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Topics - Wratkie

Pages: 1 [2]
Creations / Built these
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:02:38 am »
Its not anything special but a hadn't really built anything since I've been an op so I thought I'd post it up :P

Small little dome thing with a design underneath...

If you really wanna see it its in Operator1 but there is no more of a thrill than seeing it here.

Sometime soon ill try to get a good project going.

Other small things:


Me Guestinfo:

[Nikita did the lettering on the right, which is quite neat ;)]

Discussion forum / Inhumane Treatment of Animals via MC
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:00:54 pm »
Is MineCraft teaching us bad habits?

I feel like KFC.

No shortage of eggs, ever.

Accepted / Operator appilcation - Wratkie
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:35:47 am »
Name: Wratkie
Age: 18
Location: New York
Timezone: EST
Join date: October 21st 2011
Forum Join date: October 24th 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: To help the classic server.
Why you should become an operator: I'm not saying I should or deserve to be an Operator, But I have noticed lately (at least when I am online) that there is rarely an Op on the server. Yes I Know there has also been a lack of guests to the server, but there are times that there maybe 25-30 guest-recruits on and I (a Builder) am the highest rank on. Griefing still occurs, in many ways, destroying and modifying others works, sometimes asking the Griefer to stop is enough, but it doesn't always work. I am Online quite often throughout the day and night so I can be very helpful when other Ops are not online. Also the lack of Ops online does not look good to a new guest looking for a permanent place for them to stay.
Have you been temp-op before?: Yes for a short time. (WoM crash)
Extra information: I do know I will still want to focus on building in the future, but I am willing to take a break from that for now to even be a temporary help to the server and that's really all I'm trying to achieve at this time until more help is available or current Ops are more active. Also I'm not trying to be rude or single any current Ops (I like every Op I have met in this server), I'm just bringing up a situation that needs taking care of.

Creations / My Creations [Builder Rank]
« on: November 01, 2011, 12:19:22 am »

Here is my new thread, this will have all my new builds from now on!

Old thread (recruit): http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,5770.0.html

First builder build:

I was kind of trying to make this like an old fancy ballroom

Steelers themed Stadium:

Go Steelers!!

No Name:

I may modify this build but this is my best planned out build so far.

I have modified it, couldn't figure what to put in the interior, so i made a portal :/

I'M LOOKING FOR IDEAS!! if anyone has an idea for the interior please let me know i'm interested, i kinda get a futuristic feel from the build (mostly do to the blue wool effects) i can alter the colors for another theme if your interior idea doesn't match but i'm open you all opinions!


Modified the outside a lil bit think its really starting to look cool, ill keep working on it on and off :)

Sail Boat:

Accepted / [Builder] Wratkie
« on: October 28, 2011, 12:44:24 am »
Ingame name: Wratkie
Join date: October 24, 2011
Briefly describe all your creations: Motorbike, Spongebob&Patrick, Twin stone towers, Desk w/ drawrs + chair, holy fountain, giant pencil, giant anti-griefing mario ,Mountain w/Cave
What worlds are the creations on: motorbike was on guest, mountain w/Cave on member, and the rest on recruit.
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://s144.photobucket.com/albums/r187/rockyhip/#
Names of players who helped contribute: All were solo
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Just wanna say I have had the most fun in this server than any other i have tried out, everyone i have interacted with has been very friendly and supportive! :D
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yessir

Creations / My Creations [Recruit Rank Builds]
« on: October 26, 2011, 08:42:26 pm »
My first Opticraft server build and favorite build!
This got me my recruit rank :D

Hey guys, just wanted to share my Spongebob and Patrick builds i did last night,
I don't have pics just yet BUT they are in the far left corner of the 'recruit' world if any one wants to check them out!



I know Spongebob looks a lil robotic or something, and Patrick (which was Luminaeus' idea) is really short but i thought they were worth posting :3

i didn't make the Squidward, but i did make the lil' Plankton XD

today i made a chair then decided to make a desk around it!
here it is.

left drawer has file folders inside and the right has a secret stash xD
this build is also in the recruit world not to far from my Spongebob and Patrick.

Anti-Grief message Mario! messed up on the feet because i was 1 block space to low so the feet were cut off 1/3 of a 3x3 pixel -.-

Location: Recruit world, front left corner wall.


this one was easy xD

location, right infront of my mario lol, yes recruit world

I plan on doing some really neat large build, I have a few ideas in mind I'm just not positive of what, and where will be an issue, not always a lot of room, Ill look around tho! as you can see I'm not too into building buildings, but i might try to do a decent one in the future.

Mountain and cave:
I forgot to upload this one, I did this 2 days ago on the member world.

Most Recent, BEST BUILD (so far):

Twin Stone Towers:

Both towers are completely symmetrical inside and out, except for the ground around them.
it is located in the back of the recruit world near my desk.

Introductions / Wratkie's Introduction
« on: October 26, 2011, 04:20:53 am »
Hey guys, I'm Wratkie (not my real name)

I am very new to Minecraft, I've only have been playing for about a week.
I do not own the Beta or anything, i just decided to check out the game in the classic version.
At first i found a few servers that a would go into regularly, then i found this one!
Once i found this one i was stuck! and its the first server i ever got a rank :D
I've ALWAYS liked pixel art and this takes it to the next level...3D! Sure at first i was doing what everyone (most new players) does, Building tiny one floor houses with hardly any detail XD. then one day I i went to make a truck, but the tire ended up being huge and I didn't have room for a truck so i made a Motorbike, in the process i was griefed a couple of times, and i was please that the operator who was on (Xeadin) was able to take care of it! that was one thing i like when i perma-joined this server! most everyone is friendly!! also the ranks are all helpful, whether you have a question, need water/lava, or need a grief fixed!

If anyone is just reading about these and deciding to join the opticraft community i definitely encourage you to!

Anyway here is that motorbike i was talking about :D

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