + p2[k] + ' ' + p3[k]
            s = s.capitalize() + '.'
        except IndexError:
        return sentence

#break a typical sentence into 3 parts
#first part of a sentence (subject)
part1 = """\
a drunken sailor
a giggling goose
the yearning youth
the obese ostrich
this mean mouse
the skinny sister"""

#middle part of a sentence (middle)
part2 = """\
jumps over
flies over
runs across
openly ogles
twice tastes
vomits on"""

#ending part of a sentence (object)
part3 = """\
a rusty fence
the laughing cow
the weedcovered backyard
the timid trucker
the rancid old cheese
the jolly jelly"""

print '-'*60

sentence = make_sentence(part1, part2, part3, 3)
for item in sentence:
    print item
print '-'*60

#A typical result would be this:
# A drunken sailor flies over the laughing cow.

#Now we use raw_input to be able to stop and look at the result.
raw_input("Press <enter> when you're done.")

I will be making some actually "Helpful" programs soon, so wait for those. I will also get py2exe so you can just download the .exe and run that.
Feel free to add more sentences to the part's! To do this, just make a new line and write what you want.

General Discussion / Spartan_Rain's departure.
« on: March 12, 2011, 06:40:58 pm »
Hey everyone. I am veeeery busy in life now because i have a job, so i am quitting.  :'( Many of you will miss me, and i will miss you too but its time to move on. bye.

Creations / Spartan_Rain's First Sprites!
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:14:29 am »
I've started something new for me, sprite creation. Please do not judge too hard, as i am a beginner and if you DO I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY AWESOME POWUH!

Anyway, here's the video of my creations. :)


Offtopic / HEROBRINE!
« on: March 11, 2011, 01:59:43 am »
I was on another server when HEROBRINE came out of nowhere and started attacking everyone! I recoreded it, because of my superawesome catlike reflexes.


Go here to watch it!

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