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Topics - gavin1928374655

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Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Tree Village- Project Protection
« on: April 27, 2013, 01:25:36 am »
City name: Tree Village

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1031/64/4356/-3/0/0
You can access it by /home _gavin 2 or if that is set somewhere else you can use /home Holy_Moses village

Contributors: That1gie, UnknownHedgehog, Holy_moses, _gavin, also alicia for villager help

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): _gavin, Holy_moses co-created the village with me

Approximate dimensions:228 by 209

Number of active residents: Myself, Holy_moses was active but he left. So only me, when i make more houses i will open them up for rent or application.

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 8
Town hall, creeper statue (by hedge), tree hut (bythat1gie), my house, house owned by krazygokart, spawn hut, moses' house.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Making more houses, second large tree started, also expanding the road system a bit around the edge near alicia's mansion. As of now all i have there is cleared land.

Why should we grant this city protection? I think this build could end up looking pretty nice, I dont have enough to protect all of it so I figured protection is the best way to go.

Trade Central / Best Possible Bow !!!!! SOLD
« on: April 21, 2013, 04:45:02 pm »

Item: Bow
Enchantment(s):Unbreaking 3 flame 1 punch 2 power 5 infinity 1
Level Enchanted On: Level 30 on bow, 2 level 30 books, about 50 total levels to combine, overall 160 levels to make this bad boy.
Starting Price: 7k
Price Increase:Minimum 1k
Buyout Price:25k
End Of Auction:Closed


Suggestions / How about we change how owning land works?
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:59:51 am »
So recently I had trouble with getting a chest moved from my village. The op/mod that helped me out were cool about it, but said they couldnt move the chest of a semi-active player because you cant own land. Now I think this rule is a bit "outdated" or even not thought out very well. Ill start of by giving what I have wrong with this:

Clearing Land: So say player A spends a week clearing a huge forest and then leveling the ground and torching it, do they own this land? According to server rules...no. If player A decides to be gone for a week (vacation, school, work you name it) is their land safe? (Assuming its not protected by pstones). According to server rules it is not grief to build on cleared/torched out land. Now this doesnt make a lot of sense to me, I can understand the rule so that people can't just torch out the entire map or fence off a huge area. But clearing a semi large forest (which is not the easiest of tasks) and then having an active build in it seems like it would be owned by the builder. If one was to fence off a huge chunk of land and then proceeds to leave it untouched, uncleared and untorched that isnt their land. But taking the time to work on it and clear it (clearly marking the boundaries) seems like it should be personally owned and not allowed to be built on.

Protecting Land: Now if player A clears a chunk of land and has part of a build going on it should they have to pay out the ass for a crazy amount of protection stones? Simply put...no. To get to the point of being able to get project protection takes a long time,  in that time period is any clear area in the land up for grabs? According to the current rules, yes. Any person can apparently walk into a cleared area and start their house. Also someone who places a chest in that area has to be inactive to get it moved, even if they are being stubborn about moving it.

Chests/locked items: So say player B goes into Player A's land and places a chest in the way of a building. Mods/Ops can not move that chest with the current rules. Unless the player is inactive for several weeks then the player B has to move the chest off of player a's cleared land. As of now this is not considered grief, which it pretty clearly seems to be.

To sum up, i think this rule is not like an algorithm which every case can fit into, but that owning of land should be based on a personal scale. What i mean by this is; someone who takes 5 mins to border a forest in cobble doesnt own that land. But someone who has an active build on the land should have the right to say they own it, an that building on it is counted as grief. This is just my "2 cents" on the land thing. Comment below what you hate/love about the idea :P

Trade Central / Fortune 3 eff 5 unb 3 pick! SOLD
« on: April 19, 2013, 01:28:36 am »
Subject: Diamond Pick

Item: Diamond Pick
Enchantment(s):Unbreaking 3 Fortune 3 Efficiency 5
Level Enchanted On: Level 30 and two Level 30 books (90 overall)
Starting Price: 3k
Price Increase:1k
Buyout Price:11k
End Of Auction: 4/18/2013 Noon est


Trade Central / Best Sword possible in the game SOLD
« on: April 19, 2013, 01:10:57 am »
Subject: Diamond Sword

Item: Diamond Sword
Enchantment(s):Looting 3 Unbreaking 3 Knockback 2 Sharpness 5 Fire Aspect 2
Level Enchanted On: Several lvl 30 books and the levels it took to combine, in all id say at least 100 levels total went into this sword(2 lvl 30 books and the lvl 30 sword and the combining xp)
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase:1k
Buyout Price:15k
End Of Auction: 4/19/2013 Noon est


Suggestions / Dragon stats bar
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:38:26 pm »
Just kind of an odd suggestion, but i think it would be cool if when the dragon was killed a broadcast (like the lotto) came up with who got the most shots and the kill shot. The egg and xp wouldnt be affected (the egg chase is the best part).  It wouldnt be any kind of award just show whoever got the most shots and the kill shots.

Also i think the ender dragon respawn message could do with some color :P

Trade Central / Silk touch eff 5 unb 3 Shears-Bid SOLD
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:12:11 pm »
Subject: Shears Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 Silk touch 1

Item: Shears
Enchantment(s): Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 Silk touch 1
Level Enchanted On: Several level 30 books (took 4 double chests to get silk touch book) and about 50 levels to combine all together
Starting Price:7k
Price Increase:1k
Buyout Price:20k
End Of Auction: 4/22/2013 noon est


Trade Central / selling old casino project-super cheap
« on: March 29, 2013, 11:33:10 am »
Subject: My old casino project is kinda sitting around useless so i figured I would sell it. There is no /home to get to it and the redstone combo lock and fancy doors and such are all ripped out. Its basically a shell of empty chests and blocks. what you can see on the map is what you get (the front part uses cobblestone walls which dont appear on the live map atm). I want to get rid of this and figured I would make a few bucks off it by selling it.

Item: My old casino/luxury tower
Enchantment(s): N/A
Condition: Meh, I ripped a bit of the floor up to clean the redstone out but other than that its fine.
Level Enchanted On: N/A
Starting Price: 2k
Price Increase: 100$
Buyout Price:10k
End Of Auction: date: 3/30/13
                                time: 6:00 pm

Notes: live map link: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-345/64/-945/-1/2/0

Support / Enderman Farm troubles
« on: March 19, 2013, 01:19:54 am »
So recently moses and I made a farm, this farm also happens to not work. When we started making it enderman were dropping down just fine. As soonas we finished it no more spawned. Joshskiizz's farm also doesnt work, the two farms are nowhere near each other though. our farm: x 545 z -8 josh's farm x 187 z 960. I dont get why the two have suddenly stopped working. If anyone knows why / has a fix please let me know.

note: the farms are in the new guest end

Rejected / Tree Village
« on: March 17, 2013, 05:43:03 pm »
City name: Tree Village

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): new guest http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1036/64/4294/-2/0/0
By the way the livemap version of this is pretty screwed up due to the lack of support for several block-types. The only way to correctly judge the city is to see it ingame. /home _gavin 2 is the easiest way to get to it.

Contributors: _gavin holy_moses

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):_gavin (if this is accepted canyou make Holy_Moses a zone owner as well?)

Approximate dimensions: 129 wide, 235 long

Number of active residents:2

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:3 1/2

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:It is not near to completion but it is also not far away. Moses and I have the roads planned out, two mob grinders made, animal farms, a storage room, an archery range, several completed houses and lots of redstone. Our plans include adding more houses, finishing the road lights (controlled by a day/night sensor) and building the tree up. We will incorporate the "tree" theme when the city is finished as well. What I was going for when i started this was a village based around a giant oak tree with smaller ones scattered around.

Why should we grant this city protection? This city is already semi-well developed and I dont have enough money to protect my progress with protection stones.

Note: When the city is completed we will be allowing people to "rent" houses out to live in.

Trade Central / Buying several stacks of leather-name your price
« on: March 14, 2013, 11:11:05 pm »
No one ingame seems to have leather so anyone selling semi-large quantities of it leave a reply here with your price. I am looking to buy a few stacks of leather so the first people to reply I will buy from.

Suggestions / /Getlink
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:19:13 am »
So I made sure to read all the suggestions portal topics and such to make sure that I wasn't posting something that has been discussed. If this has already been discussed than I will lock the topic. Anyway, I have an idea. In order to find your current position on the map you must type /getpos and scan through the live map to the coordinates. I, for one, find this be slightly annoying and time consuming. I think it would be neat (although i dont know how easy this would be to implement) to have the command /getlink. Basically it would find your coordinates similarily to /getpos and it would generate a link to your exact position on the livemap. I do not know how feasible (hope i spelled that correctly) this would all be but it's just an idea.

I would love to hear feedback on this.

Trade Central / Interested in buying a village (with testificates!!!!!)
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:15:25 am »
reply to this post or message me ingame if you have a village in your possession. I'd be interested in buying it or some testificates. I do not care which world it is in so long as it has a bit of space around it.

General Discussion / Inactivity! (Not leaving)
« on: February 06, 2013, 12:01:54 am »
I'm gonna be gone in both smp and classic for a bit, just going though the busy part of the year, don't have much free time. Just letting my peeps know I'm not leaving.

Rejected / Project Protection- Gavin's Casino
« on: February 02, 2013, 11:12:32 pm »
City name: Gavin's Redstone Casino and Emporium

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-339/64/-952/-1/2/0 member world -352 -935

Contributors: myself, claw gave me some redstone and tiggy helped a bit with the lock (rs nor latch problem)

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): gavin

Approximate dimensions: 100x100 or so

Number of active residents: myself

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 0

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: My casino has just been started a few days ago, unfortunatley i have not gotten enough materials to work on it a lot so far. I just spent about 9k on stone bricks though, so i can work on the tower a lot. It will feature the design seen onthe front all aroun to the top of the netherrack. Once i get to the top i will curve it up into my personal quarters and rentable-hotel rooms. If i get this protected I would like the protection to go to sky limit (the tower will increase quite a bit in height if all goes according to my master plan).

Why should we grant this city protection? I think it could potentially turn out to be a great build, and i need the precious redstone to be protected. It is annoying trying to work out where a piece of redstone is messed up. Also I only have enough money for 2 more coal ore ps's.

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