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Topics - Chief149

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Suggestions / The daily "login" bonus
« on: December 21, 2012, 05:13:02 am »
So this is an idea which kind of feeds off of people wanting to change the vote reward, so I have an idea, we have a daily login bonus!

So what is considered a login?
Simple, when you vote for all 4 sites once within a 24 hour period, you have logged in for that day.

Do you receive the prize for each vote?
Yes, you would still receive 1 diamond per vote

What is the new feature?
The new feature is when you vote on all four websites, you receive a 5th reward. This reward starts small for your first "login" day, and get's bigger until your 5th login day. Remember to login for a day means that you vote on all four websites at least once during that day.

Note that each day you receive your 1 diamond per vote, but to get the login bonus you must vote on all 4 sites
Day 1: 1 Lotto ticket entry
Day 2: 2 iron ingots
Day 3: 3 gold ingots
Day 4: 4 additional diamonds
Day 5: 5 cents towards a donation package

If you fail to vote on all 4 websites on any day, you reset back to day 1. If you vote on all four websites for five days in a row then you just keep getting the day 5 reward every day you vote on all four websites until you forget to vote (thus resetting you back to day 1). Once again, you get the current reward per vote, plus the daily vote bonus.

Also, concerning the 5 cents. If someone votes perfectly every day, it would take 5 days to get the first 5 cents, and 19 more days to get up to a dollar. That's 24 days for 1 dollar. To get the /hat command would require 104 days of perfect voting. So while the day 5 reward would be an incentive to get users to vote, it would also not allow much money worth of donations to be given away for free.

Suggestions / What if we had this:
« on: November 14, 2012, 03:44:42 am »
TNT that explodes, doesn't cause damage to blocks (which would be the case as explosion damage is disabled), and doesn't cause harm to players, BUT causes harm to NPCs.

Suggestions / Remove diamonds from market entirely
« on: November 10, 2012, 11:01:25 pm »
So I have an idea, since it looks like we might be getting the nether star added to buy in the market due to the fact that they are unobtainable in this server (with whithers being disabled for good reasons), I think maybe diamonds should be removed.
This will possibly make diamonds more valuable, and will slightly increase trade between players.
This could also increase the incentive to vote as diamonds would be worth more.
Then again, why not have diamonds available for sale in the market, but not to buy. This could then maybe reduce the number of diamonds in circulation, and after all, the more of a thing there is, the less valuable the become. I managed to buy the last two ocelot eggs in the entire server as far as myself and everyone else knows, and they could easily go for 30 to 50K each! No need to mention slimeballs... Just an idea to increase voting for diamonds, and p2p trading.

This also brings me to my second idea: Have admins spawn just a couple rare items in frames around the map for players to find. I'm talking things like spawn eggs for various entities, and anything else considered "rare" like an ender dragon egg. There would be no more than, say 4, of a couple types of items, and they would be randomly hidden in some part of the two maps. This means if 4 villager spawn eggs are created then there would be two in each world hidden underground, on the ground, or above ground. This would mean a player would have to be INCREDIBLY lucky to find the item(s). Just a thought to maybe add some mystery to the server.

Offtopic / Writing A book IRL as well
« on: November 10, 2012, 05:52:54 am »
Nope, not trolling at all. I just saw the other thread and it instantly reminded me of my book that is in progress. By in progress I mean I'm only half way into writing the second chapter. Here is the premise behind it:

I decided to call my book "Linear". I might change the name later, but for now I will keep it this way.

     What would you do if you could relive your life? What would you do if you had to start your life over from birth? What if you kept all of the knowledge and memories from your previous life? Then what would you do? High school senior Maron was one of the top engineers in Wesley High School, and could easily outsmart a college programming professor. He had found his soul mate, Shannon, whom he had met during his Freshman year, and some of the best friends a person could know. Unfortunately, that all changed when a terrorist group began targeting schools.
     Michael, three years old, began remembering strange things. He had a dream of growing up, and getting killed at his school. He began remembering every lesson in school, every memory from the dream, the friends he had in the dream, parents. He began treating his own parents as if they were foreign to him, and nobody knew what was wrong, or how he managed to eventually skip enough grades to graduate highschool at the age of 13. The biggest concern was his desire to hunt down one person whom he had figured out the name of.
     "Linear" may just be one of the most unique stories out there. It is designed to show how people can change each other, how the minorities are just like anyone else, and the emotion involved with having to relive your life while remembering all of the friends who moved on while you had to stay behind. It is a book with a lot of humor, while having some of the most tear-jerking moments, a little romance,and a lot of action stitched in. The kind of book nobody has ever read before!

Comment about what you guys think! Heck, as I write the book I might even start posting the chapters to the book, but at the same time I might be a little worried about people taking the text and attempting to copy it as their own so idk. Hopefully I'm not risking the idea either.

So the idea behind veteran is players simply get the rank if they meet the following conditions:

1) They are trusted
2) Have been trusted for a year or more.

There would be no way for a player to get this rank unless they meet the above two things. Especially the one year or more part (or whatever time requirement would be to put in place).

This rank would offer no bonus perks except for a different colored name, and because only trusted members can get veteran then the rank would basically be trusted but with a different color name. The point of it is to just show who's been on the server for a long time (time requirement), and also very/somewhat active (trusted people don't get the rank by not being active).

I haven't seen anything like this suggestion. There has been this rank suggested before but for ex-moderators, or for trusteds to be promoted to in order to get a couple extra perks. Well, no. This rank offers nothing but recognition that a player is an old-timer on this server and was or is active enough to be trusted.

General Discussion / The Opticraft Powerball
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:57:30 am »
Firstly I would like to request permission for this to be in Events...

The Opticraft Powerball.

Tickets are 1K each! With each ticket you give me 2 numbers from 1 to 32.
For 1K extra you add the powerball number which is a 3rd number from 1 to 32.

On the first of each month excluding November 1st due to how near it is to now I will do a drawing. The drawing will be at Midnight US Pacific Time (Eastern). The winner receives 100K, and if the winner played a powerball then he/she will win the jackpot instead. The jackpot increases with each month.

The below are the prizes (Y means you get the number right, N means you get it wrong):

Y Y Powerball: Y - Jackpot prize which varies
Y Y Powerball: N - 100K
Y N Powerball: Y - 10K
Y N Powerball: N - 1K
N N Powerball : N - Sorry. Better luck next time!

Numbers do not have to be in order except for the powerball. So if you play:
1 32 (with no powerball)
and the drawing is:
32 1 Powerball: 10

then you win 100K. You win 100K because the two numbers you chose were drawn, and you didn't play the powerball therefore your powerball number is automatically wrong. In other words, the numbers you chose simply have to be randomly chosen during the drawing, and not in any particular order. The powerball however does need to be in order as it is seperate from the first two numbers!

I have the following entries: (list will be updated periodically)
1) Be the first!!

The difference between this lottery and the in-game lottery is this one can have significantly larger prizes, but there can also be drawings where there is no winner. This simply means the jackpot goes way up.

Current Jackpot: $110,000

Talk to me in-game or PM me with numbers to enter in! If you PM me then you will owe me the money next time I see you in game. Failure to pay owed money for a ticket will result in you being expelled from the lottery.

Projects and Creations / New Mombasa - Buy Plots - Fully Protected!
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:54:05 am »

    New Mombasa applications are now open! Below are details:

    How do you get into New Mombasa? - Simple, fill out the app and post it on this thread!
    Are there any requirements?  - See requirements below.
    Is there a fee to become a citizen? - Only for the inner and large plots. See plot details below.
    Are there any shops in New Mombasa? - Nope. The citizens can make their own shops and generate revenue that way!
    What about spleef? - Every now and then the arena will be opened for a spleef battle. It is currently undergoing some renovations.
    What facilities are there? - See below

    • Must be a member. This city is in the member world.
    • To get a plot within the inner city walls you must be Trusted due to the fact you get access to the villagers
    • Inner plots cost 5K each!
    • You must actually do something with your plot within a week. If you still have a blank plot after a week then you lose access!

    What facilities are there?
    • All facilities are free to be used by all residents!
    • Furnaces
    • Brewing stands
    • Max level enchantment table
    • Bank (1 double chest for a 11 by 11 plot of land and 2 double chests for a 21 by 21 plot of land)
    • Set of crafting tables
    • 3 Fully stocked melon dispensers. Pew and I will try our best to keep them stocked. Please don't take more than you need so others can also have melon slices.
    • There is also a melon farm, but only a couple people will have access to harvest from it
    • Spleef arena being renovated, but will be opened every so often.

    Rules and regulations:
    • If you own a plot in the inner city you may not let any outsiders in to the village. If you decide to make a shop then you better keep the customers in your plot and your plot only!
    • No modifying anything outside of the area of your own plot. If you do then it will be reported as grief!
    • You can do anything you want with your plot of land as long as you don't go past the boundries (although you shouldnt be able to with the ps stones in place)
    • Please don't take all the melons from the dispenser. Take some to eat for free, but let other residents have their melons as well :)
    • You must contact me if you want to let a friend have access to a plot of land. I have the right to allow or deny it.
    • No killing villagers!!! Absolutely not! You may trade with them though. The same goes for Golems!

    Plot and ownership types:
    • Residential Suite - 4 of these total and they are in the giant tower! - 2.5K one time payment
    • Micro Suite - Many of these and they are underground partially, but have great mineshaft access! $250 one time payment
    • 11 by 11 Inner City Plot - 11 by 11 block plot with a coal PS stone for the boundries. - 5K one time payment
    • 11 by 11 Outskirts Plot - 11 by 11 block plot with a coal PS stone - 1K one time payment
    • 21 by 21 Outskirts Plot - 21 by 21 block plot with Lapis PS stone -  2.5K one time payment
    • 21 by 21 Double Height Outskirts Plot - 5K one time payment. Comes with 2 lapis PS for a max protected height of 42 high.

    Job opportunities are available, or will be available!

    The Application:
    Code: [Select]
    In-Game Name:
    Plot/Room type requested:
    Give me an estimate of how long you've been on the server:
    Name of one mod+ who can vouch that you are a mature player (especially for inner city plots and rooms):

    It is late at night where I live, and I need to get sleep so I don't fall asleep at work. I will upload pictures tomorrow, but in the meantime you may feel free to look at what the city currently is on the livemap X: 3000 Z: 950. The landmark is the giant tower with the lava going down it with the gold thingy at the top which is the light sensor for the redlamp system.

    Suggestions / We have /return - Get rid of /back
    « on: October 25, 2012, 11:01:00 pm »
    /back causes so many problems. Players can break into people's homes using the command.

    The game has /return which works perfectly so why not get rid of /back?

    Suggestions / Stock Market!
    « on: October 22, 2012, 09:20:34 pm »
    Goes like this:

    There are two pieces. 1 is the in-game side, and the other is the side program.

    One the game-side there are two commands:
    1) /sm deposit
    2) /sm withdraw

    Then there is the second side of things: The app. The app I am talking about is actually a small program the user would have to download. The app would be connected to the MC server plugin, and it would be connected to it's own server app.

    Plugin responsibility:
    1) process commands. When a player does /sm deposit <amount> or /sm withdraw <amount> the plugin must tell the stock market server app the name of the player, and the amount given or taken, and that is it!
    2) Handle error messages returned by the stock server. Basically if I had $10 in my stock account and tried doing /sm withdraw 100 then the stock server will send an error message saying there aren't enough funds which the plugin must relay to the player. Or maybe I never registered my username therefore it will give an invalid user error.

    Trade server responsibility:
    1) Accept deposits and withdraws, and keep track of user accounts.
    2) Process trades, and check stock prices.
    3) Process account creation

    So to clear things up I will go through what happens for me to participate in this program. I am assuming this feature has been created, and fully implemented on the server.

    First I will go and download the Exchange client app. This is required for me to trade in the market.

    Then I open the exchange app. I then type in Chief149 as my username as it is the username I play with in the server (MUST BE YOUR IN-GAME USERNAME!!!). There are two buttons:  "Login" and "Register". I click register so my credentials are used to make a new account. View the spoiler for the back -end/technical stuff that goes on
    (click to show/hide)

    Now my account is made and the client is showing me the "Portfolio". This shows my account balance, and any investments in stock.

    Now I need to add funds. I go into the opticraft server and do /sm deposit 100000 to send $100000 to my portfolio. View spoiler for technical stuff.
    (click to show/hide)

    Now I decide I want buy 100 shares of Amazon, so I go back to the exchange/trade client, and I look for the "Trade" button. I click it, and I fill out the form. I decide I want to buy 100 shares of Amazon, so in the ticker symbol input I type AMZN. I want to buy so I make sure the "buy" option is checked. Then I click trade.
    (click to show/hide)

    Now I can go to my portfolio in the trade client and view my trades. By clicking a trade the client asks the server what the current value of AMZN is, and gets it, does the calculations, and calculates the value of the stock based on price and shares owned.

    One week later:

    Amazon (AMZN) has gone up, but is starting to tinker down a bit. I go into the portfolio, click the AMZN trade. I enter in the number of shares I want to sell seeing as I have already made a profit, and click the "Sell" button.
    (click to show/hide)

    Now I want to put the profits to use in the Opticraft market to buy some coal. I go in-game and type /sm withdraw 10,000. Server verifies I have the account, and the money, and then subtracts that money from my stock exchange account and the plugin adds the money to my opticraft balance.

    This is a huge idea, and a huge implementation, and perhaps a smaller version of this could be made, but this would add some realism to Opticraft being as the stock market would grab stock values from the real market.

    Offtopic / Describe the last crap you took with a movie title
    « on: October 16, 2012, 03:37:24 am »
    I'm bored, and wanna see if people actually get into this one.

    "Jackass 3"

    Suggestions / It Appears PreciousStones got a little upgrade XD
    « on: August 14, 2012, 10:41:54 pm »

    Too much for me to say here! But emm, let's just say that the plugin just got a whole new set of features! Check em out!

    Only issue is the city protection PS stone is an emerald block so we'd need to somehow prevent players from making emerald blocks out of their uber number of emeralds, or some of the features for this server would need to be disabled.

    Suggestions / THE BEST Anti-Xray Idea
    « on: August 14, 2012, 10:38:20 pm »
    Ok so we have discussed previous ideas for anti-xray.

    The two ideas before were to have a plugin send data to the client saying that all of the ores NOT touching air on one of their sides would be converted into stone by the plugin making only ores touching the air of caves visible through xray.

    The other idea was to use a plugin that makes ALL underground blocks that aren't directly surrounding the player be some type of ore, so the xray image would be flooded with valuable gold and diamond ores making it impossible to xray.

    The issue with both of those ideas is the immense CPU usage. However I found a new idea:


    You can read all of the information on the bukkit site, but lemme just summarize it for you:

    The plugin linked above doesn't modify any block information. A con to the plugin is also that it does allow for SOME cheating, but not much. The plugin basically gives players a quota, or an invisible balance. This balance goes up with time (not including inactive/afk time. The player MUST be active for this quota to increase). When an ore is mined the quota goes down. This quota is designed to allow players to mine as many ores as they want because anyone who is NOT using xray wouldn't mine enough to even come close to hitting the quota unless it was a rare case where the player happened to find a lot of ores next to each other which is rare, but possible. When a player's quote reaches zero, and the player tries to mine another ore, they will get a message saying they have to wait a while. This could also possibly be customizeable to send a helpop to a moderator to investigate the player.

    Existing players would be given a full quota if this plugin is added to the server while brand new players have a negative quota. This means players who are new won't be able to find ores until they play for a certain amount of time because most of the time the user has to do other things just to get the pickaxe that is capable of mining ores like diamond and gold.

    Once again, this plugin is very light weight on the CPU and other resources, but it does allow for SOME cheating, but even cheaters who aren't dumb enough to say "Why won't it let me mine any more ores!" (indicating they are prob cheating) will not be able to mine more than a "normal" number of ores.

    Like the idea?

    Forum Games / Welcome To Opticraft! How Tough Are Ya
    « on: August 12, 2012, 01:46:41 am »

    I'll start:

    I'm so tough...
    I ate a bowl of milk for breakfast!
    Without any nails!

    Suggestions / Server Optimization idea! 2 servers, 1 for each world
    « on: August 08, 2012, 03:23:23 am »
    Ok, so the idea I have is that instead of having one server run both minecraft worlds, we have two servers. By two servers I mean two consoles on the server box, and each one would run one of the two opticraft worlds. Each server would be connected to the exact same database so all statistics would transfer over. Meanwhile, warps across worlds would automatically connect the player to the proper server (I think this might be possible with the right plugins). Because of that it would be just like switching worlds on the one server, but with the part where the user is transferring from server 1 to server 2.
    Meanwhile if a player connects to one of the two servers, but the players position is not on that map, a plugin could also perhaps automatically send the player to the right server. So if someone who logged off in world 2 connected to server 1 (world 1), they would automatically be redirected to server 2 (world 2) where they are then placed in the correct location that they logged off at.

    So here's the layout I have in mind:
    smp.opticraft.net redirects to smp1.opticraft.net

    Server 1: smp1.opticraft.net (hosts guest world)
    Server 2: smp2.opticraft.net (hosts member world)

    Pros: Depending on how many players in guest/member world this can divide the total load of the game between 2 cpu cores instead of having one core do all the work
    The above reason (dividing the workload of the server onto multiple cores) would reduce lag even if there's a minecraft update, and the bukkit server code is shit and not yet optimized.

    Cons: About 2gB more memory usage I would predict since memberworld would be on its own instance of SMP.
             Higher network traffic from the players switching between worlds and having to connect/reconnect

    Suggestions / Forum idea - Locking our own threads
    « on: August 08, 2012, 03:13:41 am »
    ok so here is an idea.

    Allow the op of a thread to lock the thread. I think a lot of forums have a feature to allow users to lock their own topic, but idk. It would be a nice feature, and I don't see any harm in it.

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