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Topics - TheWholeLoaf

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Projects and Creations / Just showin
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:26:32 am »
This is a house I've recently been making, took me about a month :)


Sides of the house
(click to show/hide)

Back of the house
(click to show/hide)

Foyer and library/study
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Living room
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Full realistic house with foyer, library, office, kitchen, living room, guest bath and master bath, master bedroom, patio, and decks! Each room individually wired with redstone on botton switches!

This house belongs to Morrison1996, he is currently in the process of building it.

Rejected / City protection app - Verendus - TheWholeLoaf
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:51:05 am »
City name: Verendus

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): Guest world, x 154, z -511

Contributors: CoreyCarey(major), wtylko, Morgosin(major), anyone who helped me clear land

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): TheWholeLoaf

Approximate dimensions: roughly 250x350

Number of active residents: 1 

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: large castle, 24+

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Ready for residence. Currently working on Redstone Inc. and a night club. Clearing land for more residential and public services. Planning on adding an ammusment park with rollercoasters and rides and a redstone maze.

Why should we grant this city protection? My city could be complete as is however I like adding new and interesting things as I go. I'd like to share it with everyone and have it be a spot where ppl will call it home. Or where ppl come to see my attractions. It is a rather large city and is grieved often. I'd like to add many things that are large and would take a few diamond ps's but I can't a aford that so I'm hesitant to do so.

A pic of the town center...

Thanks for reading,

Support / Logging in
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:11:19 pm »
I'm having difficulty logging in on my iPod. I enter my name and pass and it just goes back to the same page with me as a guest. Any suggestions?


Introductions / So ya just now seeing this part of the forum :P
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:59:09 am »
     Hey guys, its Loaf, and I just saw this topic in the forum today. Wish I would of made this about 7 months ago when I joined :P. Some of you guys know me already but I'd still like to post this.....

     Out side of the games: I'm a highschooler in the 11th. I live in Indiana in the USA.
     Things I do: I love camping and other than that, school, and minecraft, my life is marching band. I think our group is pretty incredible.
     Things I will be doing: I'm currently studying architecture and will soon be attending ball state university to study it more in depth.

     In the game: I'm currently playing on the opticraft SMP server and I'm a trusted there. I love redstone and love helping ppl figure it out. I'm also a pretty good builder though I don't play on classic.

     That's me :D
     Thanks guys!

Projects and Creations / The Underwater City
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:43:04 pm »
     Hey guys, I've recently been working on my Underwater City and I'm currently working on the shell of the residential district which is huge. The shell of the Public/entertainment district is done and I am now adding buildings such as shops and services.

     Once I get the shell of the residential district done, I will begin to add houses and empty plots. This is going to be a modern style city ( I might divide it up into 4 sections - modern, gothic, rustic, and one more style type). You will be required (if your not buying a house that I've made) to keep your house the same style as the ones surrounding it. The modern house will be made mostly of colored wool, gothic, made of stones, rustic, made of wood and white wool, and the other type I'll leave up for discussion. There might also be areas just for staff and trusted but I don't want to segregate.

     Once the residential district is completed, I will begen working on a farming district where I'll have community farms of every plant and also sell private plots. It will be close to the size of the residential district.

     I'm also putting in a few spleef areans, a public spawner, and things you guys come up with.

     The city will be open to everyone besides guests.

     I have a lot planned for this project that I think everyone will enjoy and want to come see. If there is anything else u would like to see in the city please comment below.

     I am also I need of donations to get this completed as quickly as possible so you guys can enjoy. Anything is useful but glass, stone brick, stone slabs, glowstone, and money are the most beneficiary.

     Thanks guys!

Support / Lag
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:45:39 am »
So i had some pretty intence block lag today. I was able to talk in chat and place blocks, however the blocks were back in my inventory after I got off and right back on. And when i was on, it never gave me a block that i destroyed, i waited up to ten minutes. Also, I couldnt get hurt or lose hunger. I know its just my cp since no one else was having trouble.

Anything that i can do to my cp to make things run a bit faster?

Rejected / TheWholeLoaf - Moderator Application
« on: October 04, 2012, 02:28:42 pm »
Moderator Application - TheWholeLoaf
Demoted due to inactivity

Location: IN, United States
Timezone: Central

Join Date: Around January 24, 2012/March 06, 2012 for the forums

Were you recommended by anyone?: Morrison1996 (hutch), Techdude98, TheRealFamous, DeweyMeister

Why you should become a moderator:
     I was once a moderator but was demoted due to inactivity. It's completely understandable and I was glad for the most part. It was good for me to become a trusted again and veiw the server, not through the eyes of a staff member, but as a regular member, and that made me think and I gave myself a few new pointers on what I could do and not do as a staff member.
     It hasn't been nearly long enough for me to have forgotten the commands (unless there are new ones now) and I think I still have my bedrock somewhere? :P
     I'd like to come back to the team and help out.

Thanks for reading,

Support / Msging
« on: September 24, 2012, 09:48:01 pm »
Idk if anyone else has noticed this, but im having trouble msging staff members. Is it the fact that they are invisable? I found that whispering works but not msging.

General Discussion / Building competition canceled
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:20:15 am »
The building competition I was going to do is canceled. I'm sad no one is interested. It was posted in projects and creations.

Projects and Creations / Building Competitions
« on: September 19, 2012, 01:35:38 am »
Im thinking about starting a building competition to bring out the best builders in the server :D. Anyone can join and there will be prizes of some kind. As of where this will be held, I have a few plots in a closed off part of my town where it will be.

How it will work:
      There will be a couple ppl at a time that enter and they will have a predetermined amount of time to make something amazing and meet the requirments.(See requirements bellow) I will judge the builds and possible along side a few others of my choosing. All builds that are made will have to be taken down by you after the comp. is over. The winner gets to decide if he/she would like to keep their build on the plot.

      Each Comp. will have a specific type of build, such as different styles( victorian, modern, greek, ranch, italian, etc.) The topic could also be different types of buildings like skysrapers, houses, offices, resturants, theaters, and so on. And also different design styles like landscaping, interior designing, the shell of a build.

     Prizes will most likly be money and or diamonds. I might charge a fee to enter so that I dont run out of money :P.

I'm doing this because i think it'd be fun to see what you guys can come up with and create and see everyone elses builds.
As of when this will begin, I'm not sure yet so stay tuned.

Leave comments below if you think this is a good idea or not.


I'm also starting to write a book in-game about building. I'll probably have it in a chest near the plots if you'd like to read it. Just don't take it or I'll consider it greif since there will be a sign above it saying put this back or it's grief.

Let me know if you think that's a good idea as well :P

Projects and Creations / House Application's
« on: September 17, 2012, 11:21:30 pm »
Fill out this application if you would like a house made by TheWholeLoaf.
Please give very detailed responses. The more detail, the more I know what and how to build. Think of
Interesting ideas for these so I'm excited to build them, the sky's the limit.

If you would like me to just come up with a design for the house or just give helpful tips, I'll do that too. MSG me if this is the case.

Where do you want your house?: (Cords or /home)
*Have the boundaries of the plot laid out*

What materials do you want in your house?: (Main materials, wool, wood, stone, sandstone)

What do you want in your house?: (Redstone lighting, Large Rooms, Elevator, Library, Basement, etc.)
*List all rooms you would like*

Do you want me to do the interior design?

What do you want on the outside of the house?: (Pool, Redstone Lighting, Garden, Garage, Cars, etc.)

What kind of money do you want to spend on this?:
*The price of the house determines how much I spend on it, if you pay me 100k then I’ll spend about 50k*
*If you pay me 30k ill probably spend 15k*
*You pay me after I'm done making it. If you dont like it, then I'll keep it and sell it to someone else. You'll probably like it :P*

List 5 things that you enjoy in real life:( this can be anything, like cars, movies, nature, a sport, a game, a hobby, anything).

Do you accept to modifying me to all doors and me showcasing the house for any purpose. (meaning I can get into every part of the house and may bring people in to see on rare occation).

Notes and extras:

Thank you for submitting a House App. I will get back to you ASAP.
*There are other houses I might have to make before yours so be patient*

Some Houses may not be choosen to make. The more interesting and realalistic it seems and the more detail you involve in your description of what you what the better.

Send Me Private Msg's If Your Submitting An App Or It Will Not Be Built At All, But Post Your Name In The Comments If You Do Send Me An App.


Suggestions / Public Library
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:25:29 am »
I know that this wont happen for a long time, if at all, but i think itd be cool if the server had a public library. Itd be awesome for someone to be able to write something and put it in the library for everyone eles to read. Itd be kinda complicated for the code a plugins ik, like making it so when someone takes a book out of a chest, the original stays there and they also get a copy that ill expire in a few days or something, or expires when they leave the library. It would be fun to see what people write, though it would have to be monotored so that something inapropriate or harmful to others wouldnt be put in with the rest of the books.


Support / New Ways To Make Money
« on: July 13, 2012, 06:13:46 am »
For the ppl that lost the use of their autofarm. I never used them much but there are numerous ways to make money. You just have to be creative and put a little effort into it.

Please post possible ways to make money to replace the autofarm and for new players.

•selling creations-cool redstone(not to large scale) or mechanical creations
•selling houses-start a town or just offer a house building service
•host events-spleef/parties(prom)/hide and find(put rare items in a chest/have ppl look for you) and charge admission and while u host he event ask for donations(do not constantly spam chat asking for donations that doesn't improve your odds. Just ask once at an event and make it prominate).
•doing jobs for ppl-land clearing/replanting/copy builds/gathering recorces/helping build/ ect.

I will keep posting ideas as I come up with new ones.

Projects and Creations / New City--Verendus--Now ReOpen
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:20:34 pm »
Verendus was once owned by CoreyCarey and he greatiously gave it to me. Once that happend, I did my best to add what I thought others would like and would be attracted too. Ive added alot and I'm still working on it and coming up with new things to put in.
             Currently, there the city center is made up of the spawn, a few homes, and the town bank.

             The City Bank only holds money and as it sits, grows interest (% depends on number of accounts). The Bank may only be used by members of the city.

             To the left of the bank is the Redstone shop. It will soon be replaced with Redstone INC. thats going up right behind it.

             The City also has a its own hotel and spleef.

             Some New Projects that I am working on at the moment are the night club

             And also more and new residential areas.

            Please leave suggestions for new and exciting buidings and structures and come check it out! Located at my /home TheWholeLoaf! Donations are also very appreacitated! Thanks For Reading.

                                                                             The City Of Verendus

Rejected / Moderator App
« on: June 05, 2012, 05:42:54 am »
Moderator Application - <TheWholeLoaf>

Location: IN, United States
Timezone: Central
Join Date: March 06, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No one
Why you should become a moderator:
First off, I think the mods are under staffed and more need to be on regularly and I'm on all the time. Secondly, I can deal with anyone, I dont get angry easily and I'll help a person no matter how long it takes. Thirdly, I'd like to be more helpful around the server and working my way up the ranks is the only way.

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