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Topics - lLLEGAL

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Rejected / [BUILDER] lLLEGAL
« on: July 15, 2011, 12:45:38 pm »
Ingame name: lLLEGAL (First letter is L, not I)
Join date: 25 June 2011
Briefly describe all your creations: Finally completed the hotel, Operator Token of Appreciation, Jet pack, rocket- ALL IN ONE! The second thing is the igloo. It has a small garden, and I particularly like the mixture of water and lava at the front. It may not be much, but the creations themselves took a lot of time and creativity, qualitites a builder should have.
What worlds are the creations on: Member3 for the Hotel, Member5 for the igloo.
Links to screenshots of the creation:

Names of players who helped contribute: -None-
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I received many calls for help while building, and I hope that I can get this builder rank to help my Operator application so that I can help the community. Also, the images are placed in this post for the Operator/Admin's convenience, but if it disrupts anyone, the Operators may want to remove them/ change them. Thanks.
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yes.

Rejected / Operator Application - lLLEGAL
« on: June 28, 2011, 09:28:53 am »
Name: lLLEGAL (first letter is L, not I)
Age: 15
Location: Singapore
Timezone: GMT +8
Join date: 25 June 2011
Forum Join date: 27 June 2011
Current rank: Recruit (Building stuff now for builder, could be getting builder by end of next week- 7 days from today)
Reason for application: I have volunteered to be an operator as I frequently enter the guest world to check out the place and help people build stuff, but only to see the amazing structures created a few hours ago destroyed by griefers. There are Operators such as Raul7legend, clawstrider Xeadin and Grand_chill who are often online and they try to help by banning the griefers and promoting worthy people to recruits. However, I understand that they cannot be online 24/7, and there are points of time whereby there are totally no operators online. With the big world full of creations, it is difficult to track down all the griefers. I have caught a griefers once, destroying my house. I tried to report the griefer to the Operators, but none were online. What OptiCraft needs are more Operators that can help out at different times, and help promote worthy people to recruits.
Why you should become an operator: I am currently a recruit, and I understand how it feels to be ignored when I am trying to report a griefer, and when I want to show the Operators my house to prove myself. I will be able to help the people of OptiCraft Dev Server and allow the guests to have an enjoyable experience without having to worry about the griefers. Also, anyone who has created a structure and deserves to be promoted does not have to stand beside his/her strucure for fear of griefers destroying the strucure before the Operators come online. I have patience, so I will be able to give advice to new members on how to get promotions, help them fix their structures and inform them of the rules. I will also advice griefers not to grief anymore, but will ban them if they do not heed my advice.
Have you been temp-op before?: No
Extra information: Thanks to clawstrider, raul7legend, xeadin and grand_chill for making OptiCraft Dev Server a better place to build in, and for inspiring me to follow in your footsteps! :P I love helping others and am often helping new users who have just joined the server. This is my first server and I am already deeply rooted to the community, I abide by the rules. Hope I am given the chance to be an operator and serve the Opticraft Dev Server Community!

Edit: I just found an offensive structure in world 142 but there is no Operator online. I have also been helping the guests to better understand the rules and invited them to become members, and inform them of how to get promoted. Lastly, many of them were asking for Operators to check their buildings, and some of them which I saw were really impressive.
As I am often online at this time, I would definitely be able to help the guests and ensure that they have a good impression of Opticraft Dev Server!

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