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Topics - RuthlessTomato

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General Discussion / clearing something up
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:06:10 am »
So theres this guy, Qtip99. I showed him a huge hole i was digging for a melon farm a while ago. I told him about how kascas got rich off of melons, having the best farm on the server. Qtip99 says i am a mega noob. Even though i registered a while before him, he claims there is a guy, dr.frdo. this guy had a pumpkin farm so big if you stepped in and snapped your fingers, youd fill your inventory instantly. Now, someone settle this, cause i dony believe this person that calls me a NOOB

At my /home is a huge flat land and nao i wanna make it a castle.

We need picks and cobble

The castle will surround the entire plot.

Build apps:

Do you agree not to grief:
If i cut you from building, will you rage:
You ready for boring hours of work:

I will hold events in the middle.

Offtopic / your beginnings
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:07:04 pm »
Follow this template on your history:

Minecraft: summer '11, a friend was making a server and showed me.

Opticraft: a different friend continued to play it and i decided to aas well.

How did you find out opti was the one: i was banned. Litteraly. I made a hangout place before i was permabanned. 2 months later, my friend brought back opti again. After that, i ran my hangout once more. I made friends with some oldies. Radlam, famous, tage, boshi, larko and taros. They let me have so much fun.

General Discussion / need an account :P
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:30:33 am »
Hey guys. Its me as you can see. I tried something and it annoys me SO BAD. mojang cant take prepaid cards from countries like america. My brother has not been helping with my current account. So what i ask is that someone can possibly get me an MC account code so i can make an account. Ill be your little minion. We can even share it. I just ned 1 badly. If i were to get one it would be RuthlessSquid.
So yea.

Suggestions / donation reward like classic.
« on: February 19, 2013, 08:56:43 pm »
So herea a premise: you need a large flat area but cant find one due to no space. What do you do? Donate! Get a private world you can allow ppl access to. It is a flat world. Price: $10 for a 100x100.

User Events / do the harlem shaaaaaaaaaaake...
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:54:33 pm »
Hello. I assume the title is self explanitory. I am organizing a harlem shake at my /home for saturday.
The link to the vid will go here. Post if u like

Helpful articles / why people talk too much.
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:33:40 am »
You may have seen ingame that certain players talk more than possible. Most likely, they have an orange name.not all people with this colored name are unreasonably loud. There is a reason for this. The orange name means that you are trusted, as the rank is called "trusted". This was not always the case. Nowadays, staff look for anyone they find trustworthy to rank up these players. But, let's travel back to the summer of '12. At this point, theres was one way to be heard. This was to i guess get heard. And if you are going to talk with the same people every day to get trusted, why not get to know them? At this point when they actually received the rank, they were besties with others. So now it's an instinct to talk too much. So dont blame us. Blame the genetics of friendship.

I do know you are wondering, because i wanted to know why the chat was spammed when i joined as well.

Projects and Creations / waterslide
« on: February 10, 2013, 03:45:31 pm »
I am extremely bored so i am making a slide. Starting off at the blue dragon in the spawn, it will go from sky limit to bedrock, then climb a latter to the top and start sliding again. This is basically a way of travel, not a slide.
What i need: building blocks and water buckets. And latters.
Happy sliding! Once 1.5 is out, you will deposite 1 diamond in to a hopper to ride. See you there!

Support / texture pack fix
« on: February 08, 2013, 02:23:59 am »
so i have faithful, but does anyone at all know where (in a texture pack folder) i would find the fire animation? i want to edit it because it gets in my way.

Offtopic / thanks. it's been awesome.
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:14:48 am »
you know what this thread is for...

people i am willing to thank for an epic time:

SalsaInABowl - you are awesome. always a role model, and I will never forget you. I have looked up to you since i found the offtopic section.

taros10, mrtage, radlam, larkosaurus, spyow7, and TheRealFamous - Guys. Ever since you came to my club in late july, i wanted t get trusted. I acheived my goal. you were my first lasting IG friends.

awesomealicia - oh man. first off, you unbanned me. that WAS the right choice. And you also proomoted me. I looked up to you as like THE most active member on opti. Thanks.

Joshskiizz - the ultimate troll. you have more than once, and for you, and anyone else reading, i want to say that i'm not leaving and just wanna say thanks to everyone.

nick80653 - wow. memories come speeding in. ever since "junglewood" we were buddies. haha, i remember us quarrying and you kept on falling down the stairs. then came many other projects. you almost commit suicide, but i saved you. you are my bro.

finally opticalza - YOU my friend, are the best. the best server owner, and the best admin. thank you for all you did.

and to ALL od you i say, i've had a blast.

Suggestions / custom NPC's
« on: February 05, 2013, 10:30:03 pm »
Basically, on some servers there is a plugin where there are NPC's. They look like players, and just stand stil and look at you. You can put skins on them. They also have nametags. I was wondering if Opticraft could have that? And ops+ can spawn them?

User Events / large lottery!!!!
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:52:14 pm »
Well, i have decided that the lottery prizes are somewhat small, so i will organize a larger one. On the 9th at 6PM central time, or GMT-5 at 7 PM. I am putting $50,000 in then. I shall post the winners here. Reply if you plan to put in then! Type /lottery buy [amount of tickets]. Each ticket is $100. So i shall buy 500 tickets.
Good luck!
(click to show/hide)
tiggy and redchecks won! congrats to them!

Offtopic / count to 30 (with a twist version 3).
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:25:49 pm »
Heres how to go. Each player adds 1 number to the previous number. So we count to 30. BUT if an SMP OP OR AN ADMIN posts, the number resets. You cannot post if you posted less than or equal to 3 posts ago. Example.
Coolcrab: 1.
Goalieguy: 2.
2crzy4uall: reset muthaf*cka!
 Goalieguy: ( ._.) 1.

General Discussion / should i do it?
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:45:49 pm »
Im wondering, shall i put 50k of my 85k in the lotto? Its so tempting!

General Discussion / what is THIS?
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:43:29 pm »
I went to the live map(just cause i can) and found a build at the coords: Coords: X -1602, Z 4102. Go look there. Its HUGE! Does anyone know whos it is or what its for?


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