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Topics - tiggy26668

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Trade Central / [Auction] Triple Spawner
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:53:49 pm »
Item: Double zombie + spider spawner
Starting Price: 10k
Buyout Price: 30k
bid increment: 1k
end date: Jan 15, 2012 8pm GMT-5

note: comes with 2 coal ps

can be viewed at /home tiggy26668 4salespawner

*edit* can't really get a good view with how i set it up but you can see all 3...barely... they're nice and close together perfect for making an effecient grinder
screen shot:
(click to show/hide)

Happy Bidding  ;D

Trade Central / [Auction] Epic Treasure Map
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:03:58 am »
So..... i got bored and decided to pick a random place in member world, create an epic little temple, and stick an even more epic treasure inside it. the chest there is full of all sorts of valuable goodies that anyone would be thrilled to find, i even hear rumors of protection stones  ::) .

Best of all i created a little journal that tells you how to find this epic treasure, and that journal is for sale

whoever buys the journal will be given access to the chest, and they will be the only person who can claim the treasure, only catch is you have to find it  ;D

Item: One Journal with a guide to finding an Epic Treasure
Starting price: 50k
bid increase: 1k
buyout: N/A
End of Auction: December 31, 2012, 8:00pm EST

When the auction ends the winner will be given the journal and access to the chest.

Happy Bidding  ;D

Current Winner: xdeekay 85k

Suggestions / add trade channel to irc
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:51:07 pm »
so aside from not seeing the /fails that type in trade when they mean to be typing in global and missing half of a conversation....

it would b nice to see things that are being bought and sold in case you're on irc and wanna buy or sell something. then you could just hop in game do ur business and go back to being an irc lurker. it would save the trouble of having to have mc open all the time just to see the trade channel, which kinda defeats the purpose of having an outside chat.

Trade Central / [Auction] Stack of Diamond Blocks
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:59:32 am »
Item: 1 stack of Diamond Blocks (576 diamonds)
starting price: 30k
buyout price: 60k
bid increase: 500
end of auction: december 22, 2012 8pm EST

Happy Bidding!  ;D

Trade Central / [Auction] Bunch of enchanted pick axe
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:36:14 am »
Selling a bunch of enchanted pick axes

End Of Auction: December 22, 2012 8pm EST, or 3 days after last bid

Item(1): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 10k
Current Bidder: sold to clawstrider, buyout

Item(2): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 10k
Current Bidder: sold to nhataley, buyout

Item(3): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 10k
Current Bidder: sold to clawstrider, buyout

Item(4): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Unbreaking III, Efficiency III, Silk Touch I
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 8k
Current Bidder: sold to notabronie, buyout

Item(5): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to kevinnova 2k, 3 days after last bid

Item(6): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Fortune III, Efficiency IV
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to Larkosaurus 2k, 3 days after last bid

Item(7): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Fortune III, Efficiency IV
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to zwaan111 2k, 3 days after last bid

Item(8 ): Pick Axe
Enchantments: Unbreaking III
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: N/A

Item(9): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Efficiency IV
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to ivy2112, buyout

Item(10): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Efficiency IV
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to ivy2112, buyout

Item(11): Pick Axe (SOLD)
Enchantments: Efficiency IV
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 5k
Current Bidder: sold to ivy2112, buyout

Happy Bidding =D

Trade Central / [Auction] Stack of Iron blocks
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:09:01 am »
Item: 1 stack of iron blocks
Starting Price: 30,000
Buyout Price: 50,000
Bid Increase: 1k
End of Auction: Dec 22, 2012 8:00pm EST

Happy Bidding!  ;D

Suggestions / CraftBook Plugin
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:51:11 pm »
so there's this super awesome plugin called CraftBook. Basically it adds a bunch of awesome features pertaining to redstone and other contraptions that people like to use, some examples are:


for a complete list of features you can check out the wiki for yourself

1) this plugin requires no outside client mods to function.
2) all the features use existing blocks, all aquirable in a survival environment (no creative/hacks needed)
3) it plays well with other plugins already on the server such as world guard / world edit
4) the plugin has customizable access permissions for all of the features (there's a few i would recommend disabling like chunk anchors)
5) the plugin is open source so it can be customized specifically for the server as needed.
6) the plugin doesn't add anything that would give an unfair advantage to any particular person or group of people, it only simplifies making things that can already b made (however cumbersome it may be without the plugin)
7) the plugin is actively maintained

link to bukkit site:

I strongly believe this plugin would be awesome to have and add a wealth of cool features to the server. it allows you to create compact devices without worrying about lets say hiding a 12 block tall tower of pistons just to make a simple castle gate.

i would love to see this type of functionality get added to the server so leave your thoughts/opinions below. if you don't like it say why not just "it's not good" and if it's something you think you could benifit from make your voice heard

keep in mind this doesn't add anything you couldn't do without it, it simply makes doing it easier, so the survival aspect is maintained and since everyone gets access to the features it's fair across the board.


Suggestions / /me in local?!?!?!?!?
« on: November 28, 2012, 09:53:21 pm »
All i wanted to do was hand someone a marshmallow and a stick....
I get that we can't use it in global or trade, spam abuse clearly.... But local to?!?! I mean come on who's it really hurting? Even if you are spamming it in local either you're alone, about to get kicked or you're around a bunch of friends and 1-2?? people in the area at the time... Worst case they do it somewhere popular like the spawn or market in which case kicked... Emotes are a fun thing to have/use. They're entertaining and add a great aspect to playing on multiplayer.

Prolly sounded a little ranty, but meh... point is....

suggestion: we should be able to use /me in local......

by the way if you don't know, /me does emotes ex:/me hands you a marshmallow and a stick. = *Tiggy hands you a marshmallow and a stick.

Might not be the most important thing in the world atm, but i'm guessing you just need to change a flag somewhere...
so at least it'd be easy to do?

Trade Central / [Auction] 6 stacks of iron blocks
« on: November 14, 2012, 03:23:17 am »
Note: selling by the stack

Item: 1 Stack of Iron Blocks
Starting Price: $30000 (~$58/ingot)
Buyout: $85000(~$147/ingot)
End of Auction: November 20, 2012  8:00 pm EST

Stacks Left: 6

if no one wants um they'll go to the market otherwise,
Happy Bidding.

Suggestions / Lava Buckets For Everyone!!!!
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:31:28 am »
yea so first off, the lava wouldn't be place-able.....

but it would be nice if us trusted or even everyone could carry lava buckets.

why? well because lava is technically the best fuel in the game
from a survival aspect i would use lava over any other fuel simply because it's over 10 times more efficient than coal, not to mention it's easily renewable.

lava lasts 1000 seconds per bucket, even the mighty blaze rod pales in comparison to it at only 120 seconds

not to mention buying coal or blaze rods in mass can be quite expensive whereas lava is just found free flowing

in an ideal situation i think anyone should be able to pick up and carry the lava buckets, however the staff would remain the only ones capable of placing the lava.

i'd even settle for buying pre-filled buckets from the market without the ability to place or pick it up, so long as i could use it in a furnace.

but oh well that's my idea let the nay saying commence

Trade Central / [Auction] 64 Slime Balls
« on: October 24, 2012, 02:36:06 am »
Item: 64 Slime Balls
Starting Price: $10k
Increment: $1k
Buyout: $30k
End of Auction: 2 days after last bid

Happy Bidding!

Suggestions / increase mob culling limit when a player is in range?
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:08:02 pm »
So i was sitting at my sheep farm the other night trying to get some wool while my sheep slowly vanished. After getting 1 1/2 stacks in the same time i used to get 2 double chests full this thought dawned on me.

Why not increase the limit of maximum allowed mobs in an area when a player is within range of them, ex: gathering wool?

This "shouldn't" be all to difficult to implement and would require very little coding.

something like, if player is within 5-7 blocks then mobLimit = 10

It would allow a player such as myself to increase the size of my sheep herd, farm the wool i need, and after i leave the extra mobs would just get removed.

there would still be a limit on the maximum number of mobs to prevent someone from stacking 150 villagers on a block, or afking at an autofarm over night, so the problematic lag would still be prevented

but it would make farming large quantities of wool/leather/eggs and things of that nature more feasible for people such as myself who require it because it's just not efficient to claim a giant 100x100 space on the server for each color of sheep i need.....

Just thought i'd throw it out there so let me know what you think.

Projects and Creations / Tiggy's Underground Casino + Job Applications
« on: October 16, 2012, 02:35:09 am »
If you wish to file a complaint:
Please send me a private message detailing the incident, the time it occurred and any parties involved. Your feedback is valuable to me.

So as a lot of you know, and some don’t I’ve been building a casino underneath my project, Tiggy’s Love Palace, for a while now. I’m up to 4 games (there’s a 5th secret/free one good luck) and running between the levers and dealing with customers is becoming quite difficult.

As a result I’m creating this thread to:
A)   Serve as a central point of information on my Casino
B)   Recruit potential employees (see below)

Casino Information:
The Casino is located deep underneath my project; Tiggy’s Love Palace and is one of the many things I will be adding to it during its progress towards completion.

To get to the casino you need to use “/home tiggy26668 slots”

As of this message there are currently 5 available games at the casino, 4 of which are designed for betting, and the last one is hidden/free to play with non-monetary prizes at the end.

I’ve also been in the process of renovating and adding games to the casino. To be honest I have more fun building the contraptions than winning money on them, one of the driving reasons for this post.

Current Games:


Diabolical Lever

Wall-less maze


Now for the more important portion of the post, I’d prefer to spend my time building contraptions and let someone else run/profit from them. So if you are interested in working at the casino this portion relates to you. You should read through this very carefully and make sure you understand everything before applying.

Note: by working at the casino you are ineligible to bet on single outcome games because there's no guarantee you didnt learn them prior to betting. Namely the lever game and the maze, however you are welcome to play these games for free at your leisure. Random outcome games such as slots you may still bet on and win money.

Job Description:
It’s pretty easy to work at the casino. Each of the games is run by levers, buttons, or a combination of the two. As an employee you would be expected to know which levers and buttons work which games.
Your job entails the following:
1)   Advertising the casino or game you are working at.
2)   Dealing with the customers in a friendly, positive, and helpful manner
3)   Running the game or games that the customer wishes to play (this includes knowing the rules and payouts for each game)
4)   Handling of the customers bet and paying out any winnings
5)   Settling any disputes between the casino and a customer
6)   You need to know a little math for calculating bets ex: 3*200 = 600

Remember as an employee you are a representative of me, and I expect you to act as such. Repeated complaints about a particular employee will result in their firing and possible banishment from the casino in severe cases. I need to be able to trust you to run the casino in a proper manner whether I’m present or absent at the time.

Getting a job at the casino:
I don’t pay you, you pay me.

It costs $1,000/day or $5,000/week to work at the casino
While you may think this is expensive consider that I’ve made over $10,000 running slots alone for about an hour. What I’m asking for is a small portion of your potential earnings. You are responsible for making payments in a timely manner, all payment must be received while I am online and you must message me so that I can verify I received the payment. In the event I’m not online that day and you were working, you will need to pay me when next I’m online.

Similarly I don’t cover the payouts, you do.

By working at my casino you are playing as the “house”. As such you are responsible for paying out any winnings from your own pocket. However, any profit that you make is yours to keep, minus my daily/weekly payment. You need to risk your money to make money, just like I do every time I open for business.

Working at the casino:
Eventually there will be several employees working simultaneously. As an employee you are allowed to claim ONE game while you are working as your own, this is on a first come first serve basis. Arguing over who claimed what game first, especially in front of the customers is a good way to get fired. If you step out and someone claims the game, well that’s your lose for stepping out, pick another one.

In the event of unclaimed games I leave it to you as employees to divvy them up in a fair manner without conflict. If you’re not capable of doing so then I really have no interest in you working here.

As an employee of the casino you are expected to be able to cover any and all payouts owed to the customer by a game you are running. The Current maximum payout of a game is $5,000 so if your /bal is less than say $10,000 you probably shouldn’t be running a game. For details on all the bets please see the pages on the individual games, or read the signs at the casino.

You are welcome to advertise the casino or a specific game if you choose. There’s no set rule on how to advertise, though as a general guideline you want to entice the customer to come play. A personal favorite of mine to spam is (Feeling Lucky? Love to Gamble? Head on over to “/home tiggy26668 slots” and try your luck today!!!) Note: it helps to include the /home so customers know where to go.

Customer Interactions:
Be Positive and friendly to the customers, not everyone is a winner but that doesn’t mean you should make them feel like a loser. Should the customer lose, instead of saying “Loser!” try something like “No Winner, Sorry.” It implies that the next one could in fact be a winner and sounds more appealing.

Running the Games:
All games are run in the order of bets received, ex: your running slots, mega bets $200 then tech bets $400. The first spin goes to mega, the second goes to tech. you should announce the results of every run of the game, if multiple players announce who’s play it was, ie: “no winner mega” or “winner tech 2x payout”

Customer disputes:
Not everyone is a happy customer. Should you come across a disgruntled customer for whatever reason I recommend taking screenshots of your interactions with them as well as any bets.

In some cases people make mistakes. I’m not in the business of scamming people and I don’t want even a single customer leaving and feeling cheated. Should something occur which would make the outcome of a game seem “sketchy” for example a lag spike, or double tapping a lever I find it best to follow this guideline
A)   If the customer won as a result of an iffy spin, pay them. It’ll make them happy and want to return
B)   Should they lose as a result of something iffy, offer them a re-spin.
C)   Should they deny a re-spin as a result of something iffy, return the initial bet. Worst case no one makes/loses money

Remember you are representing me as an employee at my casino, as such you should be able to handle disputes in the appropriate manner at your own discretion.

Final Notes:
I will teach you how to operate each game in the casino; I don’t expect you to just “know”.

You don’t need to understand the inner workings of the games so long as you can run them appropriately.

I cannot emphasize this enough:
My games are not scams; I’m not in the business of scamming people. I want every single person who plays my games to leave having enjoyed their time playing. A happy customer is a repeat customer and no one should leave feeling cheated out of their money. Every customer should have a fun time playing whether they win or lose and should be glad they came here to spend their money. Should you as an employee fail to provide an enjoyable and fun environment for the customer you will be replaced.

Application Format: (please copy this into a reply and fill in the blanks)

!ATTENTION! only trusted+ will be considered as employees, if the server can’t trust you then neither can I. In certain cases this may be waived, however like being trusted, do not ask for it, I will inform you should I feel you’re worthy.

In-game name:
Time Zone:
Current Rank:
Current /bal:
How many days would you like to work at the casino?(cost: 1k/day, 5k/week):
Competency in math (0-10, 0 being 1+1 = fish, 10 being you can prove why 1 = .99999…..repeating):
Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?:
Have you ever worked for someone on the server I can contact as reference? If yes, who?:
Why do you feel you deserve to work at the casino?:
Have you read this entire post, are familiar with what is expected of you, and know fully well that failure to conduct yourself in the appropriate manner will result in your firing without refund?:

I reserve the right to fire anyone at any time without warning, reason, or refund should I feel it is necessary.
I reserve the right to change these rules and guidelines at any time without warning.
It is the responsibility of you the employee to periodically check for updates to the rules and guidelines and failure to do so may result in your firing.

I take my casino and the satisfaction of its clientele very seriously and expect anyone wishing to work here to do the same.

Support / Can you make a public chest in a protected region? if so how?
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:35:15 pm »
so i got this chest i want to make public, and it's within my project protection.

I've already tried the obvious
/cpublic - doesn't work
/unlock - doesn't work
and even /cmodify name doesn't let them open it

i feel like i'm being a /fail and missing something.....

is it really impossible to make a public chest without explicitly adding everyone on the server to the protected region?

anyone know?

Projects and Creations / Tiggy's Wall-less Maze
« on: October 15, 2012, 02:51:04 am »
the 4th installment in my mini casino, my wall-less maze

How it Works:
Inside you will find a small room 2 blocks high with pressure plates on the floor and an open door on the far side.

should you take a wrong step however the door will close.

find the correct path and make it to the end to win $1000

the maze path will be changed after someone completes it.

The Game costs $100 per try

Making it to the end gets you $1000

initial profit is $900
after each retry your profit goes down by $100
1st try = $900
2nd try = $800
3rd try = $700
nth try = $1000 - (100*n)

Clearly ender pearls or a mod flying across to the door is cheating, but since that isn't obvious to everyone.......

since i can't always be watching it, with other people betting downstairs and what not, i devised a system to let me know if you cheat. basically there's 4 lights hooked up to 4 of the correct path pressure plates, and if all 4 lights aren't lit up when you finish, then clearly you skipped part of the path, and wont be getting paid.

(click to show/hide)

Side Note:
You will be required to restart the maze between attempts, no starting from where u fail.

See Also:
a link to the post on my slot machine:

a link to the post on my numbers game:

a link to the post on my Diabolical Lever Game:

Pictures  ;D

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