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Topics - clawstrider

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Suggestions / Donation chest
« on: November 02, 2011, 07:48:03 pm »
If we are giving donation rewards for beta, I think I got one:
Virtual Chest. This basically allows you to use /chest (There is also a /workbench command).These open up "virtual" chests and workbenchs that you can access on the go. It wouldn't give you a massive advantage, but it would be useful.
What do you guys think?

P.S. It is a bukkit mod, I have seen it used on another beta server (As a donation reward), and it works with permissions, but this is not required.

Offtopic / Cleverbot Chat
« on: October 03, 2011, 06:05:41 pm »
Quite interesting, the first robot talking to robot, but I laughed so hard when it said "I am not a robot, I am a unicorn" :P

Support / Spawner
« on: October 02, 2011, 06:06:27 pm »
I found a spawner in my mine, and saved it for a mob trap, by putting torches around it.

Today, I let several people in my mine, with only 1 instruction. Do not touch the mob spawner. When I came back, I found this:

Note: I included co-ords in it.

Also, it was a spider spawner

Offtopic / Post your haircut!
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:08:23 am »
Happy Relkeb?
Post your haircut!

Support / My things back
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:59:34 pm »

Here you can see that I fell in the void (Death photo). This happened after using /home.
This, unfortunatly happened after returning from a mining trip (I logged out the previous day with my bounty).
I had full diamond armour, a pick, spade (shovel) and sword (Diamond), and lots (Lots!) of redstone, coal, iron (ore) and 4ish diamonds, 5ish gold (ore), 2 minecarts, and torches. There was also lots of cobble and dirt, but don't worry about that! :P
I would appriciate getting my stuff back, if this is possible.

EDIT: Also, you can see in the photo me asking for my things back. I asked Morten, but he had to go, and mis-understood me, so I could not recover them.

Offtopic / Best thing that you have ever done?
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:49:11 am »
I made this topic so everyone could feel happy about stuff :D
Whats the best thing you have ever done?
I will start: Climb Mount Kenya with my friends.
Best time ever <3
How about you guys?

Suggestions / Bucket
« on: September 06, 2011, 05:49:20 pm »
As buckets are (Nearly, you can use them for cakes) useless, many people do not want them. You often get them in dungeons and accidently make them, before knowing about not using water/lava.
This is why i would like a system of exchanging a bucket for 3 iron with an admin/op (Who is allowed to spawn the iron, as long as they incinarate the bucket)

Suggestions / The Big ol' suggestion board!
« on: September 04, 2011, 07:10:58 am »
Post your suggestions here!

1. Arena.
2. Some sort of trading system?

Creations / The person catcher!
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:36:38 am »
Back with another crafter level creations (I have no idea why I haven't applied yet :P ) I am here, with the...:
Person catcher :D

Here you can see me catching a fine specimen of Exox615, Oneman_Onegun and a large Qyatschi__
You can find this fine rod and cookie bait on member10.
P.S. It is a choc chip cookie on the end :) The pic didn't come out well ;)

Offtopic / Humble Indie Bundle 3
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:52:54 pm »
So, who got the Bundle? I just got it, and wondered on peoples opinions or favorite games? Also, I got the 2nd Bundle because I paid more than the average person, so, are any of those good?

Discussion forum / Hidden
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:34:07 pm »

What does the Hidden thing mean? Can Admins hide what they are doing on the forum or something?

General Discussion / Mini Modding
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:23:24 pm »
There has been some confusion about the rule of mini modding.

Do Not Mini-Moderate. Mini modding is when you see a thread, or a persons post, that you do not like, and say "You can't do that, stop it now, or a mod will get you," or "This post belongs to the -soandso- thread." Do not say things like "lock it" or "this already exists" either. Moderators are perfectly capable of their job, and do not need any of the forum member's help. If you see a problem, just ignore it, and a Moderator will soon be there to fix it.

This is what the rule of mini modding says. My problem is that I have seen many builders and recruits try to be helpful, such as letting somebody know they have to be a recruit before applying for builder, being threatened with a ban if they continue this.
Is that really what this rule is about?
I understand that if somebody wrote something along the lines above it could have a negative influence, but being helpful just makes an op's task easier. It's one less message we have to type "You have to be recruit before builder," (That was just an example).

Can we make the rules clearer, either by writing that they cannot give advice, or they can?

Introductions / Hi, I'm not so new!
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:29:15 pm »
Hey guys, I joined this server a while back, but never actually got round to doing a introduction. So, here it is. A little on my time at Opticraft, Minecraft and life in general.

So hey, I'm Clawstrider, but call me Claw. I'm 13 and I live in London.

I joined Minecraft (Not so cleverly) in April, right before my senior school entrance exams. I got hooked pretty quick needless to say.

I'm pretty sure I found about it like this:
Step 1. Play World of Warcraft.
Step 2. Find TotalHalibut's Youtube channel.
Step 3. Watch Yogscast and TotalBiscuit play Magika.
Step 4. Watch their Minecraft Videos.

Well, enough about that.

You may or may not know me, but I am currently an Operator on the server.

Thanks to Raul for promoting me to Recruit and Builder.
Thanks to Morten for a many a temp ops, and trial Operator. (ps go fuck yourself)
Thanks to Relkeb for accepting me, after my 2 month Trial.

I have enjoyed Opticraft, and hope I can look forward to it for many months in the future, even if Operating can be a bit tiring!
Feel free to drop a comment or question below.
Claw :)

Offtopic / Intro help?
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:27:45 pm »
At my school, as it is the end of the last term of the last year for my year, my yeargroup is making advert/films.

Now, to get the the point, I was wondering if anybody could help me with an intro to this film.

The film we are making is a re-enactment of several Darwin Award. A Darwin Award is an award devoted to people who have either lost their life, or their ability to reproduce by doing something very stupid.

I had the idea that we could animate one of the scenes for an intro, with stickmen or whatever is simplest, with a title above which says Darwin Awards above it.

I don't know how easy that is, but if somebody could help, thats much appreciated.
Thanks :D

Creations / My first sprite
« on: June 25, 2011, 04:22:37 pm »

I spent over 45 mins trying to figure out how to make an 8 bit mario, and this is the finish! :D
I made this all by hand and have gone through many many trials to get to this stage.
Hope you don't hate it too much ;)

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