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Topics - atdfbttl15

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Support / Grief
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:39:40 pm »
Hi, there is this guy deadskull001(not prettu sure with the name) that i hired. He disapperead at the beginning of the job and now, he wants his money. I told him that he didnt work so there will be no money to him. Then he tried to grief my melon farm but he failed to do because my melon farm is in the middle of the air and when he griefed the wall he fall down :) (but not dead i think if he had full health). But, if my melon farm wasnt in the middle of air, he could grief all my 150 seeds. Can you please ban him because he showed agressive behavior. Here is a screenshot. He is trying to grief.

Thanks :)

My grammar is bad but english isnt my native language.

Support / PS turned into a resource!
« on: April 20, 2012, 10:41:30 pm »
Hi, as you know there is a bug with the ps. I bought a ps today, placed it and then didn't see the glass walls surronding the ps. I thought that it was lag and then mined it to put somewhere else but my ps turned to the resource! I saw the thread which dicusses this bug but i checked if my /ps turned to on or off and it was on. Can you help me please?

Support / Live Map is refreshing too late!
« on: April 19, 2012, 09:12:52 pm »
Well this is not that important but our live map feature isnt actually a "live" map. I think it is refreshing only once each day and I think that is too late for a live map. Well in my personal opinion, a live map should refresh every hour or even 30 minutes. I want to see my builds as soon as possible from the top lol :)

Support / Error: Cant see other people!
« on: April 15, 2012, 06:12:04 pm »
Sometimes, a glitch happens and i cant see other people. When i log off and then log in, i understand that there was a guy in front of me. Is this normal? Can you help me please? Thanks :)

Support / Which is the best way to earn money?
« on: April 15, 2012, 03:22:31 pm »
Which is the best way to earn money? Most of people say that it is selling melons but i dont think so. While i was harvesting melons, i was earning only 10k a day but when i tried to find some indiscovered caves and mine every iron i see, i started to get 25k per 3 hours. Of course the size of your melon farm will change this number but isnt it easier to mine irons instead of harvesting melons? I'm kind of confused so i will be happy if you replie.

Thanks for reading! :)

Support / A trap like hole
« on: April 11, 2012, 01:59:19 pm »
hi, i just found a trap like hole where people can fall and die. It's coordinates are x:-881,y:65.62,z:769. Here is a screenshot:

Suggestions / Waypoints
« on: April 10, 2012, 06:55:13 pm »
Don't you think that there should be a command who sets waypoints so that we can teleport to them whenever we want like in "Single Player Commands" in SP? I'm telling you this because it takes a lot of time to walk from a place to a completely different place and it is really annoying.

Thank you for reading :)

Ban Appeals / My ban was supposed to be expired today
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:47:28 pm »
Hi, my ban was supposed to be expired today but i cant still login. Can you give me the hour it expires?(give the GMT so that i can transform it to my country's time)


Actually, I saw this on another server and I think that this is not a bad idea. You can be rewarded with money once you kill a mob. It is a good idea to earn money without selling things to the market or to other people.

Support / My neighbor is being greifed
« on: April 07, 2012, 05:22:49 pm »
Of course it is not my responsibility, but i feel sorry about my neighbor because he has a large house and he is being griefed.(almost half of his house is griefed). There was this guy named "alex0202" or "Alex0202" i think one week ago who periodically comes and griefs all of the houses near my house and my house included (I saw him griefing my house and the others' houses). Well i think he griefed my neighbor's house who probably left Opticraft. I ask you if you can fix his house or i ask you the permission to delete his house because he is not coming for days (almost weeks) and it really looks bad from my house's view. I don't know his/her username but it is vey close to my house which is /home atdfbttl15. Here is an image but you can see it better if you come to my house:

Thanks for your attention :)

Support / I'm being griefed!
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:36:24 pm »
Can a moderator or higher help me? I'm banned so i check my home using the "Live Map" feature and i realized that someone is griefing my creeper statue! Can you please fix that for me? Thanks! You can see that creeper statue at /home atdfbttl15. Here is a screenshot:

Can a moderator or higher help me? The server says that im banned when i try to login but i actually didn't do anything to be banned. I looked to all of the rules and i respected all of them. I didn't grief, i didn't spam, i didn't insult other people. So, please, can anybody tell me why did i get this ban?

Support / The server says that im banned but i dont know why im banned
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:28:28 pm »
Can a moderator or higher help me? When i login to the server it says:"The ban hammer has spoken" and i don't know why im banned. I didn't grief(never) or spam. I play on this server all the days and i really love it i also voted all the days! Why did this happen?

Support / How to open a shop?
« on: March 28, 2012, 02:06:10 pm »
I want to sell things to other people with money but i don't know how to do it. First of all, is it possible? :)

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